What is a superfood – the most popular products from the superfood category

Top 10 superfoods to compensate for the lack of minerals and vitamins. What superfoods contain antioxidants. Are there any contraindications for superfoods?

It becomes more and more difficult to adhere to the principles of rational nutrition over the years. Natural food is being replaced by industrially processed foods with a low content of trace elements and vitamins. To get the daily dosage, you have to eat more, and this is fraught with obesity. Even unprocessed foods now contain fewer nutrients, so superfoods are recommended to fill the gap in important health components.

Superfoods are a source of vital components. But before introducing superfoods into the diet, it is necessary to consult your doctor, especially those with health problems. Before changing the diet, you need to consult a doctor. This is especially true for additives in the form of concentrates. See also: Dried fruits for healthy nutrition

Useful superfood for a constant diet – top 10 products

With proper use of superfoods, the body will receive a balanced amount of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals.

  1. GOJI. These berries become edible only after drying. Goji is a storehouse of vitamins and rare minerals, they contain all the essential amino acids. The content of ascorbic acid in these small fruits is hundreds of times higher than in the usual citrus fruits.
  2. SPIRULINA. It is rich in protein, therefore it is suitable for children in the period of active growth, as well as for athletes. Thanks to iron, it is indicated for people with low hemoglobin levels. Contains one and a half times more protein than soybeans. Seaweed contains all groups of vitamins except D.
  3. ASSAI BERRIES. Black berries resemble more familiar blueberries. Fruits contain a record amount of antioxidant substances. It is a complete source of vitamins necessary for bones, ligaments and muscles. Berries contain Omega-3, potassium, magnesium. Dried berries are ground to a powder and sold as a food supplement.
  4. QUINOA. Grains are high in protein and are one of the healthiest grains. In terms of the content of phosphorus and unsaturated acids, quinoa can compete with fish. Porridge is boiled from grains or added to other dishes.
  5. MAKA. A source of vitamins B, C, E, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc. It is supplied to pharmacies and health food stores in the form of a powder, which should be diluted in a warm (not hot) liquid. In addition to saturating the body with useful substances, it has another important property – it increases endurance during physical activity.
  6. Cassava. A root crop sold in powder form. Suitable for athletes on a gluten-free diet. Contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, much healthier than industrially processed grains. In addition, it contains a large amount of carbohydrates.
  7. CHIA. Seeds not only contain a lot of vital elements, but also satisfy hunger well. When injected into a liquid, they increase in volume and give a feeling of fullness. Contain more polyunsaturated fatty acids than flaxseed. Rich in protein, zinc, phosphorus – you can list the full composition of useful elements for a long time.
  8. COCOA BEANS. Raw beans are the most beneficial for the body. This is a real superfood with a high content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Organic beans contribute to the stabilization of blood pressure, minimization of stress, normalization of sleep. Beans that have not undergone heat treatment contain 5-7 times more antioxidant components than acai.
  9. WHEAT SPROTS. Young shoots contain all essential amino acids, many minerals, vitamins B, A, E. Whitgrass speeds up metabolism, promotes bone growth. The grass can be grown independently in a tray and prepared from it a healthy drink that helps cleanse, rejuvenate, and improve the functioning of the digestive tract. Also available in powder form.
  10. PODS OF THE CAROB. In beans, a whole range of useful components is found, as in the above superfoods. Carob is unique in that, despite its high sugar content, it does not damage tooth enamel and does not provoke an increase in glucose levels, therefore it is suitable for diabetics. Benefits are uncooked beans or their powder.

People with digestive problems should be more careful. For example, a wheat germ drink should not be taken on an empty stomach, as it irritates the mucous membranes. See also: Vegetarianism and sports

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