What is a plane: definition, properties, equations

In this publication, we will consider the definition of a plane, list its main properties, and also give various types of equations with which it can be specified.


Plane definition and properties

Plane is a surface that completely contains every line connecting any of its points.

Plane properties:

  • Two planes are either parallel or intersect in a straight line.
  • A straight line is either parallel to the plane, or is on it, or intersects it at one point.
  • If two lines are perpendicular to the same plane, then they are parallel.
  • Parallel planes are perpendicular to the same line.

Plane equations

General view

The plane can be given by a first degree equation:

Ax + By + Cz + D = 0

Note: A, B и C can be equal to zero, and at the same time.

Equation in segments

Suppose there is a plane that intersects the coordinate axes Ox, Oy и Oz at points with coordinates (a, 0, 0), (0, b, 0) и (0, 0, c). In this case, its equation is:

What is a plane: definition, properties, equations

Plane passing through a point perpendicular to the normal vector

If we know the coordinates of a point in the plane, for example, M (x0y0, of0), as well as the normal vector of the plane, for example, n = {A; B; C}, then the equation can be given by the formula:

A(x – x0) + B(and – and0) + C(z – z0) = 0

A plane passing through three points that do not lie on the same line

If the coordinates of three points belonging to the same plane are known, for example, A (x1y1, of1), B (x2y2, of2) и C (x3y3, of3), then its equation will be:

What is a plane: definition, properties, equations

1 Comment

  1. আলহামদুলিল্লাহ খুব ভালো

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