What is it for – will you recognize these medical tools? You have certainly come across many of them

In order to check the condition of our health, diagnose a disease or cure it, a modern doctor uses a lot of tools and devices. Each of us has experienced it the hard way. To the layman, some of these aids seem quite strange, as are their names. Nevertheless, it is worth knowing what they are for – for better well-being. How is it with you? How much do you recognize medical tools? Our quiz will show you.

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1. This photo shows:

Photo: Shutterstock
Rynoskop Next question
Nasal ENT speculum. It allows you to undergo diagnostics, among others the bottom of the nose and the top of the nasal cavity.

2. This color template is used for:

Photo: Shutterstock
Detect traces of drugs in the blood
Research on the ability to recognize colors
Urine test strip reading
Urine test strip reading Next question
Using the diagnostic strips, you can pre-determine the content of some components in the urine (including protein, glucose, the presence of white or red blood cells). The test result can be read from the template on the packaging.

3. It is associated primarily with a neurologist and the nervous system:

Photo: Shutterstock
Neurological hammer
Hatchet to open the skull during surgery
Hammer for testing the level of pain tolerance
Neurological hammer Next question
A neurological hammer is the basic equipment of a neurologist, it is also often used by internists and paediatricians. Reflexes are examined with their help, and possible disturbances allow for early diagnosis of many diseases of the nervous and muscular systems. The photo shows the Taylor neurological hammer, the so-called “tomahawk”. Designed in 1888

4. One of the most important tools used in a gynecological office:

Photo: Shutterstock
Gynecological scraper
Uterine dilator
Speculum Next question
Using a gynecological speculum, your doctor can carefully examine the inside of the vagina and the cervix.

5. These syringes are used for:

Photo: Shutterstock
Taking blood counts and administering most medications
Insulin administration
Capillary blood collection
Insulin administration Next question
Insulin syringes are primarily used by people suffering from diabetes, enabling them to inject insulin (this is the traditional, oldest method of administering this hormone).

6. These distinctive glasses are used for:

Photo: Shutterstock
Strabismus diagnosis
Field of view studies
Choosing the right power of corrective lenses
Choosing the right power of corrective lenses Next question
These are the so-called trial frames. With their help, an eye refraction test is performed. It allows you to determine which distance and near glasses will be most suitable for a given patient.

7. Pregnant women deal with it:

Photo: Shutterstock
Device for testing the length of the fetus
Pelvimetr Next question
Also known as a pelvic meter (it is used to indirectly measure the outer diameter of the pelvis). With its help, it is possible to assess whether a woman can give birth to a child via natural means, but also to determine the likely course of delivery and possible qualification for a cesarean section.

8. It allows you to determine the size and shape of internal organs:

Photo: Shutterstock
Probe for computed tomography
Magnetic resonance imaging device of the neck
Ultrasound head
Ultrasound head Next question
Ultrasonography (USG) is one of the most basic diagnostic tests. They are performed, among others in order to assess the patient’s condition and make decisions about further treatment. The ultrasound image shows not only the organs themselves, but also tumors, neoplastic changes, fibroids, and also the fetus. Depending on the shape, the ultrasound heads provide a different field of view of the selected area of ​​the body, they can also have a different frequency.

9. They are commonly used to hold gauze and dressing materials. It is about:

Photo: Shutterstock
Tissue forceps
Window forceps
Pean forceps
Window forceps Next question
Window forceps are used to support dressing materials during surgical and outpatient procedures. In addition to surgery, they are also used, inter alia, in in gynecology or obstetrics.

10. This characteristic “tube” is:

Photo: Shutterstock
Vacuum blood collection kit
Urological catheter
Vascular catheter
Urological catheter Next question
It is used in people who have undergone surgeries or procedures to drain urine from the bladder. The photo shows the Foley catheter.

11. Such a set is used for:

Photo: Shutterstock
Drip connections
Rectal enema (enemas)
Drip connections Next question
Kit for connecting the drip. Thanks to it, the patient is administered (intravenously) fluids containing various substances, incl. drugs, nutrients (e.g. glucose), saline.

12. These strange forceps are:

Photo: Shutterstock
Bone ripper
Wound dilator
Intestinal clamp
Wound dilator Next question
Retractors are necessary to expose deeper layers of tissue during surgery. The photo shows the Weitlaner wound retractor.
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