What is an ecological nursery?

Nurseries that respect the environment

The buildings which house the ecological nurseries are “eco-designed” and must be as less polluting as possible. For this, the nursery is first thought in relation to its environment as well as its exposure. There is also the High Environmental Quality label (HQE), which imposes precise criteria for sustainable development in construction: site with low environmental impact, energy, water and waste management, acoustic, visual and insulation comfort, etc. Strict standards must therefore be observed.

What is the HQE label?

Since 2004, the HQE (or High Environmental Quality) approach aims to erect healthy buildings – which waste neither water nor energy – in a logic of sustainable development. The additional construction cost is around 5% to 10%, but it quickly pays for itself through energy savings.

Equipment and furniture: creating a healthy environment for children

In addition to the construction, the layout is also essential so that the children benefit from a comfortable and healthy environment. The materials chosen are of course non-polluting, such as the ground, which is made up of natural elements without the emission of polluting products, unlike PVC. All the furniture is made of wood, which sometimes comes from eco-managed forests, and without varnish. In these nurseries, everything is done to avoid harmful components. A real plus for young children.

Ecological nursery project: avoid unnecessary waste

The staff are made aware of ecological issues and directly involved: do not waste water, do not heat unnecessarily, recover rainwater for watering … Moreover, natural light is preferred during construction to avoid excessive consumption of electricity. The comfort of children is not forgotten. Thermal insulation is essential so that the little ones are neither too hot in summer, nor too cold in winter. In some nurseries, heating is done with recycled wood and solar panels are installed for hot water. In short, everything is done to fully or partially (in some nurseries) meet HQE standards.

Food, toys and rest on the theme of ecology

Nurseries with ecological objectives ensure that the majority of products are obviously from organic farming. Children can enjoy delicious organic purees! The toys (except the dolls!) And the furniture are also made of wood. As for linen (sheets, towels, washcloths, etc.), organic cotton is preferred.

Use washable diapers

These ecologically oriented nurseries of course aim to use washable and non-disposable diapers. While it takes a lot more work for the staff to wash them, the waste is considerably reduced. And it can even give parents ideas! Other nurseries have opted for an intermediate solution: biodegradable diapers.

Optimize the cost

Thanks to the various aid from CAF and other organizations, the cost remains the same as for a public crèche. Of course, the amount of construction of the nursery itself is higher. However, the savings made over the years on water, electricity and heating bills will no doubt make up for this difference. Not to mention the positive impact on children who are sensitized from an early age to a healthy and ecological environment.

Ecological nurseries in France

More and more nurseries are made aware of ecology. Those who wish can take part in the “Ecolo crèche” approach in order to reduce their environmental impact. Some private nurseries like the Blue House or 123 Soleil have made ecology the basis of their educational project.

Eco-friendly nurseries: we pamper the insulation

In an eco-friendly nursery, unnecessary heating is avoided, to which good thermal insulation is preferred: natural bricks, rock wool and concrete on the outside protect children against the entry of cold and heat. No unnecessary expenses either: solar panels are often used, which preheat the sanitary water used at exchange stations and in washing machines. On the temperature side, very hot or very cold days do not disturb the well-being of babies. A watchword: “energy saving and ambient comfort” ! To do this, a sensor is placed on each radiator in order to regulate the heat of the underfloor heating, according to the outside temperature. The blinds and glazing also come as reinforcements if necessary, aided by night ventilation.

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