What is endometriosis and how to treat it: doctor’s advice

What is endometriosis and how to treat it: doctor’s advice

This gynecological disease is being diagnosed with increasing frequency. Why it occurs and how to prevent it, our expert told Wday.ru.

This gynecological pathology, according to doctors, is getting younger every year. In simple terms, endometriosis is an overgrowth of the inner surface of the uterus, when endometrial cells go beyond the permissible limits, affecting tissues, as well as nerve endings. Fortunately, these “tumors” are not malignant, but they cause inconvenience to the woman.

Where does endometriosis come from?

Gynecologist of the Panacea network of clinics.

There is a version that the cause of the disease lies in hormonal and immune disorders. However, there is also a risk group, that is, endometriosis is provoked by other indicators. These include women who have had an abortion or surgery using an intrauterine device or are overweight. However, it is almost impossible to identify the exact causes of the onset of the disease.

The disease is diagnosed only by a specialist, and its symptoms are similar to many other sexual pathologies, so the number of patients who visit a doctor at the initial stage is very small.

Violation of the menstrual cycle in a woman, bleeding before and after menstruation is always the first sign of instability in the functioning of the body. Along with this, there are pains bursting in the lower abdomen and unpleasant heaviness.

With a severe form of endometriosis, a woman feels constantly tired, suffers from fainting, dizziness and nausea, and also experiences discomfort during intimacy with a man.

To find out the reason for this condition, the doctor will help a visual examination of the reproductive organ, ultrasound and hysteroscopy.

Women with endometriosis are often infertile and may be diagnosed with the following reproductive system diseases:

– the presence of cysts,

– the formation of adhesions in the fallopian tubes,

– microspasms that interfere with the movement of the egg.

If a woman with severe endometriosis becomes pregnant, then she has a high risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

Endometriosis comes in two forms:

– internal, when the uterus is affected;

– and external, when endometrial cells cover the vagina, ovaries, tubes and spread to other organs.

Internal endometriosis is accompanied not only by a painful symptom, but also by discharge in addition to menstruation.

With ectopic endometriosis:

– blood appears during urination when the bladder is affected,

– the formation of purulent cavities with damage to the space between the uterus and rectum,

– overgrowth of adhesions in the abdominal cavity can lead to intestinal obstruction.

You cannot give up on this disease and think that everything will resolve itself, it must be treated with a drug or surgical method.

Timely competent medical assistance will lead to the elimination of adhesions, cysts and a favorable further course of pregnancy

With the help of special drugs, the doctor will provoke an artificial cessation of menstruation, and this, in turn, will cause the destruction of the focus of inflammation.

Such a course of treatment can take months and have side effects due to the long-term use of strong drugs. Unfortunately, there are cases when after this type of treatment the disease came back again.

You can also remove the focus of inflammation using laparoscopy. This operation allows you to remove and excise tissues affected by endometriosis, as well as to treat the adhesions of internal organs. This method has a number of advantages due to its low trauma, lack of development of infectious processes and short and uncomplicated recovery processes.

And the appearance of the disease can be prevented by regular examinations by a gynecologist, taking contraceptive pills prescribed by him and protection from infections.

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