What is HYIP on the Internet: explanation and video

😉 Greetings to subscribers and visitors of the site! This article is about what HYIP is and why you should stay away from it. Is it possible to prosecute the creator of the hype who went bankrupt? Explanation in simple words: who is a hyper, what is hype, hyip and hype.

In times of crisis and social uncertainty, people are desperately looking for additional ways to earn money. The world wide web becomes their assistant (but most often the enemy!).

In recent years, highly profitable projects on the Internet have sprung up like mushrooms after rain. It is very difficult not to be tempted by such offers. Still, because they sometimes lure depositors with just cosmic interest. Clients are promised income from hundreds to thousands per annum.

What is HYIP in simple words

Hype is in other words a financial pyramid, which is formed exclusively from the money of its participants. Payments to all “investors” are made at the expense of other members of the pyramid. There is no real activity behind these projects.

This money does not flow into the business, is not used in trading or other profitable pursuits. Naturally, after a while, HYIPs declare bankruptcy or, in general, disappear without a trace. And then the money invested cannot be returned. This is a scam for money or a scam.

What is HYIP on the Internet: explanation and video

The financial pyramid can last from several months to a year. Many of these projects only live for a few weeks. But how to guess how long this or that project will live? You know? Me neither.

According to statistics, in Russia alone, gullible citizens annually lose about 2 billion rubles due to HYIPs. Many fooled clients ask themselves the question, is it possible to prosecute the creator of the hype, who one fine day deceived everyone and ran away with the money?

It is theoretically possible, but in practice it is extremely difficult. However, financial pyramids are not prohibited by law, otherwise there would not be so many of them. In addition, when registering in such projects, the user puts a virtual signature under its terms.

And they just say that the creators do not bear any responsibility for the further fate of the pyramid. That is, if the project closes, blame yourself, you yourself signed up and waived all claims.

What motivates people to invest in HYIPs?

First, as mentioned above, poverty and despair. Of course, a completely beggar will not be able to invest anything anywhere, but most investors give either their last money or capital, the loss of which will significantly hit their pockets.

People do not see other ways to improve their lives, do not believe in their success, do not have the opportunity to earn in a normal way.

The second reason is inexperience and gullibility. Money does not fall from the sky, it must be obtained by mental or physical labor. Rarely does anyone manage to get an unexpected inheritance or win a million in the lottery.

Unfortunately (or fortunately), hype is not a magic wand or a generous cornucopia. Everything is too fabulous and tempting, but this does not happen in life.

Some freelancers argue that you can invest wisely even in HYIPs. It is necessary to select several “young” projects, study them, and then distribute the funds equally. If one is “covered”, the losses will be covered by the other.

This strategy is not bad, but nobody can predict how all these projects will behave. Is your initial capital really safe and is it worth the risk for the dubious net profit gain? I think not!

You can earn the same amount of money if you invest your capital in a more reliable business. But this only takes time, patience and work. HYIPs are for the lazy who believe in magical ways of getting rich.

But isn’t a person of high intelligence able to achieve success through desire and intelligence? We hope that after reading this article, many readers will no longer want to invest in such projects. Be vigilant and don’t waste money!

Vocabulary by topic

What is HYIP on the Internet: explanation and video

  • HYIP – an abbreviation for High Yield Investment Program – supposedly a highly profitable investment project, but also a high-risk one;
  • hyper – a person who catches popularity on any topic;
  • hype – to promote, advertise, PR, unwind and raise a buzz around someone or something;
  • hypanut means to make a splash, to become famous in something;
  • hype – in youth slang, fashionable, “in the subject”, popular;
  • hyping – investing personal funds in a project that plans to attract other users who will invest money after you. You receive income according to the “pyramid” scheme.


In this video, more information on “What is HYIP on the Internet”

What is Hype? HYIP Projects and Financial Pyramids

Friends, I hope that from this article you understand what hype is on the Internet. This information will help you bypass the pyramid scheme and scammers. 🙂 Until next time, come in!

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