What is a socket outlet, device, types, do-it-yourself installation, installation height, marking and degrees of protection – ElektrikExpert.ru

A socket outlet is an element of an intra-house electrical network designed to connect equipment, supply voltage to it, and, in some models, for grounding.

The devices differ in appearance, design, availability of grounding contacts, number of pads and other parameters.

Below we consider the features of socket outlets, classification and marking. Let’s talk about the selection rules, select the best models and analyze the features of the installation.

What is a plug socket, where is it used

The term “socket” refers to a device necessary to power electrical appliances. It is used for stationary installation and consists of several elements – fastening tabs, screw, base and current-carrying part.

The task of a plug socket is to ensure contact between the plug of an electrical appliance and a metal contact group that is energized by an electrical network. In fact, all sockets for powering electrical equipment are called plugs.

The product is used wherever it is necessary to connect the equipment to a single-phase alternating current network (220 V, 50 Hz) with or without grounding. It is installed in apartments, offices, shops, laboratories, shopping centers, houses and other premises.


Plug sockets differ in design features, electrical circuit, number of pads and other parameters. Let’s take a closer look at each of the features.

By type of construction

Structurally, the device is of two types:

  1. Hidden installation. It goes deep into the wall, and outside there is only the outer part with a place to insert the plug. The assembly is fastened with the help of paws, which on the one hand abut against the elements of the device, and on the other – to the base (for example, a wall or an installation box). A special screw clamp is used to adjust the fastening.
  2. outdoor installation. Unlike the view discussed above, the structural elements of such a node are located outside. For fastening, screws are used to hold the product on the surface. The electrical part is reliably protected by a plastic case. As additional options, a backlight, a child-proof cover, an off timer, etc. can be used.
  3. Portable. In fact, these are extension cords, which are a plug and socket connected by a cord of a certain length.

According to the electrical diagram

Plug sockets differ in the presence of a contact connecting the metal part of the electrical receiver with grounding.

There are two types:

  1. With grounding (three pins). It is used in apartments, houses or other facilities where there is a ground loop with low resistance. The design is made in such a way that the grounding occurs before the power is applied to the plug and the equipment itself. The feature is due to safety requirements. It is used to connect equipment with a metal case: washing machine, electric stoves, etc.
  2. Without grounding. They are easy to identify by the presence of two contacts. It does not provide a grounding connector, which reduces the level of safety when using the device. If a phase enters a conductive housing, a person may be energized.

By number of pads

Structurally, socket outlets differ in the number of blocks for connection.

They are:

  1. Single. Used to turn on only one device. To increase the number of connectors, you can use carriers or tees.
  2. Double or more. In such electrical units, it is possible to connect two or more devices. The most common option is two- and three-place sockets.

Type of wire clamp

An important point when choosing is the type of input contacts.

They are:

  1. Screw. The degree of tightening of the wire is regulated by a person.
  2. Screwless. A special feature is the clamping of the wire with the help of special springs. They are considered more reliable, because during operation the compression ratio does not decrease from vibrations or other influences.

Additional features

In addition to the features already considered, socket outlets are classified according to other parameters:

  1. By the number of poles – two and three pole.
  2. With or without protective contact. Feature – the presence of metal elements connected to the ground loop.
  3. By the presence of curtains. Feature – the presence of special dampers that protect children from voltage. They open only when both elements are pressed hard at the same time.
  4. According to the material of the output and input contacts. Made from brass or bronze.
  5. With switch (RJ-45) and without it. Some models have a connector for connecting network equipment.
  6. By the presence of a toggle switch. Structurally, a switch is provided, with which you can apply and remove voltage from the contact connections.
  7. For portable lamps. It is used to supply low voltage (12 V, 24 V) and has a different design to avoid erroneous inclusion of a portable light bulb in a 220 V network.
  8. By the presence of illumination. These devices have an LED light source that simplifies connection in complete darkness. Often installed in the bedroom, hallway or living room.

The above classification allows you to understand the variety and importance of sockets and quickly decide on a purchase.

See also:


When choosing socket outlets, pay attention to the types of devices that differ in characteristics and scope. Electrical components for connecting the plug are of the following types.


Structurally, they have a special cover that protects electrical contacts from moisture. There are also other structural elements that exclude short circuits due to high humidity in the room where the unit is installed. Are established on the street, in bathrooms, saunas and kitchens.

Waterproof sockets differ in protection class (IP). The classification uses two digits. The first (1-6) displays the degree of protection against dust, and the second (1-8) against moisture. The higher this setting, the better.

