What is a lingual apparatus?

Lingual braces are one of the methods of orthodontic treatment. In other words, it is a linguistic apparatus that is completely invisible. It is an excellent alternative for patients who particularly appreciate aesthetics. Lingual braces are especially recommended for patients who want a beautiful smile, but cannot afford a more or less noticeable orthodontic appliance.

Lingual appliances are literally tailored to the individual patient, making treatment faster and more efficient than with standard orthodontic appliances. Thanks to the adjustment to the patient, they are also very comfortable and hard to feel. They are recommended not only to people who value discretion, but also to those who have problems with enamel decalcification and tooth cleaning. They are suitable for patients of all ages.

What are lingual braces characterized by?

Lingual appliances are fixed appliances which, like standard appliances, are glued to the teeth with a special glue, but they are put on from the tongue. All elements of the braces are adjusted to the shape of the tooth crown of a particular person. As a result, they are more comfortable and less perceptible than the standard ones. The braces may only be felt immediately after putting them on. Problems arise especially when speaking, but they disappear after a few days from wearing.

Lingual braces are made on individual orders, so you need to wait about 3-5 weeks for them. However, the comfort of use is compensated by the waiting time.

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What are the types of lingual braces?

As regards the mechanism used, several different types of lingual braces can be mentioned. Typically, braces are divided into:

  1. lingual simple (otherwise standard) – this device has one system of brackets, which then adjusts to a specific patient in specialized orthodontic laboratories. First, however, an impression of the teeth should be taken, which is sent together with the brackets to the laboratory. The technician then positions the teeth as they are intended to appear after treatment, adjusts the brackets to them, and places them on the model with the defect. In this type of braces, a special transfer rail (tooth overlay) is prepared, which is placed in the patient’s mouth. Only now can the bow of the apparatus be seated;
  2. lingual with individual brackets – it is a much more complicated solution, because it is based on brackets individually adjusted to a given patient. The first step is to take an impression of the patient’s jaw. On this basis, in the laboratory, it is possible to create an individual model of the dentition of a given patient, which will be used by the technician to create brackets. The next step is to prepare the arcs tailored to this particular model of the linguistic apparatus. Thanks to this procedure, the orthodontist does not have to adjust the braces in the office to the patient’s bite, because it was created especially for him.

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What are the indications for installing a lingual apparatus?

Lingual braces are made individually for each person, therefore they can be used by people of all ages. By putting on this type of braces, all malocclusions can be eliminated. They are used in the treatment of minor defects as well as complicated malocclusions and even defects of the jaw bone.


A lingual appliance is the best solution for people who do not want to compromise on the comfort of use and aesthetics of an orthodontic appliance.

In addition, treatment with lingual braces means that patients do not have to worry about calcification that may appear under the braces. Even if they appear, they are invisible in the lingual apparatus because they appear from the side of the tongue.

These are braces designed for the most demanding patients whose lifestyle or work does not allow for standard orthodontic treatment. Many people do not want to put on braces because it is associated with great discomfort, including mental discomfort, because the brackets visible on the teeth have a very negative impact on their well-being.

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What are the advantages of the lingual apparatus?

The lingual appliance has many advantages. These include, among others:

  1. aesthetics – orthodontic treatment is completely invisible to other people;
  2. versatility – it can be used to treat all malocclusions;
  3. no age restrictions;
  4. perfect fit to the shape of the teeth;
  5. time – treatment with lingual appliances is faster than with standard appliances;
  6. faster adaptation;
  7. low risk of caries;
  8. less frequent control visits.

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What are the disadvantages of lingual braces?

Lingual braces, although very aesthetic, also have their drawbacks. Before we decide to put it on, it is worth knowing that:

  1. the hearing aid may interfere with speech – the problem especially affects the first days or weeks after wearing the hearing aid;
  2. pain – after insertion, slight pain may appear, but it disappears after a few days;
  3. irritation of the tongue – due to the fact that the braces are attached to the teeth from the side of the tongue, it may become irritated in the period immediately after insertion.

All disadvantages are related mainly to the period immediately after inserting the braces and are very individual matter.

What is the cost of the lingual apparatus?

The great advantage of lingual braces is the discreet correction of malocclusion and great wearing comfort. However, people who choose such a solution must take into account higher costs than in the case of standard cameras.

The total cost of the camera depends of course on its type, but also on the complexity of the solution used. However, it is not a cheap orthodontic solution and always costs several thousand zlotys.

If the patient chooses standard appliances, their price will be lower, but it is still an expense of about 4-5 thousand zlotys. On the other hand, a personalized braces, which have brackets adjusted to the teeth, cost more than 6-7 thousand zlotys.

In specialized orthodontic offices, the patient can receive a detailed cost estimate for the treatment, including all costs.

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