What is happening in gyms? Steroids destroy Polish men

Impotence, liver degeneration, edema, acne, hair loss, gynecomastia – there are many side effects of steroid use. Polish men reach for anabolics in the first months of exercise. Especially in local “packers”, muscles are not built by a bench, barbells and dumbbells, but by a father-in-law, a deck and a label.

Piana i co

He said about himself that he had rejected humanity. In real life, he looked like a beast – 183 cm tall, 120 kg of live weight, and biceps the size of a watermelon. Rich Piana, nicknamed the “Mister California”, had one dream of “being big”, or “having an arm bigger than the head”. He trained from the age of 11, ate 12 meals a day and openly admitted to doping. “If you want to be a professional bodybuilder, you have no choice,” he argued. He made millions of dollars on his muscles, but the stakes he paid were high. He died at the age of 45, and a white powder and 20 steroid bottles were found in his home. Piana’s story confirms the dirty truth about professional bodybuilding: climbing Mount Everest without doping is impossible. It is coke that allows you to exceed genetic boundaries and limits. Unfortunately, usually only for a short time – most bodybuilders go to the sand even before the age of 50. Examples? Nasser El Sonbaty, an icon of the 90s, said goodbye to the world as a result of complications ranging from heart problems to kidney failure. Zyzz, known for his weakness for DNP and Clenbuterol, passed away after a heart attack after 20, Andreas Munzer, the so-called Mr Ripped, a pioneer in the use of diuretics, closed his eyelids due to organ failure at the age of 32, and the heart of Greg Kovacs, a giant whose weight was 180 kg off-season and 150 kg in the season, was over 40. There are many more known names, not to mention the current players who have one foot in that world …

Dry driving …

– Already in the 80s, Dr. Robert Goldman asked leading bodybuilders if they would sign a pact with the devil that would win the most important competitions, but in the next five years they would leave this world. More than half of the professionals replied that they would take up the challenge. With time, this situation began to be referred to as the “Goldman’s dilemma” – says personal trainer Przemek Wąsak. Today, the question “to take or not to take” more and more often concerns amateurs who dream of a big paw. Local pakeers and members of prestigious fitness clubs decide on appropriate support. They start with gainers, protein and creatine, and then use AAS (anabolic androgenic steroids). What is the difference between one and the other? Thickness of the wallet – the former can afford discount chickens and pro-hormones sold on Allegro, the latter – beef and classic hormones available in pharmacies or on the black market. How many people are doping? It is not known, but Poland is said to be a steroid paradise. It was in Bydgoszcz in 2016 that the CBŚ in Poznań closed down the largest factory of counterfeit drugs and anabolics in the world! The total value of the medications was estimated at over PLN 17 million.

Question: how do you recognize the coke breeder? More or less. If your colleague was like Austin Powers three months ago, and today he is like Pudzian’s brother, don’t believe in the power of poultry … The goal of “being as big as possible” requires a lot of sacrifice: hard work in the gym, even harder in the kitchen and time. For many, coke is a shortcut. – With hard training and the right diet, steroids can actually enable and accelerate the growth of lean body mass, but when discontinued, they can provide an equally spectacular decrease. The drops are all the more the less carefully selected doping agents and ignoring the “post-cycle therapy” aimed at restoring the hormonal balance. – convinces the coach. Post-cycle therapy is the so-called PCT (POST CYCLE THERAPY) – the process of taking specific measures to regenerate and alleviate the endocrine effects after taking steroids.

Treating a head “flare” can have fatal consequences. What? Emotional disorders, gynecomastia, cessation of natural testosterone production, testicular atrophy or impotence. PCT should begin according to the half-life of the agent, sometimes 24/48 ha, sometimes 14 days after the end of the cycle, i.e. after taking the last dose of the steroid. The means most often used to unblock are: SERM-y – drugs promoting the balance of the natural hormonal balance disturbed during the steroid cycle, such as: Clomid or Tamoxifen and something else … Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) – the female hormone is produced by a fertilized egg after its implantation in the uterus and then through the placenta. Cokers take HCG injections for one purpose: to restore natural testosterone production. Generally, another month of spoke … The farther into the forest, the worse … Returning to training “without coke” is not easy at all. Why? – Even with a reasonable selection of resources, well-performed unlocking, it is difficult to switch to the “dry training” mode, so soon after the cycle ends, the idea appears to survive the period without support, which should last as long as the steroid cycle and reach for another set – adds Wasak.

