What is keratin hair straightening? Video
The modern beauty industry is developing very rapidly. The newest procedures aimed at improving and strengthening hair appear in the salons. One of them is keratin straightening, around which there are many conflicting rumors.
Hair straightening with keratin opinions
Keratin straightening – what is it?
Keratin straightening is promoted by hairdressers-stylists as the most useful and effective procedure for hair restoration. It is recommended to almost all girls, regardless of the structure and condition of the hair. Thanks to the special composition, the hair straightens, becomes silky and very shiny.
It is worth noting that keratin straightening will not ruin your hairstyle. On the contrary, thanks to the protein with the amino acid cystine, each hair gets additional protection. Keratin penetrates inside, filling the hair with the necessary microelements and giving it shine and elasticity.
Keratin straightening will help improve the condition of your hair. It lasts for about two months. The composition does not penetrate the scalp or blood, does not change the chemical composition of the growing curls. The product is simply washed off gradually
Hair restoration with keratin
When this procedure first appeared in salons, many girls expressed opinions and concerns about its dangers and believed that it was harmful to the hair. This information was supported by only one argument: this is the same procedure as chemistry, but aimed at straightening. However, this judgment is fundamentally wrong.
Keratin straightening does not contain any harmful substances (at least, dangerous for hair)
On the contrary, the procedure is aimed exclusively at recovery and has a curative cosmetic effect.
Keratin straightening has its additional advantages. Firstly, it contains mainly natural ingredients. Secondly, the hair after this procedure becomes more manageable, light, and shiny. Each hair “clogs up” and stops frizzing in wet weather. Your head will look well-groomed and beautiful. Thirdly, the procedure is suitable for very damaged hair after highlighting, chemistry or coloring. Overdried and injured curls will be quickly reanimated.
Keratin straightening technique
The effect of keratin straightening is highly dependent on the skill of the specialist and the materials used. It is best to carry out treatment with a trusted person: this way you are guaranteed to experience an unforgettable effect from the procedure. If this service is not provided in your usual place, ask your friends or read reviews on the Internet and select real professionals.
The procedure itself consists of several stages. First, the hair is washed thoroughly. Then the master, stepping back from the roots about a centimeter, applies a keratin composition to the wet curls, together with which they dry. After that, the straightening process takes place with irons. The whole procedure takes about three to four hours (depending on the length).
After recovery, it is better to use sulfate-free cosmetics. Most of these products are sold in specialized stores. However, you will not need them for three days. After the keratin procedure, pinning and washing your hair is prohibited.
However, some masters assure that after using a new generation of keratin products, such “exposure” is not required. Check with your specialist at the moment when registering for the procedure.
In addition to the novelty of the means used, specify what effect will be achieved. The fact is that some have a great rectifying effect, others are aimed at restoration, and hardly change the structure. Determine what you want to get “on the way out” so as not to be disappointed in the procedure.
Brazilian straightening and restoration
More often than others, you can find a Brazilian keratin procedure in salons. Its action is aimed at high-quality restoration of the hair structure. The curls will become obedient, soft, silky and very shiny.
The effect is achieved due to the exclusively natural composition of the products used. The molecules are firmly embedded in the hair and “seal” it. After the procedure, your hair will be reliably protected from adverse environmental factors: exhaust gases, tobacco, aggressive sunlight, dust. But beware: the Brazilian procedure changes the structure of the hair, straightening it as much as possible.
What is keratin hair straightening?
The mythology of keratin straightening
There are a lot of rumors and myths around keratin restoration and hair straightening to this day. Many of them unreasonably damage the reputation of a useful and effective procedure. For example, some people confidently claim that keratin makes hair dry and coarse. However, this can happen only in two cases: if the master regretted the funds / missed the hair and began to straighten it with a hot iron or when using a poor-quality composition. Therefore, it is necessary to first clarify all the details of the procedure and go only to a trusted person.
Also, small “enticements” of some salons, which promise an effect up to six months, also badly affect the reputation of the procedure. Unfortunately, this does not happen.
After the first procedure, the composition on the hair will last for a maximum of two months, and then it will gradually wash off.
Some fear that the straightening procedure will deprive them of the opportunity to make beautiful curls whenever they want. This is not entirely true. You can easily wind the curls, and they will hold perfectly. But only until the first moisture. If the weather is cloudy, the curls will quickly lose their elasticity and straighten.