What is acupressure?

Acupressure is an alternative treatment method originating in Asia. It comes from China, where there are records that it was a well-known and recognized therapeutic method as early as 7 years ago. It is often confused with acupuncture, with which it has a common name prefix, derived from the Latin word acus, meaning needle. Sticking needles into different points on the body is used in acupuncture, while acupressure is based on pressure (pressure) primarily with the fingers and thus leads to a healing effect.

What does the use of acupressure look like?

Pressure suitable points on the body it is used primarily through action hands of the person performing the procedure. There are different ways of influencing the patient’s body: gentle touch, stroking, pressuretapping in the right way, all for the purpose of eliciting healing effect. Sometimes a kind of wooden pear is used for the procedure to massage with the long end deep in the skin acupressure points. Only pressure it can be fast and rhythmic (stimulating method) or in circular, gradually intensified movements (inhibitory method).

As part of acupressure, you can use needle mats or special applicators that are used to massage the body and compress it at various points. At Medonet Market you can buy special acupressure accessories at attractive prices. We recommend, among others:

  1. Acupressure kit: mat + pillow,
  2. A multi-needle Lyapko applicator in the form of flaps with 5,0 mm needles,
  3. Lyapko multi-needle applicator – 3,5mm face roller,
  4. Multi-needle applicator Lyapko – large needle mat 7,0mm,
  5. Multi-needle applicator Lyapko – needle mat max 6,2mm,
  6. Lyapko multi-needle applicator – universal shaft 3,5mm.

What is the principle of acupressure?

According to Chinese medicine The balance in the flow of Yin and Yang energy is responsible for the health in our body and all its disturbances lead to the formation of disease processes. There are a number on our body pointswhich pressure causes unblocking the flow of energy to individual organs. There are many body maps recommending pressure appropriate points, corresponding to specific internal organs, but really effective leczenie by the acupressure method requires more in-depth knowledge and the interconnection of energy flows through various organs. For example, you may find that to treat an ovarian disease you first need to regulate the energy flow through your stomach. The key to success is also the experience in finding places to oppression. Sometimes the use of akupresury can be painful – given pain point it only means that the flow of energy through it is disturbed and will subside as it progresses treatment and subsequent treatments.

Even if we don’t believe in Chinese medicine – it cannot be denied that there are a number of nerve endings on our body, the activation of which causes the course of nerve impulses in our nervous system. On a purely physical level, the stimulation of nerve endings and acupressure action may cause effects such as changes in the neurohormonal system (including the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin – the happiness hormone), lowering blood pressure, vasodilation and increased blood flow through the internal organs, which improves their oxygenation, nutrition and detoxification.

Try the Acupressure Massage Foot Mat, which is available at medonetmarket.pl at a promotional price.

Indications and contraindications for the use of acupressure

Proponents of this method argue that it is positive the action of acupressure mainly recorded in the case of treatment various chronic diseases (asthma, cardiovascular, digestive, neurohormonal diseases, depression, migraines, allergies) and, in particular, in alleviating pain of various origins.

In contrast, the main contraindications to application of this method are skin problems (mycoses, wounds, infectious diseases of the skin), pregnancy, acute infections, cancer, condition after a heart attack and coronary artery thrombosis.

Acupressure can also be used to treat e.g. nausea. Try Sea-Band Acupressure Anti-Nausea Bands for Children. Adult wristbands are also available.

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