What is each zodiac sign’s favorite food?

If the path to a man’s heart really lies through the stomach, it is not a sin to make this path a little less thorny and immediately prepare what he is guaranteed to enjoy. And what exactly – the stars will tell.

To prepare a festive dinner for Aries, you don’t need to spend the whole day at the stove. Judging by the characteristics of Aries, the representatives of this sign value simple and satisfying food. Ideal is fried meat with a crispy crust and numerous spices. But meat alone is not enough: there should be several more dishes for Aries on the festive table. Let there be more red foods: beets, radishes, red peppers, tomatoes, red wine. Aries is no stranger to exoticism – he will gladly try something spicy and spicy from Chinese or Mexican cuisine.

A royal dinner for Leo should not only please the stomach, but also delight the eye. The more refined and refined the dishes and the more beautiful the setting, the better. Leo’s festive table must have meat (beef, pork, poultry), fresh vegetables and herbs, cheese and good wine. Leos are partial to spicy Mediterranean cuisine. Be sure to add cloves, nutmeg and parsley to the meat dish. But garlic is best left aside. And try not to make the main dish too greasy: Leo, a lover of chic feasts, needs to take care of proper nutrition.

People born under the sign of Sagittarius prefer home cooking and love fatty starchy foods, which is not the best way for their livers. For those who want to find a compromise between the benefits and tastes of Sagittarius, we recommend baking a poultry or fish. The best side dish is baked potatoes or rice. There should be a lot of fruits, fresh vegetables and juices on the table. Sagittarius get drunk quickly, so it’s better to do without strong alcohol.

Taurus love to eat well and satisfyingly. Food for them is a whole ritual. Therefore, a leisurely plentiful meal with a pleasant conversation in good company is the best holiday scenario for Taurus. Taurus will be delighted with a large meat dish – boiled pork or baked ham. But Taurus does not particularly like “empty” vegetable salads, try to prepare appetizers based on eggs and seafood. For digestion, there should be celery, mint, and fresh lemon on the table. Taurus prefers beer among alcoholic beverages. And he also loves sweets very much – do not forget about dessert!

Virgo’s sensitive digestive system responds poorly to fried, spicy and fatty foods. Therefore, festive dishes for people born under this sign are best prepared from lean meat (poultry, veal, lamb). The basis for snacks will be fresh vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese and cheese. Whole grain bread must be on the Virgo’s table. They love fruits and wines with fruit flavors, as well as chocolate, vanilla and mint. For Virgos, melons, apples, pears, bananas and oranges are especially useful. The best gift for a Virgo will be the opportunity to observe the process of cooking from and to.

A true conservative in food, who is unlikely to appreciate your holiday culinary experiments. To conquer Capricorn, forget about exotic cuisines and cook his favorite dishes. Most likely, it is something very spicy and spicy. But a holiday is a holiday.

And for a festive dinner to benefit Capricorn, there should be fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts and calcium-rich foods on the table: cottage cheese, cheese. As for drinks, Capricorns prefer high-quality branded spirits and classic cocktails based on them.

Gemini are picky about food. Accustomed to snacks on the run, they will be delighted with any meal hosted in their honor. And if you spice each dish with comments about how useful this or that ingredient is, the Gemini will gobble up the contents of the plate with redoubled enthusiasm. The fact is that they have absolutely no time to deal with their form, so that the correct nutrition unknown to them will be the best gift for them. Gemini loves variety – keep this in mind when planning your holiday menu, and be sure to add ginger and parsley to your dishes. Light wines are preferred as drinks.

For a Libra sweet tooth, it is not so important what will be on the festive table, the main thing is that a dessert is provided at the end. As the main dish for Libra, fish or poultry are preferred, but the stars recommend minimizing the consumption of beef and pork. Libra can get the necessary protein from dishes based on eggs, seafood, cheese. For Libra, the aesthetic component of a festive feast is very important, so think in advance about beautiful dishes and decorating dishes.

Vegetable foods are what energizes Aquarius and allows them to keep their weight normal. Therefore, more vegetables, fruits and herbs. No fatty meat, but fish, poultry and seafood dishes are welcome. Aquarius is not indifferent to everything new, so he will be happy to taste an exotic dish in your performance. And make sure that there are foods containing salt on the table: sea fish, shrimp, squid, spinach, radish, celery, lettuce, cabbage, nuts (pecans, almonds, walnuts), apples, peaches, pears, oranges.

Let Cancer’s festive table have what he needs every day: a lot of fresh vegetables and a little protein. And the recipes of the national cuisine will help to “arrange” all this. Cancers are real gourmets who know a lot about the culinary traditions of different countries. Be sure to prepare a snack with caviar: it is good for the digestion of Cancers.

In addition, Cancers have a sweet tooth and will enjoy sweet fruit pie, chocolate cake, or ice cream with equal pleasure. Favorite spices are garlic, mint and basil. By the way, Cancers are passionate chefs themselves, so they are unlikely to give up the opportunity to cook a festive dinner on their own.

Scorpions will meet spicy and spicy exotic dishes on the festive table with a bang, but fresh vegetable salads and snacks will leave them indifferent. Scorpio needs protein, so without meat or poultry, he will feel hungry. To please Scorpio, prepare Indian curry or Japanese rolls. They are partial to foods and dishes of bright red color and dark drinks. Favorite spices: basil, cinnamon, curry, garlic, ginger. And it is best to arrange a festive feast at lunchtime – overeating before bedtime is contraindicated for Scorpio.

The most romantic zodiac sign that can appreciate the setting of a candlelit dinner. And if there are dishes of Chinese or Thai cuisine on the table, your chosen one will remember this day for a long time. Fish are happy to eat any protein foods, the main thing is that they are lean. Fish and seafood are preferred.

When choosing drinks, keep in mind that Pisces, although subtle connoisseurs of wine, get drunk faster than other signs of the zodiac.

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