What is a tetrahedron: definition, types, area and volume formulas

In this publication, we will consider the definition and varieties of a tetrahedron, as well as formulas for calculating its surface area (one face and full) and volume. The presented information is accompanied by visual drawings for better perception.


Definition of a tetrahedron

Tetrahedron – this is a variety; a tetrahedron whose faces are triangles.

What is a tetrahedron: definition, types, area and volume formulas

A tetrahedron has 4 faces, 4 vertices and 6 edges. Each face of a figure can be its base.

The development of a tetrahedron using the example of a regular figure is presented below:

What is a tetrahedron: definition, types, area and volume formulas

The main elements and properties of the tetrahedron (the properties of a regular pyramid apply to it) we examined in.

 Types of tetrahedron

  1. Isohedral tetrahedron – the side faces of the figure are equal, and the base is a regular (equilateral) triangle.What is a tetrahedron: definition, types, area and volume formulas
  2. Rectangular tetrahedron – the angle between all three edges at one vertex is right, i.e. equal to 90°.What is a tetrahedron: definition, types, area and volume formulas
  3. regular tetrahedron – all edges are equal, and the faces, respectively, are equilateral triangles.What is a tetrahedron: definition, types, area and volume formulas
  4. Orthocentric tetrahedron – all heights drawn from all vertices of the figure to opposite faces intersect at one point.

Formulas for the area and volume of a regular tetrahedron

surface Area

What is a tetrahedron: definition, types, area and volume formulas

What is a tetrahedron: definition, types, area and volume formulas


What is a tetrahedron: definition, types, area and volume formulas

1 Comment

  1. Туура тетраэдрдин бетинин аянты 36см_2 болсо кырын тапкыла

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