What is isolation and what is quarantine? Interview with Monika Tomaszewska, PhD in health sciences [EXPLAINED]

So far, no coronavirus infection has been confirmed in Poland, but today Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki ordered voivodes to introduce increased readiness of hospitals throughout the country. What are the preparations of health care facilities like? Which patients are recommended for isolation and for whom quarantine? We are talking with Monika Tomaszewska, PhD about health from the LUX MED Group

Aleksandra Lipiec, MedTvoiLokony: In the context of the epidemiological situation related to the coronavirus, two concepts appear: isolation and quarantine. They are not the same. What’s the difference?

Dr. Monika Tomaszewska: Quarantine concerns healthy persons as explained in the statutory definition. It is carried out in order to reduce the risk of the spread of infection. It is recommended for those who may have come into contact with the pathogen. On the other hand, isolation concerns a sick or suspected person, and often takes place in a hospital. Self-observation, possibly home quarantine, is recommended for those returning from risk countries where the coronavirus occurs, if they do not have any symptoms.

Who should quarantine?

The Chief Sanitary Inspector recommends that every person returning from China or another country affected by the epidemic call the poviat sanitary and epidemiological station, because it is an institution that then supervises such a person. An interview is carried out in the health care center. If nothing happens, an employee of the Sanitary Inspectorate recommends staying at home (quarantine). If no symptoms occur within 14 days, the period of self-monitoring is over. When symptoms appear, the patient goes to an infectious disease hospital. County sanitary and epidemiological stations constantly cooperate with hospitals in this area.

What if the patient comes to an ordinary hospital or health care facility?

If a patient came to the facility who had a history of symptoms and fulfills the so-called epidemiological criteria, i.e. he returned from a country indicated as a high-risk country, the staff of the facility is obliged to immediately inform the poviat sanitary and epidemiological station of this fact.

What is insulation in practice?

Apply different models of isolation, depending on the routes of spread of the infection and the duration of exposure. But the basic elements of the insulation are always the same. There must be a protective element that is an obligatory element of the outfit: a protective apron, gloves, mask or coverall. There are some patterns. In the case of new developments, additional guidelines may appear in addition to the existing ones. This current coronavirus is new, although already reasonably well understood. Yesterday new ones appeared ECDC recommendations on security features.

What are the preparations for the appearance of the coronavirus in Poland?

In our facilities, the preparation consists in securing personal protective equipment, educating staff, updating the algorithms of conduct for doctors, nurses and non-medical workers. Hotlines (medical, non-medical), teleconferences, telemedicine solutions are perfect in such situations. Commitment to the topic is 200% We exchange experiences, what to improve, what to change. We need to monitor disinfectants more than usual because we know we will need more. The ministry launched reserves, so in this respect, at the moment, there is security for medical entities. We control the situation.

Do healthcare professionals have concerns about the challenge they face?

The more we know, the less we fear. Knowledge is an essential element of effective supervision. Today, the media has a great responsibility, which should provide reliable information and not increase fear unnecessarily. In such situations, everyone should play to the same goal. Proven, confirmed information makes people look at this problem a little differently. Medical workers are professionals – in such situations, we always act in accordance with the current medical knowledge and procedures.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Who gets sick first? Dr. med. Paweł Grzesiowski about the coronavirus epidemic in Poland
  2. Coronavirus. Is Poland ready for an epidemic?
  3. Coronavirus vaccine is developed. First tests soon

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