For example, IP68 class sockets are used in swimming pools, fountains, industrial equipment.

with RCD

Modern models are often equipped with a residual current device that provides voltage relief in the event of a short circuit or a sharp increase in load.

Recommended for connecting critical electrical receivers – microwaves, refrigerators and other devices.

Some models respond to voltage changes. If the level exceeds or falls below the setpoint, a trip occurs.

With built-in time controller

Structurally, there is a counter that provides voltage relief after a certain time. The set point is set manually or set by the manufacturer.

A plug-in device with a built-in controller will be useful where timely power off is necessary (aquarium, boiler, boiler, etc.).

According to the principle of operation of the device are:

  1. With mechanical controller. The stress is relieved by loosening the spring element after a predetermined time interval. As a result, voltage is applied to the electrical appliance.
  2. With electronic controller. Here, the main function is assigned to the microprocessor, which acts on the thyristor key, followed by power off. A feature of the products is the ability to set several settings and even create a schedule of switching on and off.

More about sockets with a timer https://elektrikexpert.ru/rozetki-s-tajmerom-ustrojstvo-nastrojka.html.

With built-in counter

A feature of socket outlets with a meter is the presence of a display showing the current consumption of the electrical receiver in kWh. Information is displayed using numbers at the top or bottom of the design.

There may be a backlight around the plug to indicate the load level. Depending on the current strength, the color changes from blue (low load) to red (high current).

Universal household

Universal socket outlets have a standard form of connectors that allows you to connect different types of plugs. Many models have a built-in USB adapter for charging various devices.

Smart sockets

A feature of smart sockets is the ability to control the power supply and control (on / off) using a smartphone and an application installed on it.

The use of smart sockets allows you to set schedules for supplying and removing voltage, remotely check the fact that the equipment is turned on and solve other problems.

More detailed information can be found at https://elektrikexpert.ru/umnye-rozetki.html.

Types of socket outlets

Depending on the country, the appearance and design of power outlets may vary.

Let’s take a quick look at each type:

  1. “A”. 2-pin plug without grounding. The pins are flat, have a width of 6,35 mm and a length of 1,524 mm. Are at a distance of 12,7 mm. The connector is used in the USA for voltages from 100 to 127 V, 60 Hz. In Japan, similar plugs are used, but the mains voltage is 100 V and the frequency is 50 Hz.
  2. “IN”. The design is the same as in the socket type “A”. The difference is the presence of a grounding connector at the bottom. Applied voltage – from 100 to 127 V, but in some countries 220 V is supplied. It is found in Canada, USA, Japan.
  3. “WITH”. Structurally, there are inputs for two pins with a diameter of 4 or 4,8 mm. The length and distance between the nests is 19 mm. Operating voltage – 220 V. It is used in Germany, Italy, France and a number of other EU countries, as well as in Russia, Ukraine.
  4. “D”. Feature – three contacts of circular cross section, placed in the shape of a triangle. Initially, it was the British standard, which later became widespread in Pakistan, India and a number of other states (those that were electrified by the British).
  5. “E”. Unlike the previous type, the top center pin protrudes from the socket and fits into a recess on the plug. It is used in France and a number of EU countries.
  6. “F”. A feature of the socket is the presence of grounding contacts at the top and bottom. In the Russian Federation, such a product is called a “euro fork”. Grounding is carried out using a special metal bracket, and the maximum current is 16 amperes. It is used in many countries, including Germany, the states of the former USSR.
  7. “G”. Outwardly, it is a socket with three pins. Phase and zero have a rectangular cross section and dimensions of 6,35×3,97 mm. The distance between them is 22,2 mm. The ground contact has a different size – 3,97×7,92 mm. A fuse must be built into the plug to protect the phase wire from short circuit. It is used in England and countries that were previously colonies. Also type “G” is used in Saudi Arabia.
  8. “H”. A special type of socket that is not compatible with other types. Contacts are placed in the shape of the letter “Y”. The maximum current is 16 Amps. Used in Israel (combined with other types) and in areas of the Gaza Strip.
  9. “I”. Structurally, the ground contact is in the center at the bottom, and the other two (phase and zero) are on the right and left at the top. Unlike the “H” connector, the top contacts are turned the other way. In terms of maximum current, such plugs differ and come in 10, 20, 25, 32 Amperes. Used in Australia, China. Argentina, Uruguay and several other countries.
  10. “J”. This is a Swiss style plug socket. Outwardly, it looks like a euro plug, with the difference that the ground contact is slightly shifted closer to the center, and the pole bases do not have insulation. If the product is not fully inserted, you may be exposed to voltage. The rated current is up to 10 A, and with grounding – 16 A.
  11. “TO”. This is a Danish socket type which also fits type “C”. Structurally, it consists of two connectors (phase and zero) in the form of pins located at an angle. The grounding part has a cut circle forum.
  12. “L” It is a socket outlet with three recesses in a row. The diameter of the pins is 5 mm, and the distance between them is 8 mm. Used in Italy.
  13. “M”. Very similar to type “D”, but differs in the diameter of the pins (it is larger). The distance between the phase and zero connector is 2,54 cm. It is used in many countries – Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Namibia, Hong Kong, Botswana, South Africa and others. Used for drying equipment and air conditioners in Israel and Singapore.
  14. “N”. Consists of three round connectors. Looks like type “J”. The two main ones are at a distance of 1,9 cm, and the ground one is located 3 mm higher. Voltage – from 200 to 250 V. Current – 16 A. Used in South Africa.

