What is chicory and how is it good for the body

😉 Hello everyone! Thank you for choosing the article “What is chicory and how is it useful” on this site! You will find out how the chicory drink is useful. What problems does it help to solve, and to whom it is contraindicated.

What is chicory

This is a perennial unpretentious flower, a relative of the aster. Other names: roadside grass, crescent, blue flower, petrov whip, roadside cornflower.

Since ancient times it has been considered a medicinal plant. The famous physician Ibn Sina Avicenna used it to treat the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and gout.

Two species of this plant are cultivated for use in the food industry. In particular, a powder is prepared from the roots of common chicory, which is the most famous coffee substitute.

What is chicory and how is it good for the body

Note, if we are talking about chicory, then there is nothing dismissive in the word “surrogate”. After all, such a drink is a very healthy product. The mere fact that it helps to overcome addiction to coffee makes the root a medicine. What are its other advantages?

Common chicory: medicinal properties

There are many vitamins and vitamin-like substances of the group in the roots of the plant. They tone up, invigorate, improve the functioning of the nervous system. Unlike coffee, chicory is not energizing, but energizing.

Chicoric acid, one of the main components of the plant, has pronounced antioxidant, immunomodulatory properties. The plant is rich in inulin – an organic substance that neutralizes sugar, reduces the concentration of glucose in the blood. Promotes weight loss.

In this regard, the drink can be used as a productive element of the antidiabetic diet. Chicory inulin maintains optimal intestinal microflora, increases the number of bifidobacteria.

Inulin helps in the absorption of minerals and vitamins. The chicory drink strengthens the defense mechanisms. It’s a good source of potassium and magnesium, which are heart-healthy nutrients.

Chicory coffee helps to equalize blood pressure, improve heart rate, get rid of cholesterol deposits. Chicory is also iron, which is why the plant is used to treat iron deficiency anemia.

The root of the plant is replete with triterpenes – compounds that activate metabolic processes. Together with thiamine and riboflavin, triterpenes effectively break down carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and normalize weight.

The plant contains enough pectins that improve intestinal motility and suppress hunger. Thanks to its numerous organic acids, it cleanses the liver well and stimulates the gallbladder.

The roots, stems and flowers contain a wide variety of minerals and important vitamins (A, E, C). Therefore, the healing drink improves skin turgor, accelerates the synthesis of collagen fibers. Unsurprisingly, chicory is good for more than just a drink. It makes excellent skin toners and hair rinses.

Chicory: contraindications for use

In order for the beneficial properties of chicory to be fully manifested, you need to drink it without animal milk. It is better to supplement chicory drink with vegetable extracts – soy, nut, oat.

In what situations is it impossible or undesirable to drink chicory coffee?

Use a coffee drink with caution in case of serious vascular diseases. Do not drink it if you have varicose veins. For liver problems, the drink is consumed in moderate doses.

Along with strong tea, cocoa and chicory coffee are undesirable during pregnancy. On the other hand, in the early stages, this drink helps to cope with nausea caused by toxicosis.

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