What is Celine Dion sick with? She had to cancel concerts due to mysterious ailments

Celine Dion fans around the world are concerned about her health. The artist was forced to cancel her tour once again. Celine Dion explains this decision by the fact that she does not feel capable of performing in front of an audience of millions. However, the singer does not say exactly what is really wrong with her. Specialists suggest that it may be one of the chronic neurological diseases.

  1. Celine Dion has once again canceled her European tour. The reason is supposed to be her health problems
  2. Already in 2021, the singer revealed that she had problems with recurring painful muscle spasms
  3. Celine Dion is under the care of specialists. However, as she admitted, her health improvement is extremely slow
  4. Some suggest that the artist may suffer from dystonia, a disease that, in addition to contractions, also causes uncontrolled blinking and tremors, among other things.
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Celine Dion suffers from muscle spasms

Celine Dion was set to embark on a major European tour this year. Polish fans have already counted down the days to meet their idol. Celina Dion was also supposed to visit our country. Unfortunately, that will not happen. Performer of the hit “My Heart Will Go On” has published a video on the web in which she announces that she must cancel all the concerts scheduled for this year. Earlier, she also gave up performing as part of the North American tour.

The 54-year-old explains this difficult decision with health problems. Already in 2021, Celine Dion revealed that she was suffering from very painful muscle spasms. Doctors are not yet able to determine what causes these ailments. Celine Dion, on the other hand, does not want to reveal the details of her illness too much. Her sister in an interview with TVA Nouvelles – Quebec’s French-language news service – only revealed that the artist was afraid to stand on stage. This is because she had problems with muscles, legs and feet in previous performances.

Celine Dion doesn’t want to disappoint her fans. The artist dreams of giving her best on stage. For the time being, however, it is unable to do so. This is why he prefers to retreat into the shadows and take care of his health in peace.

«The good news is, I’m doing a little better. Improvement is very slow and I find it extremely frustrating. I’m in treatment, taking medications, but still getting cramps. My recovery takes much longer than expected. I have to be very patient and listen to the doctors »explains Celine Dion in her video, which a few weeks ago went online.

  1. This may interest you: Are you getting cramps or your hands and feet getting swollen? The reason may be surprising

Causes of muscle cramps

Muscle cramps can occur as a result of excessive stress, strenuous training, or dehydration. Cleveland Clinic specialists indicate that they most often occur in the feet, hands, arms, abdomen and back. Sometimes the pain they cause gets worse. Some contractions may take as long as 15 minutes to stop completely.

Experts indicate that some people may be particularly vulnerable to the occurrence of these ailments. This group includes, among others, patients with nervous disorders or problems related to the thyroid gland.

When muscle spasms are neurological, they may be associated with other symptoms. Some of them are:

  1. back, neck or head pain
  2. muscle weakness
  3. skin numbness
  4. shaking hands
  5. paralysis,
  6. poor coordination,
  7. slow movements
  8. double vision
  9. sleep problems.

Does Celine Dion suffer from dystonia?

While no one has said it outright, some experts have suggested that Celine Dion may have dystonia. What is this disease manifested? It causes uncontrolled and sometimes very painful muscle contractions. It can be whole-body or only in specific places. Muscle spasms are usually also accompanied by uncontrolled blinking and tremors.

One of the main differences between muscle spasms and conditions like dystonia is how they are treated. The first ones usually go away on their own. Drinking plenty of water and ingestion of magnesium help, among other things. At Medonet Market you can buy the Triple Magnesium complex dietary supplement – magnesium supporting the nervous system and muscles.

The American Osteopathic Association also recommends the following:

  1. refraining from exhausting workouts that put a heavy load on the muscles,
  2. gentle massaging and stretching of muscles,
  3. using an electric pillow to relax tense muscles,
  4. ice massages.

For dystonia, treatment is mainly based on the administration of a drug known as botulinum toxin. This is to relieve symptoms. The treatment must be repeated every three months. Surgery, physical therapy, and occupational therapy can also help.

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