What is asparagus and how is it useful, how to cook and store

😉 Hello dear readers! Thank you for choosing the article “What is asparagus and how is it useful, how to cook and store”. The article is devoted to medicinal asparagus.

Asparagus: what is it

This perennial herb of the asparagus family is classified as a vegetable. Asparagus in Latin is called asparagus. Common species is medicinal asparagus. Its young shoots are eaten. The fruit is a red berry that ripens in late summer (August).

Asparagus began to be cultivated in the Mediterranean countries even before our era. The healing properties of this plant were mentioned by the ancient Greek healer Hippocrates. Since the XV century. asparagus began to be grown in France, in Russia – from the XNUMXth century.

Asparagus species

Asparagus has over 200 species, differing in the color of the shoots, early maturity, and other characteristics. Shoots are green, green-lilac and white. White shoots are asparagus grown using a special technology, covering the plant with soil to protect it from light and photosynthesis.

What is asparagus and how is it useful, how to cook and store

White and tender shoots are considered a delicacy. They contain less nutrients than green ones that were grown under the sun.

Some types:

  • white;
  • angularly broken;
  • short-leaved;
  • breslera;
  • Bukhara;
  • Daurian;
  • neglected;
  • medicinal;
  • unbranched;
  • Persian;
  • falsely rough;
  • schobery;
  • bristle-shaped;
  • tonkolistnaya;
  • Turkestan;
  • whorled.

Soy is an erroneous name that has nothing to do with the plant. It is a soy milk processing product called fuju. A popular dish made from it is Korean asparagus.

Asparagus: composition and calorie content

In 100 grams of product –

  • calorie content – 20 kcal;
  • fats – 0,15 g;
  • proteins – 2,16 g;
  • carbohydrates – 3,90 g;
  • water – 93 gr;
  • ash – 0,60 g;
  • dietary fiber.

The shoots, rhizome and root contain aspartic and folic acids, lysine, coumarins, essential oil, carotenoids, B vitamins. Vitamins: A, C, E, PP, K (prevailing). Minerals: iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc, manganese, selenium, potassium.

The biologically active substance asparagine dilates blood vessels, improves myocardial contractility, and lowers blood pressure. Feature: when eating asparagus stalks, the smell of the body and urine of a person acquire the smell of hydrogen sulfide due to asparagine.

Useful properties of asparagus

It has healing properties: blood-purifying, sedative, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, etc.

  • useful in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • with anemia;
  • regulates blood sugar;
  • reduces the risk of osteoporosis;
  • relieves hangover symptoms;
  • is a natural aphrodisiac;
  • participates in stopping bleeding (increases blood clotting);
  • strengthen the immune system.


  • period of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • cystitis;
  • with urolithiasis, it is not recommended to use;
  • intolerance;
  • tendency to allergies.

How to choose and how to store asparagus

The thickness of the shoots of a plant does not affect their tenderness, which is determined by age and freshness. When buying a vegetable, choose firm and smooth stems 10-15 cm long with small dense tops. When rubbed, the surface of the fresh shoot should creak slightly.

Pay attention to the cut site – it should not be dried out. The preferred stem thickness is up to 1 cm in diameter.

Fresh asparagus can be stored for 3-4 days in the refrigerator. Wrap it in a damp cloth and place it in a plastic container. Frozen is stored for up to a year.

How to cook asparagus

This is not difficult. Remove the thick part (base) of the young shoot with a knife. Dip the shoots into boiling salted water for no more than 1 minute. Then lightly fry in butter for 1-1,5 minutes. Serve as an independent dish or as a side dish for meat and fish. Watch the video.

How To Cook Asparagus | Delicious Side Dish and Asparagus in a Frying Pan | Evgeny Klopotenko


More information on “What is asparagus and how is it good for you” in this video. Do not miss!

Asparagus. Benefit and harm.

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