What is an activator washing machine – pros and cons

What is an activator type washing machine? Modern automatic models have almost supplanted such machines, but they are still used by some owners.

These are the most simple washing machines in design, which are convenient to use in the country and in other places remote from the city.

Device and benefits of use

What does the consumer need today? Save time, while getting high-quality washed and wrung out things. We need a machine that, while performing the given functions, will consume a minimum of resources.

An active type machine just combines these advantages. But during the process, your participation may be required.

How the activator SM works

Simplicity of design is another plus of the washing machine. To work, it only needs a tank made of metal or plastic, a motor, an activator and a timer. The paddle activator spins the water in the tank like a drum does.

This is a simple washing machine, not an automatic machine, which is easy and convenient to use. It is enough to flip the top cover, pour water and load the laundry. You start a mechanical timer – the activator rotates the laundry, this is how washing happens.

Due to the absence of complex electronics, a breakdown in the machine is easy to fix. You just need to check the motor or timer.

Advantages and disadvantages

Consider and compare the differences in the operation and design of the activator and automatic washer.


  • The lightness of activator SM, simple assembly. It is easy to rearrange them to another place, besides, it is advantageous to place them in places where there are no communications. For example, in dachas, in rural areas – after all, to start washing, you need to fill in the water manually.
  • Low cost compared to automatic washing machines.
  • Economical consumption of resources. Already warm water is poured into the tank, so there is no need for additional heating. An exception is activator washing machines with a heating element and water heating.
  • You can wash with various detergents: laundry soap, hand powder or automatic powder.
  • Permissible load is up to 14 kilograms of laundry at a time! In conventional automatic machines, 7-8 kilograms is considered the norm.
  • Activator models operate quietly, with virtually no vibration.


  • Waste of personal time and effort. If the SM does not have a centrifuge, the laundry is spun manually.
  • Water must also be added manually. Water consumption is greater than in the machine, in addition, stationary heating also consumes energy.
  • Rapid wear of fabrics, inability to wash woolen and thin items.
  • To drain the water, you need to connect a hose, substitute a container (or drain it into the sink).

Varieties of structures

Modern CMs are equipped with additional functionality. Washers also come in different designs and can perform not only basic modes, but also additional ones.

Consider the features of each:

Machine with manual control. The simplest and most understandable design is still equipped with a wringer, it is a washing machine with manual water filling and control. Spinning is carried out by turning the lever: the laundry placed between the two rollers is wrung out. The machine consists of a tank and blades.

These include once popular brands: a mini washing machine of the activator type “Baby”, “Fairy”, a washing machine “Oka”.

Malyutka car

СМ Feya CMP-20

Semi-automatic SM design consists of two sections (tanks). The first is washing, the second is spinning. Thanks to the built-in spin centrifuge, all you have to do is transfer the items to the second tank and start the process. The timer allows you to set the time, basic modes are provided.

These include “Snow White 55”, “Siberia” and others.

СМ Renova WS 50

Automatic machines have one tank. Perfectly wash things thanks to additional functions and water heating. Bubble-air extraction is gentle on fabrics.

These are such models as: Whirlpool Vantage, Redwer WMA 5521 and others.


СМ Whirlpool Vantage

If you are going to purchase an activator washing machine with a centrifuge, choose modern models with an air bubble impeller. It does not allow things to twist much, which leads to rapid wear.

A video on the topic will help you choose:

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