What is extrasensory perception and how to develop it yourself

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Extrasensory perception: what is it

The term “extrasensory perception” means the ability to feel different kinds of energies, be able to use them and find information not with the help of ordinary senses, but through your so-called “sixth” sense.

Extrasensory perception is a separate kind of magic that has its own rules. She can often break the laws inherent in magic and go far beyond their scope. It includes telepathy, clairvoyance, empathy, telekinesis, clairaudience.

How to develop psychic abilities

1. You can develop such abilities on your own through training.

2. Psychic abilities can develop due to stress or trauma.

3. Skills are obtained from birth.

The abilities for extrasensory perception exist in every person, they are inherent in him by nature.

This is the main difference between psychics and magic. The first is given by nature, the second is a science that helps to make a certain impact on our world.

No one can give an answer why people with a pronounced gift are born from time to time, but the fact that they play far from the last role in history is undoubtedly. Such people carry in themselves not only abilities, they are entrusted with great responsibility for their actions or inaction.

Speaking about extrasensory perception, it must be said that no one has yet studied this phenomenon for certain, although many scientists have worked and continue to work on it.

Power of thought

“Sleeping” abilities are in every person. Sometimes it takes a little push to wake them up. Each of us sometimes listened to our intuition and turned out to be right. These are glimpses of our “sixth” sense. If we do not listen to ourselves and ignore the “signs”, the abilities again hide in the subconscious as unnecessary.

People with extrasensory abilities exert any influence with the help of thought. What does that require? First and foremost is faith. And the acquisition of knowledge necessary to develop abilities.

There are many ways in which you can form psychic abilities and learn how to manage them. The technique teaches to feel the energy and perceive it correctly. Indeed, often, when our abilities give glimpses of appearance, we drive them back with our logic, trying to think rationally and stereotypically.

What is extrasensory perception and how to develop it yourself

Exercising the hands will help open the channels of the power system in the palms and fingers. Psychics’ hands seem to receive or transmit energy. Therefore, training will increase the sensitivity to the energy field and create a steady flow between the palms.

It will be easier to manage flows with each lesson. Particular attention should be paid to the hand that is more active.

At the first workouts, listen carefully to yourself, trying to catch and remember even the slightest new sensations in your fingertips – it is this part of the hand that is more sensitive. The palms are less sensitive in this regard and the main exercise for them will be a circular movement of one palm over the other.

Extrasensory perception: exercises

Rub your palms and, holding one over the other, try to feel their warmth. Make circular motions with one hand while holding the other still. It is better to concentrate when the eyes are closed and all attention is paid only to the sensation of the palms. Imagine that between your palms you have a ball of energy of a transparent blue or saturated color.

If you bring your palms closer together, the ball will become smaller, increase the distance between them – and it will become larger and brighter. With each new lesson, you can learn to feel the ball in a new way – its weight, warmth or cold, color.

It is best to carry out such exercises alone with yourself in silence. Extraneous noises will distract you. However, there are techniques to train your abilities wherever you are.

Standing at a bus stop, you can ask yourself a question about the route number of a minibus or bus that will fit next. When on public transport, who will be the first to enter at the next stop – a woman or a man.

Before answering a phone call, try to answer yourself who would call it – gender, age, someone you know or don’t know. The main thing is to answer these questions quickly, without hesitation.

Results, positive or negative, are best written in a notebook. Write down how you felt when you gave the answer, remember these feelings.

Only by applying your strength, desire and systematic training can you achieve results that seem unattainable.

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