Note that many countries use several types of sockets. For example, in the CIS countries you can find types C, F and E.

Types of sockets by consumer power

The main point that you need to pay attention to when choosing a power outlet is the power of the connected devices. The best option is when one node has one equipment.

In practice, this does not always happen. People often use tees and carriers to expand the options available.

When choosing sockets, you can use a special formula. The current (Amps) is equal to the power of the device (W) divided by the voltage (Volts).

For example, if the power of the electrical receiver is 2200 W, and the voltage is 220 V, the current consumption will be 10 A.

This parameter must be taken into account when choosing a power outlet, but it is always better to take it with a margin.

You can use the watts to amperes conversion calculator https://elektrikexpert.ru/perevoda-watt-v-ampery.html.


When using a power outlet, you need to know its device.

The product includes the following elements:

  1. Front panel (front). It closes the inside of the product from touch, is made of dielectric materials.
  2. Grounding contact (if provided). Located above and below. The contacts are in the form of a bracket that comes into contact with the metal part on the plug. Depending on the type of wiring, the housing can be connected to zero or ground (if a separate circuit is provided).
  3. input contacts. Are intended for connection of an electric and phase wire. Fastening can be screw or screwless (spring). Made from brass or bronze.
  4. output contacts. They are used to receive a fork, have special rounded petals. Made from brass or bronze. Brass has a shorter lifespan due to rapid heating and risk of damage when installed in a damp room. Modern plates are made of more reliable phosphor bronze.
  5. Insulator. This is the central part of the outlet to which the main elements of the product are attached. It is made of a dielectric (most often porcelain or plastic). The first option is better in terms of dielectric properties, but inferior in brittleness.
  6. Frame. It is made of metal, which is attached to the frame (base). On the sides, as a rule, paws are provided for fixing in a plastic box in the wall. A special limiter is provided in front, which does not allow the product to be drowned deeper than it should be. On the surface there may be fasteners for fixing the socket to the wall.
  7. Frame. Depending on the design, it can be one-piece (made together with the front part) or consist of a separate rim. At the same time, designs with two or more outlets are on sale. In budget products, low-quality plastic is used, which turns yellow over several years.

As you can see, the design of socket outlets is simple, but has a number of features. This knowledge can help when choosing a product.

IP and NEMA/UL Markings: Explanation

When choosing a power outlet, pay attention to which room one is intended for. For example, the requirements for a product for a bathroom and a hall will be different.

In the first case, you need a waterproof option, and in the second – a standard outlet without any frills.

For convenience, two types of marking are used:

  1. IP stands for Internetional Perfection (International Protection). It is used in almost all countries of the world.
  2. NEMA/UL – National Electrical Manufacturers Association or National Electricity Manufacturers Association. Mostly used in the US, but occasionally used in Europe.

After the letters, there are numbers that show the degree of protection against moisture and dust. Below is a breakdown for each type of marking.

IP decryption

Two numbers are placed next to the IP letter. The first shows dust, and the second moisture protection.

For example, consider IP XY, where X and Y are numbers from 0 to 6 in the first case and from 0 to 8 in the second.

Explanation X (dustproof):

  • 0 – no protection;
  • 1 – does not pass particles larger than 5 cm;
  • 2 – protects against accidental penetration of solid bodies up to 1,25 cm (finger protection);
  • 3 – protection against bodies larger than 2,5 mm (cable, wire, tool);
  • 4 – eliminates the penetration of elements larger than 1 mm (knitting needles, tweezers, thin wires);
  • 5 – dust protection;
  • 6 – maximum dust protection, including from the smallest elements.

