What is functional hyperprolactinaemia?

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What is functional hyperprolactinaemia? Is it possible to have functional hyperprolactinaemia during normal menstruation? Does this condition affect a woman’s fertility? Could this make it difficult to conceive a child? The question is answered by the drug. Katarzyna Darecka.

What is functional hyperprolactinaemia?

Hello, I have had one for some time menstrual problemsor, in fact – the cessation of menstruation. After the preliminary blood tests and the metoclopramide test, the doctor stated that it was functional hyperprolactinaemia. Honestly, it sounded a bit abstract to me, and he didn’t even ask him exactly what functional hyperprolactinemia is? I am also very wondering where these problems came from – until recently I had normal menstruation, there was nothing disturbing in the test results, and it suddenly turns out to be the effects of functional hyperprolactinemia.

I also wonder if they even have normal periods, could I have already had functional hyperprolactinemia? Before I started having problems with menstruation, my husband and I were trying to have a baby, but it didn’t work. Does functional hyperprolactinemia influence infertility and could it be the cause of my failures?

My doctor recommended medications that I take as directed, but I wonder if this treatment is working? Can functional hyperprolactinaemia regress?

Your doctor explains what functional hyperprolactinaemia is

Physiological prolactin hypersecretion occurs during pregnancy or lactation, as a result of mechanical irritation of the nipples or sexual intercourse, physical exertion of sleep, in case of stress. It can also occur in primary hypothyroidism, while taking anticonvulsants, antidepressants, neuroleptics, opiates, antipsychotics, some antihistamines, estrogens, antiandrogens, calcium channel blockers (verapamil).

Unfortunately, 40% of hyperprolactinemia is idiopathic, so the cause is unknown. One elevated prolactin result does NOT entitle the doctor to diagnose hyperprolactinaemia, you must also remember to do the test on an empty stomach, at least two hours after waking up, do not smoke before the test, rest for 0.5 hours in the waiting room before taking a blood sample.

Due to the effects of estrogens on prolactin, it is NOT recommended that you check your levels while taking birth control.

The diagnosis of functional hyperprolactinaemia after the metoclopramide test, it is more and more often criticized by specialists for overinterpreting the high prolactin surge after stimulation and improper initiation of treatment lowering the PRL concentration only on the basis of the test result. The result of this test also with high certainty excludes the autonomic secretion of prolactin from organic causes. Marking is recommended instead the circadian rhythm of prolactin secretion.

Hyperprolactinaemia can affect fertility and the symptoms you experience can affect this. In the state of increased amounts of prolactin in the body, the body feels as if it was pregnant, therefore drugs that reduce its concentration should have a positive effect on fertility and increase the chances of getting pregnant.

– Lek. Katarzyna Darecka

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