Is it possible to eat during fasting so that the body receives all the vitamins it needs? Alla Shilina, a nutritionist, an endocrinologist of the highest category, an expert of the Herbalife brand and the TV programs “Test purchase” and “Doctors”, answered this question especially for
Refusal of food of animal origin is practiced in almost all religions. And for good reason. Plant products have a beneficial effect on health: they help to lower cholesterol levels, stimulate the elimination of under-oxidized substances, improve the condition of the intestinal flora, and are a good prevention of atherosclerosis. So fasting will not only harm a healthy person, but it can also be beneficial. But people with various diseases, especially the gastrointestinal tract, need to be careful and be sure to consult a doctor.
It is not recommended to fast with diabetes mellitus, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as during the recovery period after a serious illness or after a serious psychological trauma. Traditionally, the church relieves pregnant and lactating women, children, as well as those who are on the road or engaged in heavy physical labor from restrictions.
Where to look for vitamins?
There is a certain sense in the fact that Great Lent falls precisely in the spring. Over the long months of storage, fruits and vegetables have partially lost their vitamin value, and in order to supply the body with the necessary portion of vitamins, more of them are required. This is achieved by avoiding food of animal origin and increasing the diet of plant foods. But still, this does not help to get the required amount of nutrients. Therefore, during the fast, it is useful to supplement the diet with vitamins and dietary supplements.
1. An adult needs about 80 grams of protein daily. Therefore, protein-rich cereals, nuts, beans, peas, lentils, mushrooms and soy products should regularly appear on the table during fasting.
2. It is advisable to eat four to five times a day, this will avoid an acute feeling of hunger, which makes it impossible to control your appetite and the amount eaten.
3. It is important to ensure that the daily calorie intake remains at the usual level, for an adult it is about 2000 kcal per day.
4. When cooking vegetables, be sure to cover them with a lid and pour a minimum of water. And as soon as they are ready, immediately remove them from the broth, this will maximize their vitamin value.
5. A lot of nutrients pass into the water in which vegetables were cooked, so do not pour it out, but rather use it for making sauces and gravies, add to soups and main courses.
After lengthy food restrictions, all believers are looking forward to Easter with understandable impatience, when they can heartily eat everything that has been banned for seven weeks. While settling down at the festive table, do not forget about gradualism and moderation – the main commandments of the correct exit from fasting. After all, the body for several weeks did not feel the need to produce certain enzymes necessary for the digestion of animal products. Metabolism has changed over such a long time, and it takes time to return to the usual rhythm.