Decoding Y (moisture protection):

  • 0 – no protection;
  • 1 – prevention of vertical fall of water;
  • 2 – protection against ingress of drops when falling at an angle of up to 15 degrees;
  • 3 – resistance to drops falling at an angle of up to 60 degrees;
  • 4 – protection against splashes (without reference to the corner);
  • 5 – resistance to water jet at different angles;
  • 6 – exclusion of water ingress during strong and frequent impact (for example, sea waves);
  • 7 – maintaining tightness when working under water at a depth of up to one meter;
  • 8 – protection against water when immersed more than a meter;
  • 9 – short circuit prevention even during long immersion, regardless of pressure.

Sometimes another number is used in this marking, which shows the impact resistance of the case.

This feature is typical for the industrial sector, but in the domestic sector it does not matter much.

Letters may follow numbers.

  • W – additional means of protection;
  • M – passed the test against water ingress;
  • S – the test was performed in a non-working condition with moisture ingress;
  • H – high voltage device, etc.

For example, the simplest socket is designated IP 30. This means that it does not allow bodies larger than 2,5 mm to pass through and does not protect against moisture. For “wet” rooms or installation on the street, you need to look for more reliable options.

NEMA/UL Marking: Explanation

As noted, this marking is used in the United States and in rare cases in Europe. Here, the designation uses a number and a letter. Here is a brief explanation and correspondence with IP.

The meaning of the numbers after the Nema marking:

  • 1 (IP 20, 30) – protected from dirt, finger contact;
  • 2 (IP 21, 31) – used in rooms where there is a risk of dirt and moisture getting on the surface;
  • 3 (IP 64) – used for outdoor installation, protected from temporary exposure to fine dust, moisture and icing;
  • 3R (IP 32, 34) – withstands temporary icing and precipitation;
  • 3S (IP 64) – protected from rain, dust, wind, snow and icing without loss of functionality;
  • 4 (IP 56, 65, 66) – used for installation outdoors and near the road, where there is a risk of water or dirt ingress;
  • 4X (IP 56, 65, 66) – withstands heavy precipitation, wind, dust, water jets, icing without the risk of corrosion;
  • 6 and 6P (IP 65, 66, 67) – suitable for working under water for long periods of time, but at shallow depths;
  • 11 – for objects with an aggressive environment and the risk of corrosion;
  • 12 and 12K (IP 52, 65) – used for indoor installation, there is protection against dirt, dust and liquid drops;
  • 13 (IP 54, 65) – for installation indoors, where there is a risk of dirt, dust, water, oil, coolants.

With this information at hand, it is easier to choose a power outlet and not make a mistake with the degree of protection.

Symbol on the diagram

Symbols are used for the convenience of reading diagrams and servicing electrical equipment. In the Russian Federation, this parameter is prescribed in GOST 21.614-88. It has been introduced since July 1988 and completely replaced the old version of GOST 2.754-72, which was in force during the Soviet era.

On construction drawings and diagrams, electrical outlets are designated as a semicircle with a “spire” installed in the middle.

Depending on the type of outlet, the designation may vary.

For open installation:

  1. Bipolar (double) – a semicircle with two parallel “spires” at the top.
  2. Two-pole with protective contact – a semicircle with a horizontal strip at the top and a “spire”.
  3. Three-pole with protective contact – a semicircle, a horizontal line and three stripes pointing upwards.

There are also special features for sockets for hidden and indoor installation. The main difference is that the strip does not start from the end of the semicircle, as in the cases discussed above.

In single waterproof sockets with and without protective contact, the designation is the same as in normal cases, but the semicircle is painted over.

If a switch comes with the socket, another “antenna” is added next to the spire with an edge bent at the end.

Sockets on the diagrams.

How to choose a power outlet based on specifications

When choosing a device, understand the main technical characteristics. They can be judged by the designation of the device.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to a number of parameters:

  • current, A;
  • voltage, V;
  • protection (IP);
  • availability of grounding;
  • Climatic performance;
  • dimensions;
  • number of poles.

Consider an example of a designation – RSH-Ts-20-0-01-10/220. The name indicates that in your hands is a plug socket with the following parameters:

  • type – recessed;
  • purpose – open wiring;
  • the number of phases is one;
  • grounding – yes;
  • network – 220 V, 50 Hz.

