😉 Hello dear readers! Do you want to know what dandruff is and what causes it? The article has a detailed answer to this question and a video on this topic.
Dandruff: what is it
Dandruff (seborrhea or seborrheic dermatitis) is a type of dead skin on the scalp. The process of their detachment occurs in every person, but in certain situations it accelerates, and the number of skin cells that die increases. In this case, the skin and hair are covered with white flakes (scales).
This is what dandruff looks like on the scalp under a microscope.
This not only looks ugly and repulsive to others, but also has certain consequences. People who suffer from this disease and do not treat it are more likely to experience inflammatory skin conditions and hair loss.
To get rid of the problem, you need to establish the cause of its occurrence. This will help you find the right and effective treatment.
But self-medication is not worth it. It is advisable to consult a doctor – a trichologist who will select the right drug for the patient. Often, seborrhea can be a signal of serious disorders in the human body.
Causes of dandruff
- hereditary predisposition;
- increased oily hair;
- fungal infection of the scalp;
- excessive dryness of the skin;
- hormonal changes;
- violations of hygiene rules;
- metabolic disorders, as a result of which the death of skin cells is accelerated;
- overwork, stress, chronic lack of sleep;
- incorrectly selected shampoo;
- exposure to chemical dyes;
- bad ecology – poor quality water for washing hair;
- a hairdresser friend of mine said that dandruff comes from washing hair with hot water.
Yet the most common culprit is fungus. Almost all people have it on the skin, but it does not always lead to dandruff. It begins to multiply intensively and cause “snow” on the head when immunity is reduced.
This happens after the transferred infectious diseases, with rigid diets or unbalanced nutrition, with the abuse of sugar and salt, lack of vitamins, especially A and E, as well as due to stress.
Another reason is hormonal disorders during puberty, menopause, during pregnancy and taking hormonal drugs, for example, birth control pills.
White scales can appear on the scalp after hypothermia or from strong exposure to ultraviolet radiation. It is also promoted by frequent drying of hair with a hairdryer, the use of curling irons and irons. Sometimes seborrhea is an allergic reaction to shampoos, hair masks, and some hats.
Learn more in this video on what dandruff is and what causes it
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