What is kaizen and how to apply this method in practice

The success of any company largely depends on competent production. To establish it, you need to constantly optimize processes at all business levels. How the kaizen methodology helps in this – in the material of Trends

Kaizen is one of the key management concepts, which is based on the continuous improvement of all production processes.

Initially, this concept arose in Japan and meant the constant and comprehensive development of both a person, his public and private life, and labor processes. Kaizen entered the business world after World War II, when Japanese companies began to implement this philosophy in order to increase production efficiency.

The main elements of the concept of kaizen

  • Teamwork. Employees must work together for a common goal. It is necessary to help colleagues and the company: it implies the exchange of information, advanced training, training and meeting deadlines.
  • Personal discipline. One of the most important elements that ensure success in any business. Self-discipline includes time management, quality control of the work done and meeting deadlines.
  • moral spirit. It is important for employees at the enterprise to maintain an active attitude and keep their morale in good shape. Therefore, management is obliged to motivate employees for results, that is, to create good conditions for productive work and provide employees with everything necessary.
  • Brainstorm groups. At the enterprise, it is necessary to organize groups that will include employees of different levels to exchange ideas and skills. Such a brainstorm allows employees to evaluate their achievements and set new goals for improving the result.
  • Bank of ideas for improvement. Each employee of the enterprise, regardless of position, can make suggestions, and the task of management is to consider these proposals, no matter how absurd they may be at first glance.

The main idea of ​​kaizen is lean production, that is, the elimination of processes that lead to losses (overproduction, useless mechanisms, etc.), optimization of the work of each employee and emphasis on the needs of the consumer. This remotely intersects with the so-called “Pareto rule” (according to which 20% of efforts bring 80% of the result and vice versa), as well as with the Western agile development methodology (which also needs to be correctly applied in Russian companies).

The concept of kaizen includes five basic principles or 5S:

In addition, there is the concept of “gemba kaizen”, which implies decision-making at the place of the work process or the occurrence of problems and their regulation.

Kaizen in action

For the first time in practice, kaizen was applied by a number of Japanese companies, including the automobile manufacturer Toyota. The experience was positive, and the concept spread around the world. The German company Siemens has also introduced kaizen into production. Today, Japanese philosophy is applied in many foreign enterprises. There is even an institute for the study of kaizen.

In our country, this concept is not very common, but some domestic companies have also already introduced it into production – these are, for example, Lukoil, Alrosa, GAZ, Baltika, KAMAZ, Rosatomstroy, Hydrosila, Bank “Union”.

Stanislav Parfenov, director of service support, outsourcing solutions and IT, Konica Minolta Business Solutions Russia:

“The main concept of the kaizen philosophy is continuous improvement, which can be achieved through the growth of customer satisfaction: this is what all promoted values ​​and principles are aimed at. However, the concept is focused not only on the final result, but also on each of the internal processes.

It was this goal that formed the basis for the implementation of kaizen at Konica Minolta: we are focused on the consumer, but at the same time we pay great attention to the work of employees – and through the improvement of processes we come to an improvement in the result.

For example, according to kaizen, each employee must be aware of the importance of their work, understand learning opportunities and the principles of incentives. We motivate staff to offer their ideas – they lead to increased efficiency and reduce both time and cost. Such offers are well-rewarded.

At the same time, we strive to maintain a balance between Western and Eastern approaches to methodology. For example, in our opinion, when implementing it, it is more important to use leadership as opposed to formalism – when the leader proves his position not by nominal power and a “sign on the door”, but by knowledge and personal example of decisions made.

Customer focus, the importance of staff and the key role of leadership, as well as an overall focus on both results and process, all work together to drive innovation. Kaizen, by the way, is suitable not only for improving processes in manufacturing enterprises, but can also form the basis of various agile development methodologies. For example, the practices of Japanese enterprises, in particular the principles of kaizen, could be the basis of the Scrum methodology in the direction of PDCA cycles (Plan-Do-Check-Act – planning, action, verification, adjustment). The essence of the approach lies in the constant analysis of processes to reduce the number of errors.

How did you decide to apply kaizen in our country? Is it possible to optimize production processes with this methodology here and why?

our country is located at the crossroads of East and West, and therefore, historically, our country adopts the most successful practices from both sides, combining and adapting them.

For example, Eastern management focuses more on the process, while Western management focuses more on the result. In practice, the achievement of the latter occurs through the improvement of the former.

Or another example: in the East, gradual development is accepted, while in the West, it is most often welcomed when the result is achieved as a result of stepwise improvement. However, in practice, constant small steps can lead to rapid growth. And even after rapid growth, a business can return to a plateau of development.

There are also different approaches to the team: in the East, the emphasis is on mutual assistance, while in the West, individualism and development through competition come to the fore. And again, in practice, the best solution is a combination of the most successful ideas: the concept of joint well-coordinated work and mutual support with a healthy desire to improve a single individual.

Kaizen can become more popular in our country, as it is based on the careful use of resources, and this has always been very important for our country.

Today, in the context of the need to restore the economy, the relevance of the concept has increased. It is the rational use of resources and the right motivation of the staff that will help Russian companies remain competitive in the long term, even in the most difficult conditions.

At the same time, a careful attitude to resources is not only a local, but also a global trend: rational consumption is now welcomed all over the world. And we are talking here not only about external, but also about the internal resources of the person himself.

What to read on the topic of kaizen

  • Masaaki Imai Kaizen. The key to the success of Japanese companies”
  • Shigeo Shingo “Quick Changeover for Workers”
  • James Womack and Daniel Jones Lean Manufacturing. How to get rid of losses and achieve prosperity for your company
  • Robert Maurer “The Kaizen Way”

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