What is acrylic fabric, its advantages and disadvantages

What is acrylic fabric, its advantages and disadvantages

Some synthetic fabrics are not inferior in their properties to natural ones. For example, a material made of polyacrylic has found its application in sewing clothes and textiles. What is acrylic fabric? What are the advantages and disadvantages of it?

Advantages of acrylic fabric

For the manufacture of acrylic fabric, synthetic fibers are used. Despite this, it has a number of advantages:

  • does not cause allergic reactions;
  • practically does not crumple;
  • lends itself to dry cleaning;
  • Easily erased;
  • keeps warm well;
  • pleasant to the touch;
  • resistant to many acids and solvents;
  • retains its attractive appearance for a long time.

The main advantage of acrylic fabric is that it almost does not wrinkle and retains its attractive appearance in all weather conditions. In this regard, clothing made from it makes it possible to always look presentable, even in the case of long trips.

The fabric is pleasant to the touch and keeps you warm. In addition, it is hypoallergenic, so people with sensitive skin can wear things from it. You need to wash in warm water by hand or in a delicate mode. Most of the dirt is easy to wash off.

Disadvantages of acrylic fabric

Polyacryl is used for sewing clothes, textiles (curtains, tablecloths, upholstered furniture covers, etc.), as well as car covers and other fabric items. And although the material has many advantages, it also has its disadvantages.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • poorly breathable, therefore it is not used for sewing underwear;
  • does not absorb moisture, including sweat discharge;
  • with prolonged wear, it becomes covered with pellets;
  • loses its softness under the influence of sunlight;
  • easily absorbs grease, and grease stains are difficult to wash;
  • has the ability to accumulate static electricity.

With prolonged wear, things made of polyacrylic lose their attractiveness, since pills appear on them, especially when combined with cotton. It is worth remembering that clothes are easily electrified in dry rooms. Special aerosols will help to solve the problem.

Despite some drawbacks, many things are made from acrylic fabric. This is due to the excellent characteristics and advantages of this material. And if you are well versed in them, it will help you make the right choice when buying a particular thing.

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