What is bikram yoga?

What is bikram yoga?

Bikram Yoga is a form of contemporary yoga characterized by very special session conditions: the room temperature must be 40 degrees and the air must be 40% humidified. This article aims to define bikram yoga, to explain its principles and benefits, where it comes from, to whom it is addressed and what are the risks.

Definition of bikram yoga

Bikram yoga derives from Hatha yoga, which is an effort-based form of yoga. Also called hot yoga, Bikram yoga is a contemporary yoga that offers 2 breathing exercises, as well as 26 postures, also called “asanas”. Each of these postures allows all parts of the body to work during the sessions, which each last 90 minutes.

The particularity of this form of yoga lies in the conditions of the sessions. Indeed, the postural and breathing exercises are performed in a room heated to 40 degrees and humidified to 40%. The sweating resulting from the heat would have the faculty to improve the muscular and articulation flexibility. Heat alone would remove impurities from the body and promote movement.

The basic principles of bikram yoga

The 26 postures are always performed in the same order, and twice in a row each. You must stay in each posture for at least a minute.

The 2 breathing exercises are performed only once. The first exercise is performed at the start of the session, it is pranayama, which is a practice of controlling breathing. The second is done at the end of the session and is called kapalabhati: it is an abdominal expiration technique that aims to purify the body.

What are the benefits of bikram yoga?

Many studies have studied the effects of Bikram Yoga on health. It allows in particular to:

  • To improve perceived stress.
  • Improve the quality of sleep: bikram yoga helps reduce sleeping troubles thanks to its anti-stress action.
  • Improve the quality of life and psychological well-being.
  • Increase glucose tolerance, bone mineral density, arterial stiffness.
  • Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease: Bikram yoga causes a reduction in heart rate, total cholesterol, triglycerides and hypertension, as well as an increase in cardiac endurance, which helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular illnesses.
  • Strengthen joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments thanks to the fact that the 26 postures work on the whole body.
  • Reduce the risk of osteoporosis: bikram yoga helps increase bone density and reduce the risk of bone loss

What are the differences with traditional yoga?

Heat is the main differentiator between bikram yoga and traditional yoga, but there are others. Particularly in the objective: unlike traditional yoga, bikram yoga is used much more to treat physical problems. In addition, bikram Yoga has a low number of postures compared to traditional yoga, and the sessions are longer than traditional yoga sessions which can last from ten minutes to 60 minutes.

The history of the bikram

The founder of Bikram Yoga, Bikram Choudhury was born in Calcutta, India in 1946. It was at the age of 4 that he started practicing yoga with his spiritual master: Bishnu Gosh, who strongly inspired Bikram in this. which concerns the creation of bikram yoga.

One day, Bikram had an accident which paralyzed his legs. Following this accident, he continued to practice yoga and noticed an improvement in his physical and mental condition. He therefore decided to create bikram yoga inspired by the 84 postures of Hatha yoga. It was in the late 60s that Bikram traveled to the United States, where he opened his yoga center in 1973. Today, there are around 600 Bikram Yoga centers around the world.

What is the address of bikram yoga?

No matter their age, physical condition or yoga level, all individuals can practice bikram yoga. It is effective for individuals who wish to maintain their physical condition and improve their well-being.

What are the risks ?

Heat can cause Dehydration, increased heart rate and internal temperature, which can be dangerous for some people. Bikram Yoga is not recommended for people at risk of psychosis since it has been at the origin of psychic decompensation in certain predisposed individuals.

Writing : Guity Baftehchian

April 2017


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  • Yoga style series. (Accessed April 07, 2017). ayl.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/courtesy-ayl-yoga-style-Bikram-Yoga.pdf
  • Bikramyogaparis. (Accessed April 07, 2017). https://www.bikramyogaparis.com/yoga-bikram/


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