What is feng shui and how can it be useful to a person?

Hello dear blog readers! Today I would like to talk about such a direction of spiritual practice and organization of external space as Feng Shui.

In the Western tradition, an ambiguous attitude towards this Taoist direction has developed. And religious denominations talk about the adverse impact and even the strong harm of using the proposed advice.

But if you approach its study correctly, you can get a lot of benefits for the most diverse aspects of human life.

What is this spiritual practice?

Feng Shui has ancient Chinese roots. It is a variant of geomancy — the development and organization of external space, taking into account energy flows. This approach is believed to help:

  • draw up a correct plan of the site of the proposed house;
  • search for and redirect favorable and negative flows;
  • adjust the zones of the available space;
  • have an impact not only on specific processes in human life, but also on the surrounding reality;
  • calculate possible risks and bonuses, predict the development of the situation.

That is, the general principles are aimed at attracting good luck and prosperity to the house. And also in business and various places of worship.

Initially, this teaching did not involve the use of various figurines and color decor items. This trend emerged much later. After the human consciousness has personified the main elements that generate energy flows.

What is feng shui and how can it be useful to a person?

Recommendations on how to make your life better based on primary and deep principles will include the features of the interaction of the following elements, which are the main ones:

  • water;
  • Fire;
  • tree;
  • land;
  • metal.

The correction of the presence of these elements and their interaction is regulated with the help of additional talismans (in modern practice), interior items or zoning and rearrangement.

In some cases, specialists may only recommend a change of residence. When the global laws of housing construction are violated (for example, a house opposite a cemetery).

Work with maps, a compass, directions of light is also actively used. The values ​​of these parameters are so important, because the Taoists believed that auspicious energy comes from only one side. And, accordingly, all that a person can do is open the entrance to his life for her and organize circulation in all areas.

It is like the wind blowing from one side only. You can fill the house with fresh air by opening the right window and organizing the free movement of air. Those places that are ignored or simply closed will bring loss and trouble to a person. Just like stale air in an unventilated room.

Practical application

Using the principles of Feng Shui has a positive impact on almost any aspect of human life. Even despite the fact that the concept is recognized as pseudoscience and has no evidence base, it is working.

You can meet the coincidence of scientifically based recommendations of psychologists regarding the external arrangement of life and the impact of this on the emotional background, achievements and development of a person.

In many ways, such advice essentially coincides with the ancient teachings. That is, once again, modern people reinvent the wheel, instead of listening to ancient traditions.

It turns out that this system is a whole complex of knowledge about the characteristics of nature, the psychological characteristics of a person and the influence of states on various spheres of life. What is now delimited in different scientific areas, in ancient times had a holistic character.

What is feng shui and how can it be useful to a person?


I offer a number of recommendations regarding the organization of living quarters related to this spiritual practice, but at the same time supported by psychological justifications:

  • The prohibition of building a house in the immediate vicinity or opposite the cemetery. It is believed that this is a place of accumulation of negativity, which will directly affect the residents of the house. From a psychological point of view, a person dooms himself to a life in a mournful atmosphere of constant tears, goodbyes and sadness (after all, few people come to the burial places in a different state). The more such emotions around, the faster they settle inside. But there is also a purely practical point of this ban — sanitary and hygienic. So, in ancient times, they probably knew little about the processes of decomposition and cadaveric poisons that enter the soil and water, but they clearly noticed that those who live near burial places die quickly.
  • The prohibition of making recreation areas above or below garages, workshops, sports or entertainment facilities. Experts explain this by the fact that in such places a lot of chaotic, mixed and destructive energy accumulates. Able to destroy the marriage and the nervous system. This advice is supported by the recommendations of physiologists, psychologists, doctors — the quieter the place to sleep and rest, the better, which is in no way possible with the neighborhood listed above. Taoists, looking a little ahead, also talk about the negative impact of such a neighborhood on family life, which is quite possible if two people are in a state of chronic fatigue and stress.
  • The need to maintain order in all places ensures the unhindered circulation of energy, its smooth flow. Remember your state of chaotic search for an important thing, for example, keys among a pile of scattered objects — you start to get nervous, break down on loved ones, cling to corners. Dirt, unwashed dishes, things thrown in one heap create a feeling of inconstancy and chaos in the brain. A person is psychologically arranged in such a way that by putting things in order in the outside world, he structures his thoughts, and by maintaining the order of things, he learns to plan. This is how success stories and wealth are directly linked to a clean stove.

How to structure space and life on a daily basis?


The benefit of Feng Shui lies in the fact that thanks to these rules, the whole life of a person is structured. I mean, it’s not magic. Amulets and a toad with coins do not have a direct effect — most of the principles are explained either by the psyche of the person himself or by natural phenomena.

For example, the elimination of foreign objects from other areas in the bedroom in modern society may look like the rejection of many gadgets and a desktop next to the bed.

Naturally, family life will be more joyful, and health will be strong when advertising is not disturbed at night. Or an intimate moment will not be disturbed by a call from work. Zoning plays an important role — it sets a person in a certain way, helping to either focus or relax.

What is feng shui and how can it be useful to a person?

It is important to understand that, despite the existing strict patterns and rules, in Feng Shui there is no division of the home into certain zones (family, money, love, etc.) — each time this must be calculated individually.

The map of each house is unique, even if it is a typical project (the ratio of cardinal points and the surrounding landscape is also taken into account).

Therefore, in order to stabilize the energy of space, it is necessary to carry out individual calculations and draw up a plan. Numerous brochures are lying when they boldly state that the love zone is in the west and by placing a red candle there you will attract good luck.

Timely repair

Feng Shui also carefully monitors the places of leakage of power. Tips boil down to dismantling the rubble and clearing the room of debris and unnecessary things. Also repair or replace anything that is broken. Any non-working or broken things either take power or broadcast negativity.

Looking at the situation from a rational side, such rules really work. For example, a leaking faucet can lead to a flood and repairs not only to your apartment, but also to your neighbors. And the minimal risk is due to the fact that constant dripping loosens the nervous system.

Transport malfunction leads to accidents, even a lopsided bookshelf can fall and cause injury.


Much attention is paid to lighting and dark corners. It is believed that auspicious energy spreads faster where there is light. Therefore, problem areas are recommended to be corrected with additional lighting or simply by timely replacement of light bulbs.

Since the life force of a person is directly related to sunlight, it is necessary to follow simple natural laws.

The more time you spend in dark rooms, the worse your hormonal balance will be. This is how seasonal depressions appear against the background of a lack of light. Just additional lighting can really make a difference. But at the same time, it is not the color of the placed candle that will play an important role. And the normalization of mood and human activity.


Be attentive to your own feelings and the space around you. Use knowledge of any concepts if they benefit you.

But if, say, a metal toad causes you tension and negative emotions, you should not keep it in the house. Regardless of the benefits it has. Surround yourself with those objects that are “pleasant to the eye” and are a pleasant reminder of something important.

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See you soon, dear blog readers!

The material was prepared by Yulia Gintsevich

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