What is hidden in our hair?

After ending a relationship, women rush to change their hairstyle. Psychologists believe that this far from always conscious choice can tell a lot about our character or lifestyle. What is the reason for the desire to update the haircut or hair color when changes occur in our lives? And how does our image affect the opinions of others about our personal qualities?

Hair allows us to express ourselves, to change, to stand out or, conversely, invisible. Have you ever wondered why, having survived a breakup with loved ones, many women cut their hair? “So they are trying to get rid of the attribute of femininity that led them to suffering,” says psychotherapist Gloria Rossi. But not everything is so simple. It is known that all experiences and illnesses are reflected on the hair shaft.

In this sense, hair can be compared to a tree trunk, on which the year of life is marked with circles. And the worse this year was, the thinner the circle. It was the analysis of Napoleon’s hair that helped scientists prove that he was poisoned with arsenic.

Our hair is affected by periods of stress and happiness, improper and nutritious nutrition, and other circumstances of life. Therefore, at the end of a difficult stage, many cut their hair short. This is the desire to get rid of the burden of memories, to “cut off” unpleasant information along with the hair.

Hair as a catalyst for change

The desire to change the length or color of the hair does not always arise as a result of a tragedy. “We believe that since we ourselves can change so quickly, we can easily take control of our lives,” explains psychoanalyst Isabelle Korolitsky. Trying on a different image, girls and women feel more confident.

And a new hairstyle can also emphasize facets of character that had previously remained in the shadows! A skilled master knows how to make a client more feminine, strict or, conversely, frivolous. A successful result will give not only joy, but also a sense of harmony. Conversely, when expectations are not met, it can lower self-esteem. Therefore, we are so persistently looking for “our” master.

Hair and age

We decide on the first experiments with hair in our youth. And most often they are “too much”: radical colors, dreadlocks… Usually the rebellious period ends when career building issues come to the fore. Those who retain teenage habits for a long time may experience difficulties in their professional and personal lives.

By the age of 30, many girls come to a shade of blond, which looks younger and looks feminine. But in 50-60 years, blond hair, on the contrary, emphasizes skin imperfections and wrinkles. Another mistake is to earnestly paint over gray hair in one tone. By nature, the shade of the strands is heterogeneous, so that a single color looks flat and artificial. It is better to choose natural, multifaceted tones and trust the coloring to professionals.

Perception of others

Hair affects not only our sense of self, but also how others see us. Those who open their foreheads by combing their hair back seem confident and purposeful. The side parting on the left speaks of the desire to downplay your femininity. The parting in the middle reflects the inner desire for balance between yin and yang (male and female).

By changing our hairstyle, we not only change our lives for the better, but also slightly manipulate the opinions of others.

Bright shades of strands in men involuntarily cause both attention and rejection, suspicion of hypocrisy or deceit. Curly girls seem more frivolous than those with straight hair.

So, 35-year-old Christina, the owner of golden curls, says that she has not been promoted for many years. She received the coveted position only when she straightened and dyed her hair. “I was unhappy, and my friends said that I began to look older. But a week later I was made head of the lending department at our bank. Apparently, before that, I seemed to the leadership of a frivolous person.

By changing our hairstyle, we not only change our lives for the better, but also slightly manipulate the opinions of others. A great reason to sign up for a salon, buy an advanced care product, or at least a fashionable hair clip.

Care products

Dove Color Glow Shampoo for Colored Hair

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