What is an irrational number: essence, examples, properties

Infinite fractions are also non-periodic. The latter are called irrational numbers.

Their essence, as the name suggests, is that they are not rational, i.e. cannot be represented as a common fraction 

Where m и n are integers, and n ≠ 0.


The most common kind of irrational number (but not the only one) is the square root of any natural number that is not a perfect square.


  • 2 = 1,414213562373 …
  • 3 = 1,732050807568 …
  • e = 2,718281828459 …

The set of irrational numbers is denoted by the Latin letter I.


1. The sum of two irrational numbers can be a rational number.

2. There is an irrational between any two numbers.

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