what is it and how not to get there, video

🙂 Greetings to new and regular readers of the site! In the article “A sect: what is it and how not to get there” – the characteristic features of society and videos on the topic.

Friends, a normal person associates the word “sect” with something bad and dangerous. Such ideas are quite natural, because the official church and the media constantly warn us against contacts with such organizations.

More than once, law enforcement agencies exposed modern false prophets who lured huge amounts of money from their followers, forced them to sell apartments and businesses.

What is a sect

What does the word “sect” mean?

This word has Latin roots and is translated as “path, school, follow”. In Russian it is a synonym for the words “sector”, “section”, “cut off”. That is, it is something separate, independent, with its own norms and orders.

Sect: what is it (video)

Edu: Why do people join sects

However, when people use the word “sect” they mean precisely a religious organization. We don’t say, “I go to a basketball or dance sect.” But based on the etymology of this word, such an expression would also be correct.

This is a union around a religious idea, teaching. If you look at it, the Christian, and any other church at the dawn of its inception was also a sect.

If a new branch departs from something old and traditional (for example, Protestants from Catholics), this movement is immediately called schismatics and sectarians. But this is not always true. Many people define the concept of “sect” as all dissidents and capable of looking at life in a new way.

It is wrong to call everyone in a row cultists and run away from them like the plague. Let’s see what characteristic features a real sect has. The main one is totalitarianism, in other words, complete all-encompassing control over the lives of its members.

Let’s remember the regimes of Hitler and Stalin – the impression is that the whole country was one huge sect.

Totalitarian societies are not necessarily based on religion. They can be political, social, commercial, or even sexual in nature. Such groups are led by charismatic leaders who have mastered the psychological foundations of influencing the masses.

All other members are ordinary fanatics, easily susceptible to suggestion. Leaders themselves can also be fans of their ideas. However, they are vain and selfish, therefore they crave blind obedience and worship. Usually these are people with high intelligence, but often they are also mentally ill.

Characteristic features of the sect

  • a bright, charismatic leader (preferably alive) who is deified;
  • complete control over the life of the participants. People cannot make decisions and do anything on their own without the approval of a leader;
  • collective thinking, lack of analysis, rejection of alternatives and criticism. Adepts believe that their idea is the only correct one. They do not respect other people’s worldviews;
  • personality deformation with the help of psychotechnics, hypnosis, and often drugs;
  • authoritarian treatment of participants, humiliation of their dignity, moral “crush”;
  • obsessive intensive campaigning for the purpose of recruiting new members.

This sect is a threat to the health and life of its followers. People are protected from the outside world, made of them puppets and slaves. But most of these groups are short-lived, they exist until their creator or his close associates dies.

How not to get into a sect and who is at risk?

Who is at risk? We can safely say – everyone who is dissatisfied with their life, who has health problems, in the family or at work. A person living in harmony with himself and with the outside world will never join such organizations.

what is it and how not to get there, video

Only desperate people go there, they go in the hope of finding understanding and consolation, help and support. As a result, they remain deceived and broken morally.

The most offensive delusion is that when a person enters a sect, it seems to him that he has taken the path of healing and enlightenment. He feels like he is literally swallowed up by the flow of love and harmony. How light penetrates into his soul and heals it from deep wounds.

This pseudo-love and pseudo-harmony draws in a person imperceptibly and he can no longer perceive the world adequately. On this wave, people commit the most stupid things, sell property, refuse the benefits of civilization and even their relatives. Be careful!

In the next article, we will figure out what to do if your loved one fell into a sect and how to get him out of there.

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