Each of us wants to be energetic. Achieve your goals, get the job done, live the life you want to live. But what to do if the energy has disappeared somewhere, and chronic fatigue has come in its place? Coffee is no longer enough, and after breakfast you want to sleep again!
The answer is simple: you need to go in search of lost energy. However, these searches are not easy: we need to understand not only where to get the energy and how to return it back, but also where exactly it disappeared from.
Let’s start with the fact that there are 4 types of vital energy:
- physical energy is the health of our body, sleep, proper nutrition and physical activity. It is to this source that you need to turn first of all if the body does not have enough energy.
- emotional energy – communication with loved ones, travel, the desire to try new things, creativity, self-expression. The more a person receives and gives positive emotions, the higher his emotional energy.
- Smart Energy – this is information, new knowledge, training. However, for this energy to work, simple consumption is not enough. The brain must strain and develop: think, decide, remember.
- Spiritual energy – this is an understanding of one’s place in the world, the presence of goals and values, a connection with something greater. Religious people find the source of this energy in faith. Meditation, yoga, reflection can also become a source.
For a happy, energetic life, you need to maintain energy balance. All 4 types of energy must be sufficiently present in our lives. It is important not to get hung up on one thing, but to alternate energy sources. If the energy deficit is not replenished, you can enter the “red energy zone” – a state of burnout and chronic fatigue. It is in this state that a person becomes irritable, begins to engage in self-discipline, he may develop apathy, emptiness.
You can get out of this state. First of all, it is important to recognize it and focus your efforts primarily on normalizing the level of energy – all other things can wait! It is worth giving yourself a short vacation or a long weekend: a few days to do whatever the body wants. Want to sleep all day? – need sleep. Want to run? – let’s run.
Simple vacation planning, one bright event a week will help you relax and fill your life with new emotions
The main thing to remember is that the longer the body experienced an energy deficit, the more time it will take to recover. Therefore, it is extremely important to constantly monitor your energy in order to notice a leak in time and prevent it from entering the “red zone”, from which it is long and difficult to return.
There are 2 ways to do this:
Energy balance table helps to understand if there is a lack of energy and how to fill it. To do this, take a sheet of paper and divide it into two parts. The first half is energy consumption. On it you need to paint: where does the energy go? For example, 60% for work, 20% for travel, 10% for household chores. The second half is an influx of energy. We write on it: where does the energy come from? For example, 20% – walk, 10% – sports, 25% – communication with children and husband. If the amount of energy received is less than the energy consumption, you need to think: where else can you get energy, or, perhaps, reduce its consumption?
Diary and Energy Graph – a more detailed method that will help you understand what exactly takes away energy and what gives it. To do this, you need to start a diary and every 2 hours after waking up, mark your well-being on a ten-point scale. If sleepy and lazy – 2 points. If cheerful and good – 8. Thus, for example, you can find out that an hour after drinking a mug of coffee, energy drops, and a 10-minute walk at a fast pace, on the contrary, invigorates.
So, if the table and diary revealed a lack of energy, there is no need to despair. It is better to immediately begin to think over a plan for replenishing energy. We determine at what level the leak occurred, and, if possible, close it. The best way to deal with lack of energy is prevention. Simple vacation planning, one bright event a week will help you relax and fill your life with new emotions.
The following practices will also help:
- Daily walks in the fresh air, exercise or salutation to the sun (maintaining and restoring physical energy);
- Emotional clearing – to express your emotions in any appropriate way. For example, beat a pillow or shout at the city (emotional energy);
- Reading useful books, learning foreign languages (intellectual energy);
- Meditation or yoga. You can start with 1 minute a day (spiritual energy).
And of course, you have to be honest with yourself. And from time to time indulge your “inner child” with something pleasant.
About the authors
Tatyana Mitrova and Yaroslav Glazunov – Authors of the new book “8 and a half steps”. Yaroslav is an SEO performance expert and author of the best-selling book Anti-Titanic: A Guide for SEO. How to win where others drown. Tatiana is director of the Energy Center at the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo.