What is Elos-hair removal: reviews of women

Of all the methods of hair removal, the editor of the column Natalya Udonova chose Elos hair removal (Elos) for the ability to permanently rid the body of unwanted hair. Details were told in the clinic of aesthetic medicine “Petrovka-Beauty”.

Elos hair removal reviews

Elos hair removal is a safe and popular technique. It is practically painless, leaves no residue and, most importantly, effectively removes any type of hair from the body. This is not photoepilation or laser hair removal, but a combination of two types of energy at once.

One of the best specialists of the clinic, cosmetologist Marina Ratkevich, explained the essence of the method. First, the laser beam heats up the hair follicle, after which the current discharge completely destroys the follicle. By the end of the full course (up to nine procedures), hair growth is reduced to a minimum, and in most cases it stops altogether. It is also nice that with the help of Elos-epilation you can remove hair of any type, and the effect occurs after the very first procedure. How does epilation work?

If you are using a razor, epilator, wax or other methods of hair removal, wait for the hairs to grow back before signing up for the procedure. Before visiting the clinic, carefully shave the areas you plan to get rid of.

When it comes to removing facial hair, these areas should never be shaved. You just need to try to cut the hairs as much as possible with scissors.

Why is this done?: the laser reacts to melanin, which is found not only in the skin, but also in the hair. If the hair is not removed before the procedure, the laser will simply burn it off.

Sensitivity: A tingling sensation is felt when the applicator flashes, it may be light, but in some areas, such as bikini, the sensitivity is much higher. Therefore, anesthetic cream is applied to the skin 30-40 minutes before the procedure. Even so, pain may be present, but bearable.

Duration of the procedure: it all depends on the area to be treated. Depilation of the deep bikini area takes an average of 40 minutes. After the session, there will be no burns or redness on the skin, you can safely go out in public. But for some time you should not visit the sauna, solarium and you should hide the places where the hair removal is done from direct sunlight. What effect can we expect from Elos hair removal?

After about a week, the first hairs will appear, but not live ones, but those that have been exposed to laser treatment. Soon they will completely come to the surface and disappear. It is not necessary to wait until the end of the process, from time to time the hairs can be trimmed, each time the hairs will become thinner and grow more slowly.

On average, the break between procedures lasts two months (if we are talking about the legs and bikini area) and a month and a half (if it is necessary to remove facial hair).

When to stop: if the hair does not appear during this time or longer, there is no point in going to the procedure. But in the future, experts recommend doing Elos once or twice a year for prevention.

Number of sessions: related to the hair growth cycle. There are three phases of growth: active, transitional and resting. During epilation, the hair follicles are destroyed in the active phase. After a while, those hairs that “slept” during the epilation “wake up”. In addition, light and fine hair requires more treatments.

Impact on health: Elos has a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system: improves blood circulation and helps to solve many problems. It also affects the reproductive system: after the procedures, the chance of getting pregnant increases. As told in the clinic, observations have proven that this is a fairly common case.

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