Another example from RS-16-006:

  • voltage – 250 V;
  • protection – IP20;
  • current — 16A;
  • climatic version – UHL4;
  • overall dimensions – 80x80x30;
  • the number of poles is two.

When buying a device, it is important to consider a number of additional criteria:

  1. Manufacturer – Schneider Electric, Legrand, IEK, ABB, Svetozar and others.
  2. Purpose – power, cable, information, computer, acoustic, radio, telephone, etc.
  3. Material – plastic, aluminum, rubber, ceramics, wood, metal, etc.
  4. Number of places – single, double, triple, quadruple.
  5. Grounding – yes or no.
  6. Type of wiring – open, hidden.
  7. Installation method – internal, external.
  8. Design features – built-in, overhead.
  9. Type of placement – portable, stationary, for example, floor sockets https://elektrikexpert.ru/rozetki-v-pol.html.
  10. Degree of protection according to IP (44, 54, 55, 66, etc.).
  11. Lid – with and without it.
  12. Manufacturer – Russia, China, Germany, Poland, etc.
  13. Maximum current – up to 32 A.
  14. Color – from white to black.
  15. Dimensions.

In practice, it is not necessary to consider all criteria. It is enough to look at the main parameters – the type of installation, the maximum current, the presence of grounding and the degree of protection.

Popular Models

The modern market is saturated with plug sockets, so it is difficult for people without experience to make the right choice. Below we will consider the types of products and give some examples.

Three-pole socket with protective contact, 3p+n

Three-pole sockets are devices with three poles, designed to supply 380 V.

Many models are grounded (mandatory according to the new GOST rules), and non-combustible material is used for the base, which is resistant to heat and fire.

Three-pole devices, as a rule, have an external design and are equipped with rubber bushings to protect the insides from moisture and dust.

An example is the RSh 30-0-V-A-25/380 socket. It has a pin design and a grounding contact, designed for AC electrical devices.

Operating frequency – 50 Hz, voltage – 380 V, rated current – 25. The product has four contacts for connection and weight is 95 g.

Two-pole with earth contact

Socket outlets with earthing contact are two-pole. This is explained by the fact that the main task is assigned only to the phase and zero, and the “ground” plays an auxiliary function and is used only for protection.

Ideally, to connect such sockets, you need a grounding bar in multi-storey buildings or a separate circuit in a private cottage.

One example is Legrand Valena 774370. This is an outlet from a manufacturer with a worldwide reputation. It has a hidden type of installation. Plastic is used as the main material.

Degree of protection IP 20, which requires installation only in “dry” rooms. Voltage and current – 220 V and 16A, respectively. Dimensions (HxWxD) – 12,2×8,2×4,1 cm. Of the additional options – the presence of grounding.

Switch socket

In modern apartments, sockets with a switch are increasingly being used, allowing you to turn on electrical appliances and supply voltage to built-in lamps.

One example is a socket with a built-in Switch round switch. It is designed for a standard voltage of 220 V and a current of 6 A.

The switch is made in the form of a push type. Protection – IP20, so the installation of the product in wet rooms is excluded.

Structurally, the device has a housing with an enlarged surface to accommodate the switch.

A three-core wire (phase, zero and earth) is suitable for the socket, and a wire for the switch that breaks the phase directed to the furniture lamps.

RCD sockets

When arranging electrical wiring, safety and the preservation of human life in the event of a short circuit come first. So, in many models, a residual current device is built in, which disconnects the contacts in case of a short circuit in the Network.

The device controls the amount of current at the input and output. If there is a large difference between these parameters, a shutdown occurs.

An example is a socket with RCD Brennenstuhl with protection class IP54 and a rated current of 30 mA.

Features of the model:

  • moisture protection IP 54;
  • voltage – 230 V;
  • frequency – 50 Hz;
  • leakage current – up to 30 mA;
  • response time – 30 ms;
  • rated current – 16 A;
  • dimensions – 2,3×1,48×0,72 mm;
  • weight – 181 g;
  • maximum short circuit current – 500 A.

The model is made in Germany, which is an additional proof of its quality.

Recessed socket outlet with concealed wiring

Such products are in the greatest demand due to their convenient installation and aesthetic appearance. Built-in type devices are mounted inside the wall.

A recess is made beforehand, after which the box is inserted. When properly installed, the product almost does not protrude above the surface.

Depending on the situation, you can install a single or double socket. When placed in the kitchen, three or more outputs can be planned for connecting various electrical equipment.

If there are more than two products, they are each installed in their own box, and a common frame is put on top.

