We found out from a specialist about the causes and consequences of necrosis, from which Arshavin’s ex-wife suffers.
Over the past several months, subscribers of the former wife of football player Andrei Arshavin Alisa Kazmina noticed that she was trying in every possible way to hide the changes in appearance, covering her face in the pictures with her hand. For a long time, users believed that Kazmina was hiding the consequences of an unsuccessful plastic surgery. However, in mid-January of this year, she finally broke the silence and said that autoimmune necrosis is to blame, which destroys cartilage, mucous and maxillofacial tissues. We decided to talk about this serious illness with the doctor Marina Astafieva1to learn about its causes, effects, and treatment.
Physician-therapist of the highest qualification category, maxillofacial surgeon, clinical psychologist, military doctor
Unfortunately, today doctors cannot help patients get rid of all diseases. Many diseases acquire a chronic course, that is, it is completely impossible to recover. But you can learn to live with them if you follow the prescriptions of specialists and abandon the inappropriate rhythm of life in order to achieve long-term remission (when the disease does not disturb the patient). This also applies to autoimmune diseases associated with a malfunction of the human immune system.
What is known about Alisa Kazmina’s illness? What does autoimmune necrosis mean?
– The disease is called McCune-Albright Syndrome2, that is, the polyosmal form of fibrous dysplasia. It represents a wide range of diseases leading to hyperactivity in target tissues and to a wide combination of disease signs that differ in severity and age of onset. These are very difficult patients: they often have relapses, and the treatment is carried out without a guarantee of the result.
What are the signs of the disease?
– A rare disease characterized by skeletal lesions, skin hyperpigmentation and hyperfunctioning endocrinopathies (diseases provoked by disruption of the endocrine glands). The resulting disease is a mosaic with a wide clinical spectrum: from an accidentally discovered finding on an X-ray to a serious illness leading to disability. Fibrous dysplasia can involve one or more bones and can occur in isolation or in combination with extraskeletal diseases (soft tissue malignancies).
Alisa Kazmina gained fame after becoming the wife of Andrei Arshavin “Data-v-16fc2d4a =” “height =” 572 ″ width = “458 ″>
What are the causes of autoimmune diseases?
– Until now, doctors do not understand why human immunity begins to react negatively to its own tissues, when lymphocytes take their proteins for foreign ones and, in fact, kill them. There are many reasons for this:
gene mutations;
physical impact (radiation, radiation);
infections that change tissue molecules to such an extent that the immune system attacks not only harmful pathogens, but also healthy cells;
taking certain medications (for example, for cancer);
other chronic diseases.
Diagnosis of immune diseases, as a rule, is not difficult. Autoimmune diseases can be identified by the presence of specific antibodies in the body. Women are more likely to develop autoimmune diseases than men. Perhaps hormonal factors influence this.
With regard to this situation: presumably the necrosis of bone tissue was caused by trauma and an associated infection (the possibility of the influence of plastic surgery is allowed) or a chronic infectious process.
How is it treated?
To date, necrosis itself is successfully treated with antibiotic therapy, followed by plastic surgery if necessary. But in this situation, necrosis is complicated by the autoimmune effect of the body, which aggravates the course of the disease and its treatment. Therefore, plastic in the case of Alice is out of the question.
To begin with, it is necessary to achieve a stable remission in the autoimmune manifestations of the body. And only then decide on the issue of plastic surgery.
Adequate and careful treatment of several specialists is necessary: an immunologist, an ENT doctor, a maxillofacial surgeon, a plastic surgeon. It is important to strictly follow all the instructions and appointments of specialists.
Mandatory mental balance (avoiding stress) and, of course, not undertaking self-treatment without first consulting doctors, as this will only prolong the disease and complicate treatment.
Information sources:
1. Marina Astafieva, therapist of the highest qualification category, maxillofacial surgeon, clinical psychologist, military doctor;