Packer’s confectionery

They say that without an anabolic there is no result and they start with the needle in the buttock, thigh or shoulder. The first choice is usually a father-in-law, i.e. testosterone. “King of doping” – considered the best mass-building agent. Popular due to its low price, availability and strong anabolic effects. There is no nausea, trouble sleeping or headaches. The steroid – ideal? Not entirely potential side effects with prolonged use and high doses are mood swings, alopecia, acne, hypertension, fertility disorders and gynecomastia. The father-in-law works in many combinations, e.g. with a deck and a label. Deka is Deca-Durabolin – used successfully in mass cycles and during reduction. It is chemically similar to testosterone, but has much lower androgenic properties.

The most common side effect in this case is only decreased libido. The label is methanabol – a steroid withdrawn from the market and banned by the US government institution FDA. Cheap and well-liked because of the oral application. It gives quick results on weight – about 5-10 kg after the first cycle. Literally – you swell in your eyes. Unfortunately, methanabol is very hepatotoxic – it causes problems with the liver, and in extreme cases it leads to its degeneration. But this is not the end: expect swelling, increased blood pressure, hair loss, acne not only on the face, impotence and gynecomastia. – There are many different steroids on the market that differ in scope and strength, form of administration and price. They are usually applied cyclically, taking one or more different agents at the same time or in succession. Recently, very strong steroids such as Trenbolone and Anapolon have become very popular. In combination with testosterone, they give spectacular effects, but are very androgenic. The side effects of such strong agents are also counteracted by taking appropriate estrogen blockers such as Proviron, Letrozole or SARMs. Many people use steroids not only to become “big”, but to get rid of their tummy and experiment with Clenbuterol, growth hormone peptides and growth hormone (HGH) alone with a dizzying price from 1500 – 6000 PLN per month depending on the origin: or Chinese provinces or captured “to the left” from pharmacies in Europe “- comments Przemek Wąsak.

Are you wondering how much the whole thing will cost you? Steroid cycle to unblock and supplements? Minimum PLN 1000 for bottom-shelf funds. And if you add a high-protein diet and a caloric requirement of 4/5 thousand kcal a day – then you will understand why most fibroids live on credit or from payday loans …

The dark side of the force

There are many risks associated with the use of doping. First of all, some of the preparations available on the black market are counterfeits of well-known “unders” from abroad, i.e. steroids produced in underground chemical laboratories. Most often, they either do not contain the agent mentioned on the label, or different dosages than advertised. In the worst case, they contain harmful pollutants such as tin, lead or arsenic, which can have a negative effect on the nervous or digestive system. Even if you find the original and have no idea how to use it, do not believe that you will only pay for the gains in mass and strength with a hormonal swing. – Side effects of taking anabolic-androgenic steroids depend on many factors, mainly on the selection of drugs, doses taken, cycle duration, diet, individual organism sensitivity, age, gender and, of course, protective measures and measures supporting the return to balance, says the drug. med. Mikołaj Wiśniewski (Idziak & Wiśniewski). Most of them are temporary, but some may be associated with permanent deterioration of health.

– Introducing an additional dose of anabolic steroids into the body causes a serious hormonal imbalance. In men taking testosterone derivatives, the testicles shrink, leading to impotence. In women, on the other hand, there are the effects of masculinization: excessive hair, irregular menstrual cycles or lowering of the voice. In both sexes, high doses of anabolics cause gynecomastia, i.e. enlargement of the mammary glands. Painful muscle spasms and swelling due to water retention in the body are also common. The most dangerous consequences, such as stunted growth, concern young people. The long-term consequences are problems with the liver, prostate, and kidneys, leading in extreme cases to cancer. The unfavorable effect of steroids is also noted in the functioning of the heart muscle, causing its hypertrophy and sometimes leading to serious changes and a heart attack. In addition, as research shows, anabolic steroids increase aggression, impulsive behavior, mood swings, hyperactivity, depression and even suicidal thoughts, comments the doctor. It seems that Hardcore Kosku was wrong when he said that “steroids have to be taken wisely,” should be avoided …

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