What is acidification of the body and how to deal with it?

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The topic of acidification of the body has become very popular in recent years: it is constantly present in the media, newer supplements to fight this phenomenon appear in pharmacies, and the alkaline diet is gaining more and more supporters. What is acidification of the body? How to recognize them? Finally, how should you proceed in order to enjoy your health and well-being?

Acidification of the body – what is it?

Acidification of the body is a phenomenon that occurs when the acid-base balance is disturbed. For the body to function properly, it is essential to maintain a constant blood pH, which should be between 7,35 and 7,45. Regulation of the proper pH level requires the involvement of many body systems, including digestive, circulatory and endocrine systems. The organism, in order to protect important organs and guarantee their proper functioning, transports a significant part of acids to the connective tissue, which performs many important functions in the body. The excess of acids in this tissue can contribute to the development of serious diseases. The acidity of individual tissues is regulated thanks to the minerals that are supplied to the body with food. The deficiency of minerals and the simultaneous excess of acidic food intake mean that the content of acidic compounds in the body is constantly increasing. This excess of acids stored in the body is the acidification of the body.

The causes of acidification of the body

We can say that the following factors contribute to the acidification of the body:

– the degree of pollution with toxins in the environment in which we live,

– lifestyle,

– eating habits,

– the condition of individual organs.

The food we eat is acidic or alkaline. Many people base their daily diet on highly processed products, a large amount of meat, dairy products and grains, with a shortage of vegetables and fruits. A poorly balanced diet, combined with daily stress, haste, lack of sleep and minimal physical activity is a simple way to acidify the body.

For acidosis, try Fenugreek Seeds + for a healthy stomach. It is a dietary supplement in capsules available on Medonet Market.

Symptoms of acidification of the body. How to check if the body is acidified?

It can be very difficult to diagnose acidification by symptoms, as many of the symptoms may also indicate vitamin deficiencies or other medical conditions. However, if we notice at least some of the symptoms of acidification listed below, it is worth carrying out a home acidification test.

We can divide the acidification of the organism into three stages. The first degree of acidification gives the following symptoms: headaches, heartburn, potency problems, skin problems, severe premenstrual syndrome, muscle aches, excess secretion in the upper respiratory tract and sinuses, problems with circulation in the extremities, drowsiness and fatigue, bad taste in the mouth, strong smelling urine , diarrhea and constipation.

The second degree of acidification of the body is associated with such unpleasant symptoms as: swelling, inflammation, infertility, endometriosis, frequent viral infections, severe migraine attacks, psoriasis, depression, insomnia, impaired ability to concentrate and remember, frequent fungal infections, chronic sinusitis, asthma and allergies. A phenomenon characteristic of this stage of acidification of the organism is the so-called metabolic syndrome, which includes obesity, insulin resistance, elevated cholesterol levels and an increased risk of heart disease.

The third degree of acidification of the body and diseases related to it appear in people who ignore the fact of their deteriorating health and do not change their eating habits and lifestyle. The most serious effects of strong acidification of the body include: cancer, lupus, autoimmune skin diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis.

The process of deacidification of the body can be supported by the pH Balans dietary supplement. The product offered by the Dr Jacob’s brand contains citrates, selenium and vitamin D – micronutrients that deacidify the body and support its proper functioning. You can buy the pH Balans dietary supplement at an attractive price at medonetmarket.pl.

How to check if the body is acidified?

The simplest method is to test the urine pH with a litmus test. We carry out the examination for several days in a row, from the morning urine, while on an empty stomach. We dip the paper in the urine collected in a clean container and read the result by comparing the color on the litmus paper with the color on the palette attached to it. The more acidic the urine, the more acidic the body is.

Treatment of acidification of the body

There are many supplements and drugs on the market dedicated to fighting acidification of the body. Experts warn, however, that these drugs give a temporary improvement in the body’s pH, and the chemical compounds contained in them contribute to … an increase in acidity in the long run! An effective method of fighting acids is the use of the so-called an alkaline diet based on alkaline food products, primarily vegetables and fruits. They should account for 80 percent. a daily diet that may be supplemented with small amounts of meat, protein and grain products.

During a diet, the PRAL index may be helpful in acidifying the organism, which determines the ability of a given food to load the kidneys with acids. Also beneficial in the fight against acidification of the body are: daily exercise in the fresh air, regular bedtime (and going to bed before 23:00), avoiding stress, giving up alcohol, coffee and cigarettes, drinking plenty of water.

For acidification, it is worth using Langsteiner alkaline powder, which improves digestion, reduces the feeling of heartburn and additionally supports slimming.

Also try Black deacidification tea or Green deacidifying tea, which you can buy at great prices on Medonet Market. Both additionally contain quince juice, which has a positive effect on the immune system.

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