What is functional diagnostics of athletes and why is it carried out?

In order to develop an optimal program for each athlete to strengthen muscles, improve strength, endurance and other parameters, it is necessary to conduct functional diagnostics.

Such testing is necessary in order to reveal hidden diseases, pathologies and chronic diseases, various deviations that can become an obstacle in a sports career.

Diagnostics also allows you to see the reaction of the body to a particular load in order to select the optimal intensity of training. See also: What workouts develop strength and endurance?

What is included in the functional diagnostics of athletes

Functional diagnostics of athletes consists of the following procedures:

  1. Fitness Assessment  – To choose the optimal load mode, you need to know the physical capabilities of the athlete, his training. Testing allows you to develop an individual program for everyone. It will enable a person to achieve the desired results in a relatively short period of time, even if we are talking about an amateur beginner. Testing like this can also help you recover from surgery, injury, or long-term illness with the right exercise.
  2. Anthropometry  – This includes measuring the weight, height of a person, and also calculates the ratio of muscle and fat in the body. The endurance of individual muscles is measured, the range of motion of the joints is assessed. The data that the specialist received during the diagnostics make it possible to help the athlete solve the problem of poor health or slow muscle growth.
  3. Diagnostics of the functional state  – For this, special studies are carried out, during which you can find out the maximum consumption of oxygen by tissues. You can also see the state of the heart with the help of ultrasound during exercise. Such diagnostics are available only for sports medicine.
  4. Testing back flexibility and muscle endurance  – The athlete’s back should be healthy, the muscles should be strong and flexible. If the back is poorly prepared, then a person cannot perform jump training over the barrier, since his intervertebral discs will wear out much faster. With improperly selected loads, the back can hurt a lot. Therefore, the diagnosis of the condition of the spine and muscles is necessary.
  5. Diagnosis of hematological factors  – The doctor examines hormones, immunity, enzymes – everything that helps to see the body’s reaction to a particular load.
  6. Load tolerance indicators  – Any sport requires the preparedness of the body. Particularly important are the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, their strength, as well as the flexibility of the spine, the ability of the joints to withstand heavy loads. If you do not know the characteristics of your body, then even simple fitness exercises can harm a person, and not at all benefit, as expected. That is why much attention is paid to diagnostics, which will allow you to safely engage in any sport, correctly select the load for a particular person.
  7. Movement Coordination Studies  – They allow you to understand and see the abilities of a person, how well he has developed coordination of the limbs. You can find out how much an athlete is able to perform several tasks at an accelerated pace.

Features of functional diagnostics

It is important to remember that only specialists should examine the athlete. At the same time, the diagnosis is carried out not only by specialized, but also by related doctors in order to obtain the most accurate result using physical activity. Professionals test the athlete, after which they give a conclusion on how much load is acceptable for him, whether he can continue to train in the same mode.

If during the diagnosis certain deviations from the norm were found, doctors prescribe an individual course of treatment. In some cases, pharmacotherapy is selected personally for everyone, they give useful advice and recommendations.

Such a procedure makes it possible to find out the whole truth about your body, the presence of certain diseases, recover and continue training to achieve maximum results without the slightest harm to health. See also: What workouts develop reaction and speed?

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