What is dangerous for pets

Small pets are also children. Like any child, they have curiosity and a desire to play pranks in their blood. Every dog ​​or cat, left unattended, in the apartment lies in wait for a lot of dangers.

Did you know that cats have such a structure of the digestive tract that if a foreign object gets into the mouth while playing, then the papillae-thorns on the tongue direct it to the pharynx and further? And dogs are simply inclined to try everything by the gut, especially the growing one. If you do not protect pets from some things, you will face not only damage to property, but also a threat to the health and life of your smaller brother. And do not rely on the “conscientiousness” of a puppy or kitten. Even the most educated pets sometimes sin with disobedience.

Glass vases and jars, seashells, jewelry boxes. In a jar, especially if there is something attractive in it, the head of a curious animal can easily get stuck. Vases are thrown with pleasure from shelves and tables. Glass and plastic decor items, jewelry, graceful boxes – all this is subject to destruction, tastes and strength, hides in secluded places.

What to do? Clean high-high, or better – behind the doors of the walls and sideboards. Something should probably be hidden out of sight altogether until the pet reaches a reasonable age, if not permanently.

Many of them are poisonous to dogs and cats, which the owners may not even be aware of. Philodendron, ivy, all types of lilies (including the erroneously reckoned spathiphyllum), dieffenbachia, three-lane sansevieria (“mother-in-law’s tongue”) and almost all potted palms – alas, you will have to make a choice between green spaces and tailed pets. The belief that our pets instinctively recognize greens that are dangerous or useful for them is irrelevant: they have long lost this ability, characteristic of animals in nature.

“These are all prejudices: my Barsik (Sharik) chews leaves all the time, and at least that!” – the owner often argues. But the fact is that if, say, oleander is capable of causing instant death, then the toxins of other plants can accumulate in the animal’s body for years, acting on the heart, respiratory, and excretory systems.

What to do? A list of all especially dangerous plants for dogs and cats can be found here. It is better to part with the flowers out of harm’s way: they are fraught, at best, with mild poisoning, at worst, with the death of the baby. If the plant is especially dear to you, you can hang it at a height unattainable for a puppy in a flowerpot. With cats, this number will not work: the kitten will grow up and still get to the forbidden leaves. It is better to sow oats, wheat, parsley or dill: it is good for the pet and pleases the eye!

Surely you have a lot of different household cleaning products in your house? And do you keep everything seemingly in an inaccessible place, for example, in a corner of the bathroom, where your four-footed friend does not go? In fact, the little pranksters are just waiting for you to forget to close the door of the room.

Remember that household chemicals can lead to severe poisoning with the most serious consequences, up to and including death. Kittens are at least sensitive to odors, but even a sharp amber may not stop the puppy.

One of the most common causes of death of pets is poisoning with substances that are used to fight rats and mice. This applies mainly to private houses. But the remedies for cockroaches or bedbugs are very toxic for a small organism.

What to do? All household chemicals should be removed further or higher. Lay out balls of poison and apply poisons from pests in places inaccessible to the pet. We treated the surfaces, waited the necessary time – carry out a thorough wet cleaning so that there are no traces of chemicals left. Their particles can get on the paws of a puppy or a kitten, and from there, when “washing”, directly into the body.

A source of inspiration and life-threatening “goodies” – from broken glass bottles and plastic bags to bones, sausage casings and other inedible treasures. There was a case when a puppy took a plastic bottle out of a bucket, “fought” with it, and bitten and wounded his gums.

What to do? To clean behind the closed door under the sink, although there is an option that the quick-witted kid will learn to open it. In general, as you wish, but keep it with seven locks. Well, take it out on time, of course.

Round pills and smooth capsules that are so pleasant to drive, menthol and valerian aromas. What kind of medicine will get on the tooth of a curious animal is unknown, but it is fraught with a trip to the veterinarian and an urgent operation.

Another thing that turns out to be really dangerous for babies is female pads! Some puppies are crazy about these soft things, but they contain substances that are toxic to animals and can cause serious poisoning.

What to do? A first aid kit away from curious kids. What is dangerous for our children is also dangerous for the little animals, everything is simple. Hide far away, close tightly.

Threads, ropes, tinsel, etc.

A separate category of danger for the baby. The addiction of kids, and even adult animals, to Christmas tree tinsel and shiny rain is known. It’s so nice to chew and swallow this rustling charm.

At best, such things are wound on the root of the tongue, with a certain skill they can be removed even without the help of a veterinarian. Small pieces of rope, hair clumps can cause vomiting and remain in the vomit. However, examples are known when the same Christmas tree rain got entangled in the intestines, and the animal died.

What to do? Refuse tinsel and rain in the New Year, so that the pet is certainly not in danger. Needlewomen should be especially vigilant: do not leave threads, beads and similar joys unattended, store in tightly closed containers.

Children’s toys (for example, mosaics, details from the designer), hairpins, combs, buttons, beads, decorative cosmetics – any little thing can attract the attention of a baby. With pugs, for example, it is completely impossible to collect puzzles: these cardboard “chips” are very attractive for this breed.

Swallowing a variety of objects is fraught with blockage of the esophagus or intestinal obstruction, up to and including death. A ball can easily block the larynx, and the animal will suffocate. In the happiest combination of circumstances, a foreign body will come out of the animal during the toilet.

What to do? While the cat or dog is small, put in perfect order. An eye and an eye behind every cube, tube, baby doll. If there is a child, taking care of the safety of the tailed pet will be a good incentive for him to be neat.

Little puppies love to have fun, selflessly gnawing at wires. The glowing Christmas tree garland is a special temptation. Such entertainment is fraught with electrical injury. Electric current, passing through the small body, causes respiratory paralysis and cardiac arrest. Those who survived are provided with serious burns to the oral cavity.

What to do? Raise wires to a height out of the reach of pets. With kittens, everything is not so simple, height is not a hindrance to them. Hide and de-energize! Well, kittens are still less interested in wires.

They gnaw, swallow, tear, choke. Mittens, slippers, even rubber boots are sacred! Among other things, on street shoes, we bring all kinds of infection, from fleas to pathogens of infectious diseases.

What to do? Never leave shoes in the public domain, unambiguously protect: a pet from shoes, shoes from a pet. Rigorous parenting can help, but it can still be fraught with spontaneous breakdowns.

Beautiful bedspreads, interior curtains

These decor items, of course, are safe for the pet: he will gladly lie down in your absence on a fashionable blanket that you bought for a pretty penny. And hang on the curtains, and play with a fringe. But you will be upset, scold the fool.

What to do? While you have a puppy or kitten, remove and remove all expensive interior items. Or leave your pet in a more democratic room.

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