What is iq and what is the average of a normal person?

Good day to all! In the process of self-development, it sometimes becomes interesting to learn more about your capabilities and features. IQ tests just help to determine what is well developed and what should be paid more attention to. And today we will just talk about what it is like, aikyu of a normal person, because sometimes a high result does not indicate that life is beautiful and easy.

iq definition

The iq level indicates which areas of thinking a person predominates, and not the level of his erudition. Therefore, when achieving success, the most important thing is motivation and internal resources, on which it becomes possible to rely on stressful and adverse situations. Usually the IQ depends on heredity. But if you practice regularly, it can be significantly increased. It is believed that the peak of the best indicator is 26 years of age, then the level gradually decreases, especially if a person does not keep himself in good shape. Therefore, it is very important to read books, solve problems and not give up in the face of difficulties, arranging a brainstorm for creative solutions.

The best way to check it is the Eysenck test, but keep in mind that it is the first result that will be true. Therefore, you should not chase a high indicator, and constantly double-check yourself. Also quite reliable are the tests of Cattell, Raven, Wexler and Amthauer.

Decoding values

What is iq and what is the average of a normal person?

  • From 130 and above — this is the largest indicator, and such people can be called geniuses. But, unfortunately, there is also the other side of genius. Such a person, for example, can easily perform complex mathematical calculations in a matter of seconds, but at the same time does not know how to determine his desires, or simply cook food. There are only 2% of people in the world with this level of intelligence, including Nicole Kidman and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  • From 111 to 130 — above average. Such people have the highest score in all subjects at the University, easily master the material and achieve success in science, medicine, politics, business … Sometimes they themselves are surprised at how much energy and interest in knowledge they have. They are indefatigable and never stop growing.
  • From 91 to 110 — and there is an average level that a quarter of the world’s population has.
  • From 81 to 90 — below average, if they are not engaged in self-development, then they do not achieve any colossal successes, occupying the niche of an employee who does not stand out for his abilities and achievements.
  • From 75 to 80 — an indicator of mental retardation in a mild degree. They are able to learn and work on a par with other people who have higher aikyu.
  • From 51 to 74 — they study in specialized institutions, but are full members of society, are responsible for their actions and are able to take care of themselves.
  • From 21 to 50 — dementia, usually under care, but able to take care of themselves.
  • From 0 to 20 — only 0,2% in the world, they are not capable of either learning or independence. They have no idea what this world is like, what they are, all attention is directed deep into themselves.


I hope you were able to find the answer to the question of what is the level of aikyu and what indicator is normal, and no matter what results you get, remember that it is important to always be in good shape. I recommend reading my article on why to read books, here at this link. Subscribe to my blog to be aware of new information!

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  1. လူတစ်ယောက်မှာအမြင်ဆုံးIQဘယ်လောက်ရှိလဲ

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