What is autism?

Autism belongs to the group of symptoms called withdrawal, which should be understood as avoiding contact with the outside world – with people and the environment. The underlying disease is neurodevelopmental disorders of unknown origin. The causes of autism include, among others, gluten intolerance, genetic factors and cerebral palsy.

Autism – What is it?

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder. The first symptoms of autism occur in childhood and last for the rest of life. These disorders are currently one of the most common in the world (in Poland, one in 300 children suffers from autism). The work of the brain plays an important role in autism. Patients cut themselves off from the world and avoid talking to other people. Research shows that autism is associated with a kind of internal void or even a large number of internal experiences / emotions.

Autism includes:

  1. early childhood autism;
  2. atypical autism;
  3. Asparger syndrome.

Autism – causes

Autism is a disease that is possibly related to neurological problems of unknown origin. The most common causes of autism are:

  1. genetic factors;
  2. cerebral palsy;
  3. toxoplasmosis;
  4. gluten intolerance;
  5. casein intolerance;
  6. allergies;
  7. problems with removing toxins;
  8. paternal age exceeding 40 years;
  9. perinatal injuries.

Autism – what are the first symptoms of the disease?

Autism is a disease that manifests itself before the age of 3. Parents usually observe disturbing child behavior – in some cases already in infancy. They are concerned that the baby is:

  1. too complacent
  2. does not respond to noise,
  3. does not focus on people entering,
  4. when you pick them up – he stiffens, he stares at one point for hours, e.g. a ticking clock, he doesn’t chatter,
  5. does not say.

It also happens that the child’s development is initially normal, and strange behaviors appear suddenly.

Types of autism

Autism affects boys more than girls.

Among autism, we distinguish:

  1. childhood autism: is associated with the age at which it occurs and when the first symptoms were observed (does not mean that it affects only children). This form of autism is hypersensitive to smell, light, sound, touch, and images. The child has problems with the appropriate reception and interpretation of stimuli that reach him. This is probably due to brain damage. In order to deal with the internal chaos, the child closes himself in his world and does not perceive external signals (does not react);
  2. schizophrenic autism: manifested by the patient’s closure in their own world, avoiding other people, conversations and contacts, and living in their inner, empty world.

How does an autistic child behave?

The child closes in his world. It is a bit distorted, but so engaging that the little one does not see the need to talk to people around him. There is a comprehensive development disorder. The child avoids contact with peers and family. He stops talking to his mother for no reason and treats everyone around him like air. She doesn’t allow herself to be touched. He stiffens when handled. It doesn’t feel like anything. He doesn’t trick his parents into buying him a super car or an all-doll doll. Doesn’t respond to pain. She is not happy when her beloved aunt drives by. When he gets his favorite ice cream – he doesn’t show that he likes it very much. Subtle signs (grimace, other people’s gestures) are of little importance to him. You can smile at him with the most sincere tenderness, and he will not pay attention to it or find it nice. He stops talking, and if he speaks, he is distorted – squeaky, incoherent, repeats words or slogans from TV commercials. Instead of “me,” he says “you.” Uses incomprehensible phrases. He is acting stereotypically – he is waving his hands or going in circles. He becomes overly attached to certain items. And if someone takes them from him, he panics. He doesn’t like when someone changes his rituals. He likes to walk the same way, eat from the same plate, clean with the same brush. He hates any changes in his daily activities. Children with less severe autism have a very selective and limited range of interests – hence they are experts in narrow areas. Sometimes they show extraordinary memory, which, however, they do not use in everyday life, at school, and in contact with people. Autistic children are often fearful, easily aggressive, and have disturbed sleep. The diagnosis is made by a psychologist, psychiatrist or special educator – based on the observation and assessment of the child’s development.

Autism – diagnosis

The diagnosis of autism takes time. In order to make a correct assessment, you should carefully observe the child and make frequent appointments at specialist clinics. The doctor observes the child’s behavior in various situations, whether during his activity or with his parents, alone or with a therapist and while playing.

When making a diagnosis, specialists use three groups of symptoms:

  1. disruption of social skills,
  2. disturbance of verbal and wordless communication,
  3. impaired imagination processes and a small repertoire.

Autism – Treatment

Autism in children is a severe disease with an unfavorable prognosis, largely dependent on the severity of symptoms and the degree of mental retardation. It is a difficult disease to cure. The child requires constant care. Treatment consists of various forms of psychotherapy – it should apply to the whole family.

Drug treatment includes:

— stimulant,

– antidepressants (they are ineffective in short-term therapy),

– neuroleptics.

The therapy of children suffering from autism consists mainly in educational and psychological help. Autism causes certain areas of the brain to become inactive, leading to developmental disorders. Doctors who care for autistic children stimulate certain areas in the brain. Attention! It should be remembered that drug treatment is initiated when the behavior of an autistic child cannot be controlled. Sometimes it can be dangerous.

According to the latest research, autism can be cured. Of course, this is possible thanks to the early detection of the disease and therapy that helps to alleviate and eliminate the symptoms of autistic behavior, and adapt to normal life in society.

Autism – Tips for Parents

Consult your doctor if your baby is:

• does not babble before the age of one year, does not develop speech,

• isolates himself from the environment,

• they stop communicating with you and others, closing themselves off in their own world.

It is extremely important to start treatment as early as possible.

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