What is a tailor’s muscle?

The tailor’s muscle is a unique part of our body. The first interesting information is that it is the longest human muscle. Secondly, it is responsible for bending the leg at the hip joint and for the movement of the knee. The tailor’s muscle is located on the front wall of the thigh, and with it, the quadriceps muscle. Accompanied by a tailor’s muscle, the femoral nerve and the femoral artery are situated. Interestingly, this part of our body can be exercised and strengthened by lifting legs bent at the knees or exercising with dumbbells.

Location and structure of the tailor’s muscle

It is worth emphasizing again that tailor’s muscle it is the longest muscle in the human body, as it is about 50 centimeters long. It is quite thin and its shape resembles the letter S. Tailor’s muscle it is located in a separate fascial canal that was created by the wide fascia. One end of the muscle is at the anterior superior iliac spine, then slants down the leg, medially on the outer thigh behind the posterior axis of the knee joint. The other end of the muscle is located at the center of the tuberous bone. Tailor’s muscle overlaps the slender and semi-tendon tendons of the slender muscle. It fuses with them, and then penetrates the fascia of the shin on the goose foot.

Interestingly, tailor’s muscle it runs through the entire deployment of the quadriceps muscle of the thigh and is responsible for bringing its heads together. This muscle it is innervated in the lumbar plexus, thanks to the femoral nerve. Blood supply tailor’s muscle it is possible thanks to the arterial blood that comes from the branch of the femoral artery. If we are talking about tailor’s muscle, one should also mention the so-called Scarpa triangle, which is formed by the inguinal ligament, the outer edge of the long adductor and the inner edge of this tailor’s muscle. The femur is located in the lower part of the triangle, and the ethmoid fascia in the upper zone. Inside our triangle are the neurovascular bundle, the femoral vein, the femoral artery, and the femoral nerve. Additionally, there are also a vertical and oblique chain of lymph nodes.

Functioning of the tailor’s muscle

Our longest muscle together with the adductors, it makes up the adductor canal, i.e. the two-joint muscle. It is with him that activities in the hip and knee joints are related. Thanks to it, bending, abduction and inversion in the hip joint and bending and turning in the knee state are possible. It is worth knowing that we can damage it if we do more squats, because it is responsible for straightening our knee. Thanks muscular tailor we can, for example, cross a leg.

Tailor’s muscle pain

More than one person found out about the existence tailor’s musclewhen she felt ache in the thigh. Most often we see a problem when we try to cross leg. But ache it can appear near the attachments, but also along the entire length of the muscle. Cause pain there may be overstrain, irritation or a great deal of muscle tension. It is an unpleasant experience. Pain it can even radiate to the outer part of the lower leg as far as the outer ankle, or to the hip area, from the outer side, on the gluteus major muscle.

How to stretch a tailor’s muscle?

Stretching is a very important element. Thanks to it, our body is more flexible, injuries are less frequent. To stretch tailor’s muscleand, just stand up straight with your legs hip-width apart, and then pull your heel towards your buttock. It is important that the knees touch each other. In this position, it is worth holding for a minimum of 20 seconds and repeat the process with the other leg.

Next exercise consists in stretching the torso up. One of the legs, slightly bent, should be placed in front of you, and the other, straightened, gently protrude backwards. Then raise your arms up and hold this position for about 30 seconds. Then we change the position of the legs. Next exercise Stretching involves kneeling down, placing your thighs on the back of your calves and then tilting your torso. To make it easier for myself exercises, we can support ourselves with the forearms of the floor. It is a good idea to stay in this position for 30-40 seconds.

How to exercise a tailor’s muscle?

When starting training, remember to do a decent warm-up. If we want to focus later on exercises involving the leg muscles, it is useful to do the different swings that come from the knee and hip joints. However, do not forget about the arm and wrist circles or the swing of the arms. The twists and bends of the torso are also important. Only after the warm-up is done, we can start the proper training. Down exercise dumbbells, for example, can be used. Lie down on your stomach, for example on a bench in a gym, and place the device between your feet. Exercise begins with straightened legs and then begins bending to end with full knee bend. Then slowly lower your legs back to the starting position and repeat the whole thing exercise from the beginning.

After the exercises, you can perform a massage using the Cannaderm gel, which brings relief to tired muscles and helps to regenerate them after physical exertion.

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