August 14 – the holiday of Honey Savior. In Chelyabinsk, fairs are already in full swing, where beekeepers offer their products to the townspeople. Woman’s Day learned from beekeepers and sellers what types of honey are good for and what for in particular.
Is there a need to strengthen the walls of blood vessels? Increase hemoglobin? Improve memory? Get rid of anemia? – Go to the fair for honey!
Vladimir Yakovlev, beekeeper:
“Melilot honey is obtained from the pollen of the forage plant melilot.
Its color is light yellow, whitish, sometimes with a greenish tint.
Melilot honey is good for the heart, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. For health it is worth eating one hundred grams a day. “
Vladimir Yakovlev, beekeeper:
“Collected from linden blossom. It is amber in color, darker than melilot.
Linden honey helps with colds, has a diaphoretic effect. To experience its healing effects, eat 150-100 grams of it a day. A tablespoon in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening. “
Vladimir Yakovlev, beekeeper:
“Bees make forest honey from forest plants: hawthorn, blueberry, raspberry, meadowsweet, blackberry and other flowers.
Since the composition of this honey is different every time – and this depends on which flowers bloomed more in the summer – then its color also varies from light to dark.
This honey is used as a general tonic, it is also good for the stomach. Regular consumption of such honey increases hemoglobin. “
Sergey Zavalishin, “Honey in Chelyabinsk”:
“Collected by bees from taiga angelica. It looks very attractive – it is reddish-brown in color, while it can have a slight greenish tint. It tastes like one of the most aromatic honeys and belongs to the elite varieties.
Since this honey is rich in trace elements and vitamins, it is very beneficial for the whole body. It has a tonic effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system, has a diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory effect, relieves intestinal spasms. In addition, it enhances performance and even improves mental performance. Consuming this honey on a regular basis has been proven to help improve memory in old age. “
Sergey Zavalishin, “Honey in Chelyabinsk”:
“This is Altai honey based on medicinal Altai herbs: willow-herb, sweet clover, lobster, angelica, forest geranium, raspberry, mint, sage and many other herbs.
Has a light yellow and sometimes dark brown color.
Since honey is made from medicinal herbs, its medicinal properties are quite extensive. It has a tonic and calming effect on the body, removes toxins, strengthens the immune system, and is also used as an additive to baby food. It contains a lot of iron, so it is indispensable for anemia. “
Sergey Zavalishin, “Honey in Chelyabinsk”:
“This is sainfoin honey – a plant from the legume family. It looks transparent, light amber in color. Over time, it thickens and turns into a white, fat-like mass with a creamy or light greenish tint.
If you eat this type of honey regularly, you can feel its properties such as the ability to strengthen blood vessels, improve blood circulation. It is a good fortifying agent, in addition, it has a diuretic and diaphoretic effect, helps with stomach ailments. It can also be used as a mask or cream: it softens the skin very well.
Lyudmila Vinogradova, “Honey Shop”:
“Creamy honey, or liquid honey, is honey prepared using a special technology. It is shaken at a certain temperature. The resulting product looks like a whitish cream.
Creamy honey does not crystallize like regular honey and tastes more delicate. At the same time, it retains all the beneficial properties of honey from which it is made: buckwheat, angelica … Cotton cream honey is very popular. It kills pathogenic bacteria, improves immunity, so it helps to get rid of colds quickly and easily. This is one of the few honeys that is rich in fats, therefore it is used as a mask for the face and hair. Has a pleasant taste with hints of peach. “
Igor Volkov, beekeeper, Milk and Honey:
“Fireweed is Ivan tea. This honey is made from it. It is yellow in color, stratifies over time and becomes solid from below, and watery from above.
Fireweed honey is often mixed with other honeys. It is considered one of the richest in vitamins and minerals, therefore it helps in the treatment of many diseases. Helps with allergies, is used to treat tuberculosis, stomach diseases. It also helps with diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. “