What is an elliptical trainer and what is it for?

Elliptical trainers – what is it, purpose, features of simulators, how to use it correctly for beginners?

The elliptical trainer is part of the cardio equipment group. It makes it possible to combine two types of training – strength and cardio. With it, you can strengthen the lungs, expand their volume, also heal the heart and tone the blood vessels. At the same time, the muscles of the back, legs, abs, arms and buttocks are strengthened.

The elliptical trainer, even with intense load, does not cause any harm to the joints. Therefore, it can be used even for people with a sore back, problems with the knee and other joints. And all thanks to the fact that the movement takes place along an elliptical path that simulates walking and running.

Purpose of the elliptical trainer

Although the elliptical trainer is generally safe, it must be remembered that this type of activity puts a lot of physical stress on the body.

  • If you suffer from chronic diseases, it is best to talk to your doctor about whether you can exercise.
  • As for pregnancy, classes on an ellipsoid are permissible only with the permission of a specialist.
  • If you have oncological diseases, thrombophlebitis of a serious stage, cardiovascular diseases – you should not take risks.
  • The same applies to people with diabetes and serious diseases of the spine, bones and joints.

Ellipsoid is effective for those who want to lose weight. Training will increase calorie consumption, and regular exercise will affect the acceleration of fat breakdown. Also, the simulator is suitable for those who want to strengthen the muscles of the whole body. It immediately engages the muscles of the arms and legs, as well as the buttocks and back. The whole body is trained evenly.

It is worth remembering that classes on an ellipsoid are suitable for those who want to dry their muscles, get rid of body fat and get a beautiful relief of the press. But at the same time, muscle mass will not increase.

Features of elliptical trainers

Elliptical trainers are like skiing or running. But when compared with regular gravel running, such a load is considered safer for the joints and vertebrae. At any stage of the movement, the feet do not come off the pedals, so there is no impact or a sharp push. During training, the legs are slightly bent, which also relieves the load on the ankle and knee joints.

The main characteristics of elliptical trainers:

  • The elliptical is a completely safe trainer as it provides stability. The arms have additional support, and the load is distributed evenly between the legs and upper body. For an hour of intense exercise, you can burn 800 kcal.
  • Regular training will develop endurance and improve heart function by 30% after a month of training. All the movements that you will perform on the ellipsoid will seem natural to you. You do not have to be specially trained to do it correctly and comfortably.
  • The ellipsoid is suitable for those who are prohibited from sudden movements and strikes – running, jumping. It can also be used by the elderly or those who are overweight.

How to use elliptical trainers for beginners?

Before approaching the elliptical trainer, beginners in the gym should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Training time – The most optimal time for classes is two hours after waking up. You can train in the evening, but only at least two hours before bedtime. These are general recommendations that can be adjusted depending on the characteristics of your body and biological clock.
  2. Comfortable clothes – Choose clothes that will not hinder movement, preferably from natural fabrics so that the skin breathes. Don’t wear overly tight suits or thick fabrics. Shoes should be as light as possible, comfortable, specially designed for sports.
  3. Meal time – Do not immediately use the ellipsoid after breakfast or dinner. Even if you just drank tea, you should wait about 2 hours and only then do it. It is recommended to drink water during exercise. Thus, you will reduce the load on the heart and relieve fatigue.
  4. Quality warm-up – It increases blood circulation in the muscles and prepares them for heavy loads. Stretch your knees, shins, thighs, and abs. Stretching each group should last up to 30 seconds – you should not overexert. If you feel pain, stop and move on to the next exercise.
  5. Duration of training – The first few workouts should not be too long, as a beginner cannot handle such loads. This can harm your health, as well as reduce your desire to exercise. The optimal time is considered to be 40 minutes of classes without rest. But if you have not trained before, have weakened muscles, then start with the minimum that is available to you.

On an elliptical trainer, take precautions

  • Consider your physical abilities and health status. As soon as you feel very tired, dizzy and uncomfortable, immediately stop exercising. After that, observe how the body behaves in order to adjust the training phase in the future.
  • If you feel shortness of breath, dizziness, chest pain, nausea, you should stop training immediately. Wait a while for the pulse to recover, observe the condition. If it has not changed, consult a doctor and never continue to exercise if you feel bad.

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