What is an eye patch and how to use it

*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Kayal (kajal, kajal, khôl, the term can be understood as “eye outline” or “cosmetics”) is a mega-popular eye make-up product for makeup artists and individual users. It is a thick bold pencil that performs several functions.

Kayal as a representative of cosmetics originated in the time of Cleopatra. It was with such a pencil that the famous last queen of Hellenistic Egypt drew her legendary chic arrows. At that time, the remedy was used not only by noble women, but even by men and children. Kajal is famous both in Africa and Asia, where it is used not only to create a spectacular make-up, but also to protect the mucous membranes of the eyes from the harmful effects of weather factors such as wind, ubiquitous sand and hot sun. Additional features of the kayala:

Так как кайал изготавливали из компонентов природного происхождения, имеющих лечебные свойства, его применяли для защиты слизистой оболочки глаз от проникновения инфекционных агентов, для лечения и предотвращения офтальмологических заболеваний воспалительного характера. В состав косметического средства входили натуральные растительные масла и экстракты, а также древесная смола, полезные минералы и измельченный древесный уголь.

It was believed that kajal effectively protects a person from the evil eye, so parents often used this remedy when painting the eyes of newborn babies and young children.

The use of kayala made it possible to characterize the social status of a person.

Kayal was used to perform special drawings that had ritual significance.

Kayal found its use in the days of silent films, it was used by the famous Charlie Chaplin. Nowadays, women and girls all over the world acquire this tool to create a spectacular and unforgettable eye makeup.

Kajal and classic eyeliner

Чтобы понять, для чего нужен кайал, а также, как и для чего его использовать, рассмотрим, чем отличается это средство от классического декоративного карандаша для макияжа глаз:

  1. Texture and consistency. Unlike the usual contour pencil, the core of which can be just soft, medium soft and fairly hard, kajal is very soft and oily. Its tip glides over the skin and even the mucous membrane of the eye without any problems, does not scratch, does not cause any discomfort. To get a wide and rich line, you do not even have to press on the rod. However, the tip of the kajal often breaks off, as it is very soft, so it must be handled delicately.

  2. Purpose and scope of kayala. Despite the fact that the manufacturer makes the tip of the pencil as pointed as possible, it is difficult to use it to draw fine lines. Therefore, kajal is usually purchased to create thick arrows, for a solid stroke and for painting over the entire surface of the upper eyelid. The peculiarity of kajal is that it keeps well on the mucous surface of the eyes, therefore it is often used to make a circular stroke not along the outer, but along the inner edge of the eyelids. If you need to make the lines thinner, you can put the kajal in the freezer 25-30 minutes before the start of the make-up. After heat treatment, you can try to sharpen the tip with a sharpener for contour pencils.

  3. The composition of the kayala rod. Like several thousand years ago, kayal is produced mainly from natural ingredients. If you are not allergic to the substances included in the formula of a cosmetic product, its use will only benefit.

  4. Release form, marking. Kajal usually comes in the form of a thick cylinder, or a tube with a thick stem inside, but you can find options on the market that are indistinguishable from ordinary contour pencils. But on the packaging it will be indicated that it is kajal. Marking for different manufacturers may differ, the inscription may look like this – kajal, khôl.

  5. The specifics of kayal pencils. Such a cosmetic product is quite difficult to use in makeup if the girl has small, deep-set eyes, or vice versa, her eyes are “bulging”. In this case, kayal emphasizes these features of appearance, which is not always appropriate.

Kayal is considered a popular cosmetic product not only among ordinary consumers, but also among professional makeup artists. In the assortment of specialized stores you can find many color options for this beauty product. For example, a white bold pencil – it is used for various purposes, it can replace a primer for the eyelids, it acts as a good base for a make-up, on which the shade of the shadows looks deeper and richer, and the shadows themselves stay on the eyelids longer, do not roll into skin folds. Also, white kayal can be applied near the lash line on the lower eyelid, on the area in the corners of the eyes, making them look larger and more expressive, the look becomes fresh, cheerful and attractive.

