what is it, causes of occurrence, advice of a psychologist

😉 Hello friends! Thank you for choosing the article “Mobbing: what is it and how to deal with it.”

What is mobbing

I confess that I have never heard the word “mobbing” before. So I decided to figure out what’s what, and now I’ll share with you.

In English, “mob” is an aggressive crowd. Mobbing is a form of psychological terror (bullying, humiliation) of an employee in a team. This phenomenon is by no means uncommon. According to statistics, in every office there is a kind of “scapegoat” who is humiliated, offended, with the goal, as a rule, to survive from the team.

Schoolchildren and students also keep up with adults. Bullying in educational institutions is bullying (from English bully – to intimidate).

Mobbing reasons

More often than not, this is common envy – someone gets more than you. Although it works, as it seems to you, on a par with you, and performs the same duties, and spends the same amount of time. Or – a person said something that affected the interests of a group of people.

Here anything can go into action – “accidentally” spilled tea on documents, gossip, complaints to the authorities and openly expressed doubts about your professional suitability …

Colleagues can notify the manager that you often go away on personal matters, conduct unofficial conversations on personal matters, and in general, you are a quarrelsome person and a bad employee. All attempts to justify themselves before the authorities will be followed by the answer: “There is no smoke without fire.”

what is it, causes of occurrence, advice of a psychologist

The boss himself can play the role of a “rotten”, that is, a mobber, and this is the worst of all. Fighting him alone is not only difficult, but sometimes impossible if you do not have a high patron.

Consequences of collective bullying

No matter how strong a person you are, you will be visited by lack of confidence in your abilities, lack of interest in work, or even something more serious – for example, chronic stress or nervous exhaustion.

But psychologists say that coworkers don’t always want to get rid of you. First, with your departure, there will be no one to blame for flaws in work and difficulties in solving problems. And secondly, for some, scoffing and scandalizing the “whipping girl” is entertainment that can brighten up dull working days.

If you do not see a single benevolent person among your colleagues, and if your position is not the ultimate dream, leave with your head held high!

But if you have a fighting character, coupled with ambition, besides, you like the job and you want to build a career, do not rush to quit. Stay behind and start offensive.

How to deal with mobbing

First, outline the circle of instigators who are most hostile to you and initiate the bullying. Estimate their weight. Try to find out what caused the dislike for you. So you will find out who your main enemy or enemies are.

Pay attention to the question that each of the ardent ill-wishers will be given your dismissal or discrediting. Perhaps the problem is not worth a damn and everything will be decided by a frank conversation, heart to heart.

Think about why these people disliked you, but they communicate with the rest quite friendly. Take a closer look at yourself: maybe something is wrong with you. Psychologists say that we ourselves create those who humiliate us …

Talk frankly with your boss if he is not aware of the current unhealthy atmosphere. But act delicately, remembering that no one likes snitches. Ask him to arrange a meeting of employees where you need to discuss all pressing issues and decide how to normalize the situation.

It is unlikely that all colleagues are so negative about you. Surely there are sympathizers and those who adhere to a neutral position. Let it be something like a support group, and try to get these people on your side.

Never give a reason to doubt your professionalism! Do not add fuel to the fire of criticism of opponents. Do not make mistakes, create a reputation for yourself, if not ideal, then quite reliable competent specialist.

The last thing is to take revenge on the offenders, insulting them and responding with meanness to rudeness. Do not get carried away with complaints about enemies to your boss. He is unlikely to want to be branded as an illiterate leader who does not know how to put things in order in the team. As a result, everyone can get it – both the right and the wrong.

And the last thing: try to take with humor the “jabs” from the “attacker”.

😉 What do you think about this? Share some personal advice on Mobbing: What It Is and How to Deal With It. Until next time on this site!

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