What is a number

In this publication, we will consider the definition of a number, list its main types and differences from a number, analyze the principle of forming numbers and their pronunciation. The information presented is accompanied by examples for better understanding.


Determining the number

Number is a quantitative characteristic of something. Used for counting, marking, measuring quantities, etc. Previously, dashes were used to denote numbers, but this method was extremely inconvenient for writing large values. Imagine how long it would take to draw dashes to write, for example, the number 745.

With the development of science and mathematics in particular, it was invented decimal number system, containing the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, which are called Arabic. By the way, this system is used to this day and is the most common.

Differences between numbers and numbers

  1. The most obvious is that numbers are made up of digits.
  2. A number is a symbol, and a number is a quantitative abstraction.
  3. The number of numbers is not limited, i.e. there are countless of them. At the same time, there are only 10 digits (listed above).

The principle of the formation of numbers

With ten digits, you can write any natural number. Depending on how many digits are in a number, it can be:

  • unequivocal – consists of one digit (for example: 2, 6, 7). The smallest single-digit number is one, the largest is 9.
  • double digit – consists of two digits (for example: 14, 52, 60, 78, etc.). The smallest two-digit number is 10, the largest is 99.
  • three-digit – contains three digits (for example: 184, 211, 306, 612, etc.). The smallest three-digit number is 100, the largest is 999.
  • four-digit, five-digit or, in other words, multi-valued (for example: 2048, 51947, 984871, etc.). In accordance with the name, such numbers consist of four, five, six or more digits.


1. Number “fifty eight” written like this – “58”. That is, we arrange the numbers according to the corresponding:

  • “8” – in units;
  • “5” – in tens.

2. To write down a number “six hundred twenty six” we only need two digits – “6” и “2”, despite the fact that it is three-digit:

  • “6” – in units and hundreds;
  • “2” – in tens.

Those. it turns out “626”.

Use of a comma

To write numbers, not only numbers, but also commas (in some countries – periods) can be used. This is done to separate the integer and fractional parts. For example:

  • 120,5
  • 306,71
  • 221,409

We examined the definition, recording, pronunciation and properties of a decimal fraction in detail in a separate one.

Pronunciation of numbers

Numbers from 1 to 20


Dozens and hundreds

10ten100one hundred
20twenty200two hundred
30thirty300three hundred
40forty400four hundred
50fifty500five hundred
60sixty600six hundred
70seventy700seven hundred
80eighty800eight hundred
90ninety900nine hundreds

Degrees 10

NumberPronunciation1000one thousandmillionbilliontrillionquadrillionquintillionsextillionseptillionoctillionquintilliondecillionВиды чисел
  • – все положительные числа, которые мы используем для счета (2, 19, 56, 478, 2048 и т.д.). Ноль не является натуральным числом.
  • – натуральные числа, которые без остатка делятся только на единицу и само себя: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 и т.д.
  • Составные – числа, которые имеют три и более делителя.
  • Целые – это положительные (больше нуля) и отрицательные (меньше нуля) числа, которые не имеют дробной части.
  • Четные – целые числа, которые без остатка делятся на два: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 и т.д.
  • Нечетные – целые числа, которые не делятся без остатка на два: 15, 21, 37, 41 и т.д.
  • Вещественные – рациональные и иррациональные числа.
  • Рациональные  – числа, которые можно представить в виде .
  • Иррациональные – бесконечные непериодические десятичные дроби, которые нельзя представить в виде обыкновенных.

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