The second classic color of the kayala is black. This is just a godsend for those who like to do makeup in the style of smokey ice or cat eyes, who often do chic retro-style arrows. The second use of black kayala is a solid shading of the upper eyelid to create a dramatic look or an evening, festive make-up. If the kajal does not contain glitter or shimmer, it does not reflect light and does not create glare. Therefore, photos from a celebration or photo shoot will be successful.

In addition to black and white kajal, you can find many other color options for sale for every taste – champagne shades, blue, olive, orange, yellow, purple, blue, brown, etc. There are both matte and shimmery textures – you can bring to life any, the most unusual eye makeup idea.

How to use kajal in eye makeup

Kayal is a universal beauty tool that will help you accentuate the eye area, emphasize beauty and make your look more attractive and sexy. You can use a bold pencil in several ways:

  1. Smokey ice with kajal of any bright or dark color. To make up your eyes, just run the tip of the rod along the lash line on the upper and lower eyelids, make a small straight arrow. And then, with a special applicator or a cotton swab, blend the pigments so that they form a haze around the cut of the eyes. Also, within the framework of this technique, you can use not one, but several colors (2 or 3) of kayala – similar in type or contrasting. Color transitions can be sharp or smooth. The haze can be shaded not only on the moving eyelid, but also a little higher, going beyond the crease, but not reaching the eyebrow growth line.

  2. Обычная обводка по внешнему контуру век. В данном случае нужно обвести верхнее и нижнее веко, создавая плавную и беспрерывную линию. Рисовать кончик стрелки или нет – решайте сами, если у вас большие распахнутые глаза стрелочка поможет слегка сузить их и придаст взгляду загадочное и томное выражение. Растушевывать пигменты не нужно.

  3. Обычная подводка по слизистой. На верхнем веке стрелка рисуется непосредственно около линии роста ресничного ряда, а в уголках глаз и на нижнем веке линия проводится прямо по слизистой, лишь слегка затрагивая кожу век и забиваясь между ресничек.

  4. A lone arrow on the upper eyelid, including this may be a retro version. Start drawing a line at the inner corner of the eye above the lash line. Closer to the middle, make the arrow a little thicker. And having reached the outer corner of the eye, paint over a few more millimeters, lifting the line up and trying to sharpen it as much as possible. Then the line can be blurred a little. But if you want to make a retro-style arrow, you should not do feathering, the line should be clear.

  5. The use of kayala in the nude technique. In this case, you will need a pencil of some natural muted shade with a matte finish. It can be chocolate, coffee, flesh, beige, light gray, graphite, the color of wet asphalt. Draw a line on the upper and lower eyelids (or only on the upper) as close as possible to the border of the growth of the ciliary row. Then, with a cotton swab or applicator, drive the pigments between the cilia. This way you can make a slight accent on the eyes, and at the same time get the effect of makeup without makeup.

These are far from all eye make-up techniques in which you can successfully apply kajal and get a striking effect that transforms your appearance. For example, you can emphasize the lower eyelid with one color, and completely paint over the upper movable eyelid with another. There are a lot of options, experiment in your free time, evaluate the result – the main thing is that the makeup suits you and is appropriate in a given situation.

How to use kajal for eyes of a light shade in makeup of other areas of the face

Визажисты любят экспериментировать с косметикой, искать нестандартные способы применения разных косметических средств. Поэтому не удивительно, что и для кайала для глаз нашлись альтернативные методы использования. К примеру, если нанести матовый или сатиновый кайал телесного оттенка по контуру губ и хорошо растушевать, губы будут казаться более объемными, пухлыми. В то же время естественный розовый оттенок кожи в центре будет создавать ощущение, что губы зацелованы – такой эффект очень популярен в данное время. А если все тот же матовый светлый кайал нанести на область под бровями, можно сделать их более четкими и выразительными, визуально увеличить глаза, взгляд получится распахнутым.

Bold and easily blendable, kajal is also used to contour facial features. White, flesh and just a light shade of a pencil can be used to accentuate, visually increase the length / width / volume of the desired areas. For example, by applying pigments to the back of the nose, you can make it more refined. And if you use a light kayal near the hairline on the forehead, you can visually make a small forehead higher.

Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

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