Hello! Downshifting is a philosophy whose followers, having revised their values, realize that most of them are imposed by society. Therefore, they give up the race for the material and make a choice in favor of creative or spiritual realization.
For example, they quit a prestigious job and leave for another country. Where they collect shells or teach kids English. They get just enough to get a roof over their heads and food. And they devote all their free time to studying their features, individuality.
This gives them a feeling of the fullness of life, its harmony, but is carelessness so beautiful, or is it fraught with pitfalls?
A bit of history
In the 1960s, the hippie subculture emerged. They were called «flower children». Because they were against war, any kind of violence and promoted free love. Deprived of the hardships of everyday life, hippies were engaged in creativity, traveled, sang, danced and did whatever they wanted.
In contrast to this way of life, the yuppie movement arose. They aspired to luxury, prestige, quality and social status. Which would provide for all their needs. Such careerists are workaholics who at the age of 20 earned millions.
You can learn more about what it is and what dangers are fraught with the desire to become the most successful in this article.
Over time, the yuppie world has exhausted itself. Especially when at the age of 30 or 40, against the background of constant stress and tension, the guys began to worry about heart attacks and strokes. Which often led to a wheelchair and even death.
It was during this period that a new subculture of downshifters began to emerge. Who, having given half their lives to building a career, at one moment refuse the benefits of humanity, posing a threat to health from overexertion and decide to devote the remaining time to rest and self-knowledge, children and the family as a whole.
They move to a village or another country where it is much cheaper to live. They work for 3-4 hours for pleasure, instead of 12, and sometimes 20 hours, as before in the office, and they feel great.
By the way, many famous personalities refused the benefits of humanity for the sake of a quiet life. For example, Eugene Henri Paul Gauguin quit his job as a banker, went to Tahiti and became interested in painting. It was thanks to this decision that the world recognized the brilliant artist.
The emperor of Rome, Gaius Aurelius Diocletian, completely abandoned power, taking up the cultivation of vegetables.
Hard work
Even downshifters need something to eat, somewhere to live. Therefore, it is important to take care of your future before you drop everything and go to connect with nature. Because there is a difference between those who sold their business, cars, rented houses and apartments, and those who initially had nothing.
The former usually seek peace. They were disappointed in the values that were previously present in their lives and motivated them to act. And the second preach, demonstrate the rejection of the blessings of humanity for one simple reason — they failed to realize themselves.
Therefore, they will have to make every effort to accumulate enough money for a “new” life. And then look for ways to maintain the financial flow. To have something to ensure their existence in another country.
Although at first glance it seems that there is nothing complicated here, take and leave your job, home, country and go to a place where there will be more opportunities to relax. But in fact, you have to show remarkable willpower. To organize space in another country, to take care of those things that I managed to acquire over the long career years.
Only in rare cases does a person decide to give to charity, giving to the needy something that used to be of value. The rest will have to show initiative.
If the reason for the change in lifestyle is intrapersonal conflicts, fatigue from work or difficulties in relationships, downshifting is not an option. Because, as they say, you can’t run away from yourself. And a change of residence will not affect awareness, personal growth, and so on.
Having cut off old ties and created new ones, a person eventually faces the same problems that arose before. Because he did not cope with his limitations, the external picture changed, but the inner world did not. And the conflicts from which such a person is trying to escape will still have to be resolved, only then will changes come.
If, having started a new life, you eventually realize that you made a mistake, it will be difficult to return to the old one, and in some cases even impossible.
Sometimes it happens that a person is really tired of the fast pace in the city and heaps of obligations, runs away to the village to plant tomatoes and potatoes.
And after a year or two, he realizes that he has recovered, rested and wants to go back. Run a business, visit exhibitions and dine at a restaurant. But the workplace is lost, the apartment is sold. And you need to start from scratch in order to again reach the level that you once abandoned.
It is at this moment that disadaptation occurs, that is, the loss of the ability to adapt. The euphoria from the acquired freedom turned out to be fleeting and the new way of life disappoints, perhaps annoying with its chaotic, unstable, or vice versa, lack of diversity. This can provoke a depressive state, from which it is not easy to get out.
- Take a vacation before you burn bridges. To take a closer look, listen and decide whether this is really the place and lifestyle that will bring harmony, satisfaction and peace. Even if you are 100 percent sure that this is exactly what you need, think over a retreat plan just in case. Well, if you do not need it, but if necessary, it will be very handy.
- It is not necessary to make a total rejection of the former blessings. Many downshifters live off the money they make from renting out their old apartments. In this case, they have a support, a place to which they can return if necessary. Some manage to coordinate work moments by taking a vacation for a whole year or performing part of the duties remotely.
- Before going to the desired place, especially if it is another country, carefully study its political and social situation. Norms, rules, laws and religious beliefs. This is a matter of your safety. Take care of it.
- Study the recommendations of those individuals who have long followed to a new place in search of themselves and peace. There are even Internet resources, thanks to which you can ask exciting questions to experienced downshifters. For example, about life in the countryside, such sites as «» and «I want to live in the countryside» will be useful.
Most Popular Places
Goa is the center of downshifting. There is even a Russian village Morzhim. The possibility of free communication in their native language will favorably affect the overall adaptation. And former compatriots will be able to tell you about earning options.
In Russia, individuals who want a quiet life prefer Altai, Kuban and the Volga region. Bulgaria is also popular, which beckons with the goodwill of its inhabitants and low heating prices, as the climate is quite comfortable.
Finally, I want to recommend the book by Sergei Minaev «Duhless. The Tale of a Fake Man». By the way, a film was made on it with Danila Kozlovsky in the lead roles.
Take care of yourself and be happy!
The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina