What is kefir? Discover its benefits and properties
Without a doubt, if we have to choose a superfood that is sweeping its success, that is kefir, a fermented milk drink with numerous benefits for your health.
We all had to take probiotics sometime, either due to diarrhea, candidiasis, or any type of illness that involves taking an antibiotic. Generally, probiotics are usually sent in pills that you can find in any pharmacy, but what if we tell you that you have all-natural options?
Kefir, like fermented milk drink, it has a lot of live microorganisms that provide a good number of benefits for your health. Like miso or kombucha, kefir has more and more fans. If you have not tried it yet, or you are not sure whether or not to trust this delicious drink, keep reading!
Kefir benefits and properties
As we have already mentioned, kefir is a fermented drink made from milk, which means that it is a great probiotic for anyone who needs to restore their bacterial flora.
Each filtering bag benefits Kefir are countless, but let’s start with a fact that will interest you if you are lactose intolerant. The function of the microorganisms that make up kefir is predigested milk, something that creates a lacto-alcoholic fermentation which reduces the amounts of lactose to convert it into lactic acid. Translation? The amounts of lactose are minimal and that makes it a drink suitable for everyone.
Apart from this point in favor of kefir, another of the benefits that characterize this drink is its ability to prevent and relieve digestive discomfort thanks to its laxative or astringent properties, depending on the fermentation time.
In addition, kefir has the peculiarity of help us digest macronutrients faster and better so that, not only allows the stomach to assimilate them much better, but also favors a better synthesis of vitamins.
How to make kefir at home?
After revealing all the benefits of this fermented drink, we could not stop explaining how you can make your own homemade kefir. Making kefir is a simple and rewarding activity. Are you interested in knowing how to do it?
The first thing you need to make kefir drink are the kefir nodules. These resemble grains of rice, with a white color and a sour aroma. Kefir nodules are difficult to find to buy, however, if you know someone who is already making this drink you can ask them to give you one of theirs, since each time a new batch of kefir is prepared, new nodules are obtained . You can also find them online, since there are people who give them away.
Others utensils you will need For the realization of this magical concoction they will be: a glass jar, a napkin, a rubber band, a strainer, another jar and fresh milk. Depending on how you prefer the resulting kefir, you can choose whole, semi-skimmed or skimmed milk, being thicker if you choose the first and more liquid if you use the last. An important fact! In this process you must maintain the hygiene of the utensils to the maximum, and avoid the use of metallic elements as much as possible.
We are ready! Now there is only put the nodules in the milk, cover the glass jar with the napkin and the rubber band to breathe and let it ferment in a dark and dry drawer or cupboard during 24-48 horas. After this, you can strain your drink and start enjoying of your delicious homemade kefir. Don’t forget to wash the nodules and save them for the next fermentation.
Now you have no excuse, you already know all the benefits that this natural probiotic can bring you, as well as how to do it in your own home, do you dare to try it?