An example of a recessed product is the built-in double Lexman Victoria socket for 16 A and 220 V. It has an IP 20 protection class. The body is made of non-flammable dense plastic. White color. Dimensions – 11,3×8,2×4 cm.

Plug sockets IP44

Above, we have already talked about the IP classification and the features of sockets with a high degree of protection against moisture and dust.

We will not repeat ourselves, but we will give two examples:

  1. Schneider Electric Cedar Plus WDE000643 is a 16 A, 220 V grounding socket outlet. It has grounding contacts and protective shutters. Type of installation – invoice. The product is sold as a set. Producer – Poland.
  2. Schneider Electric Cedar Plus WDE000543. The model has a similar design and characteristics, but differs in the design and color of the lid.

Alternatively, you can choose a device with two pairs of pins, such as the Schneider Electric Cedar Plus grounding outlet with shutters and white cover (WDE000525).

Plug socket IP20

Models with an IP 20 protection class are intended for installation in ordinary rooms without the risk of moisture and dust ingress.

Let’s highlight a few examples:

  1. HausMark Bela white SNG-SCP.RD20MG1WG-WH. Standard household socket with one socket for internal installation. The rated current of the product is 16 A, and the voltage is 220 V. It is allowed to connect equipment with a power of up to 3,5 kW. The case is made of plastic, there is a screw clamp.
  2. HausMark Alta white SNG-SCP.SQ20MG21WG-WH is a 220 V/16 A dual socket outlet. It has an internal mounting type and is designed for equipment up to 3,5 kW.

There is a large selection of models on the market, so it makes no sense to focus on them a lot.

Installing a power outlet

Despite the apparent simplicity, installing a power outlet causes a number of difficulties for beginners. To avoid mistakes, you must know the requirements of GOST, installation rules and have installation instructions in front of your eyes. Let’s consider these points in more detail.

Basic requirements and norms:

  • one outlet per 6 sq. m of premises (for the corridor – one per 10 sq. m);
  • in the kitchen – from three or more sockets for a current of 6 A, as well as one for 10 A with a grounding contact (the condition is relevant for an area of ​​​​up to 8 sq. M);
  • for a kitchen over 8 sq. m is necessary from four or more sockets for 6A;
  • in the presence of an electric stove, it is necessary to install a 25A socket.
  • in the presence of an electric oven – 16A.

Rules for installing socket outlets:

  • height – from 0,3 to 0,8 m from the floor level;
  • in the presence of grounding, the distance from the gas pipe to the product is more than 0,5 m;
  • if there are children in the house, it is recommended to install sockets at the maximum height (within the permissible level);
  • when installing single or double sockets, a plastic or metal case is used (wire reserve – from five to six centimeters);
  • when connecting several sockets in parallel, a “loop” scheme or an individual connection is used;
  • in the case of installing two or more sockets, it is recommended to use boxes that connect to each other.
  • the distance of the outlet to the doorway in the bathroom is from 0,6 m or more.

Installation process of recessed type socket:

  1. Turn off the machine through which the power is supplied to the apartment.
  2. Decide on the location of the product and apply the markup.
  3. Make holes with a drill (special nozzle) and an electric drill. Hollow out the opening.
  4. Install the special box in the hole and secure it, leaving room for the wires to enter. Use gypsum glue or plaster mortar for fixing.
  5. Pull the wires through the special hole.
  6. Seal the holes with existing mortar.
  7. Wait for the solution to harden (10-15 minutes).
  8. Remove excess mortar near the socket.
  9. Secure the wire with a clip or tie.
  10. Strip the edges of the wire by 10-15 mm.
  11. Connect zero, phase and ground (if provided) to the block.
  12. Fix the wires, and hide the excess part.
  13. Fasten the socket in the socket box with screws and sliding lamellas.
  14. How to install sockets in drywall https://elektrikexpert.ru/ustanovka-rozetok-v-gipsokarton.html.

If there is an external type outlet, the algorithm of actions is simpler:

  1. Turn off mains power.
  2. Make marks on the wall for the dimensions of the product.
  3. Remove the cover from the case.
  4. Screw the main part to the wall. For reliability, continue a piece of paronite or plaster between the wall and the outlet.
  5. Connect the wires and hide them in the box.

As you can see from the example, the installation of the socket is simple and does not take much time.

Knowing what a plug socket is, what are its features and types, you can choose the right model and install it without the involvement of electricians.

The main thing is to be careful during installation and not rush to connect.

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