what is it and where is it used

😉 Greetings to my regular and new readers! Profiling: what is it and where is it used? The article provides a complete answer to the question. Hope you find this information useful.

What is profiling

This is a personality profiling technique. It was developed by forensic psychologists. Thanks to profiling, they made portraits of unknown suspects about whom it is impossible to obtain objective information. Later, the scope of application of profiling expanded significantly.

Initially, this technique was a complex of psychoanalytic tests. They are based on the study of appearance, non-verbal characteristics of behavior, verbal characteristics of the people under study.

what is it and where is it used

Later, an interview with the purpose of analyzing non-verbal and verbal behavior, observation of an object were included in the complex profiling technology. Then other, more complex socio-psychological techniques.

The profiler is an expert at detecting lies. He can predict a person’s behavior by analyzing his actions, facial expressions, gestures and the way he speaks.

Areas of use:

Forensic science

Until now, forensic psychologists use profiling to create a psychological portrait when it is necessary to search for an unknown criminal. Or for the purpose of identifying the dead victims. When creating a search profile, all available information about the person of interest is investigated and analyzed. Then conclusions are drawn.

Recently, a test type of personality profiling is often used – a non-instrumental lie detector. Unlike instrumental techniques, a conversation with an object of research and subsequent analysis of his reflex reactions. Gives more objective information about the sincerity of the researcher.

what is it and where is it used

Investigators use profiling technologies to predict the behavior of suspects and potential criminals. This helps prevent many crimes.


This technique is used by large transport and airlines to identify potentially dangerous persons. This prevents acts of terrorism or other crimes that threaten the life and health of large numbers of people.

Within the framework of anti-terrorist programs, a highly specialized technique was developed – ethnic profiling. This method is based on the connection between the nationality of the individual and his propensity to commit crimes.

Many experts consider this type of profiling to be incorrect. But when predicting crimes, the national factor is still taken into account in the context of interethnic disagreements and conflicts.

HR policy

Profiling is successfully applied in the course of internal investigations and analytical examinations. Other methods, such as interrogations or forensic examinations, are not available to corporate administrators. And the solution of intra-corporate conflicts and problems with the help of criminologists is not always justified.

Large corporations use its technology in recruiting. Recruiters believe that it is difficult for an interview to get complete information about an applicant, since he will not be sincere for various reasons.

The use of face profiling technology not only provides more complete information about the future employees of the company, but also saves money. Using the methodology, one can avoid using such costly measures as a probationary period, and reduce the number of internal corporate fines.

This makes it possible to select a close-knit team in advance. After all, personality profiling makes it possible to determine the possible features of collective interpersonal relations.

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