What is krepatura, what causes it and how to deal with it?

Let’s talk about the reasons for the appearance of krepatura? How does it manifest itself after training? And most importantly, how can you weaken it during classes and get rid of the consequences?

Everyone who is subjected to constant physical exertion is familiar with pain after exercise. Muscle pain is crepitus. It is a natural reaction of the body to increased stress and occurs in those moments when tissues adapt to new conditions.

The standard description of krepatura for someone who regularly visits the gym: after training, the state of health is completely normal, but the next day it is difficult to move due to severe pain.

At the same time, muscle strength and pain after injuries, for example, after sprains, should not be confused with each other.

How to get rid of krepatura: effective techniques

The unpleasantness of the sensations is that they do not disappear, even if you do a little warm-up and work out the problem muscles. Quite quickly, the pain returns with the same intensity. Most often, she accompanies the athlete immediately after class for a period of one to three days.

It is necessary to distinguish between muscle pain by variety. She may be:

  • natural – occurs when muscle fibers are torn during exercise;
  • delayed – appears after a few days and disappears only due to new workouts.

Pain can also be caused by an injury. It manifests itself acutely and after a couple of days does not weaken, as natural.

Causes of krepatura and ways to deal with it

  • Immediately after heavy loads, due to a lack of oxygen, recovery processes are launched. During them, lactic acid is synthesized, the blood rushes more actively to the muscles. And although this compound is then converted into glucose due to cleavage, in the process of its synthesis it provokes pain. This is the main factor that causes krepatura.

Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to deal with krepatura with the help of massage. It helps to “disperse” lactic acid, speed up the natural reactions taking place with its participation. Thus, the breakdown into glucose occurs faster, so that the pain in an accelerated manner begins to weaken and disappear altogether.

Is it possible to make sure that krepatura does not occur?

This process is considered natural and cannot be avoided at all. Because the absence of any pain whatsoever is a sign of ineffective training rather than correct. However, there are several ways to ease the pain that will inevitably come after heavy exertion:

  • be sure to warm up for 15-20 minutes;
  • having worked all the muscles;
  • drink water during and after training;
  • increase the load systematically;
  • after finishing training, stretch the muscles;

Eat right, without ceasing to enrich the body with vitamins and microelements, as well as proteins, fats and carbohydrates in balance in relation to each other.

It is necessary to act correctly, in accordance with an individual plan, in order to avoid excessive loads and injuries. This still won’t help get rid of crepitus, as it is a natural pain in the muscles.

This will prevent sprains and other injuries that can provoke much more acute, sharp and prolonged pain, as well as knock the athlete out of the working rhythm for a long time.

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