What is a habit and what are they like in a person

Greetings to all of you, dear readers! Are you used to my blog updates? Looking forward to new posts? If so, I’m extremely happy. Today I touch on an important topic that worries almost every person. From this article you will learn what habits a person has.

The concept of «habit»

Not all yogurts are the same — not all habits are bad. Moreover, a habit is a skill that has turned into a need to perform certain actions that have:

  • target,
  • the reason
  • purpose,
  • effects.

What is habit in psychology? This is a way of human behavior, formed on the basis of repeated repetition of similar actions. Habits form behavioral patterns and are the basis of personality development.

According to Makarenko’s research, cultivating a habit of behavior is a more complex process than shaping awareness of how to behave. It arises after numerous repetitions of the same action and gradually ceases to require willpower and additional knowledge.

Types of habits and their expression

What is a habit and what are they like in a person

Everyone knows unequivocally harmful addictions, such as: alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking. I am sure that you are interested in the question, how is the harmfulness of less «noticeable» behavioral modifications determined? To understand the difference between good and bad behavior, let’s look at their types in detail:

  1. “Fidgeting” while sitting still is a manifestation of general anxiety and an excess of unspent energy. Researchers at the University of Toronto claim that fidgeting lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which is a good thing. But such behavior leads to a decrease in attention, which in general is a negative point for a person. It is worth remembering about social norms of behavior. If a fidgeting person makes a lot of sounds, it can distract and annoy others, interfere with the work process.
  2. Biting your nails is not bad for your health as long as they are clean. But this is a completely ugly job. As a rule, such behavior is associated with a high level of anxiety.
  3. «Twist hair» — often done by women with long hair. Many ladies try to attract the attention of men in this way. The habit also belongs to the category of nervous, that is, signaling anxiety.
  4. «Snacking» — the absorption of food between main meals, refers to a subtype of eating habits. It is considered harmful if the classic snacks are carbohydrate and fatty, and not fresh fruits and vegetables. Foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates and fats have the ability to cheer you up. It does this by releasing neurotransmitters that can relieve stress and even physical pain. The effect is temporary, and the consequences are heaviness, despondency, excess weight.
  5. The habits of poverty haunt a person who has gone through a harsh school of life, even after the improvement of material well-being. Without getting rid of them, the rich «beggar» is unlikely to remain prosperous for a long time. The manners of the poor are acquired as a way of dealing with fear. By the way, I recommend that you read the article on the blog: «Can anyone become financially independent and what is required for this.»

Why is it scary to have the habits of poverty?

What is a habit and what are they like in a person

I propose to consider the habits of poverty in more detail, since many do not understand why some people are rich and others are not. It’s all about manners and behavior. Therefore, I decided to pay more attention to this particular point.

The habits of poverty are manifested in the following

  • Buying cheap food does not necessarily mean buying gourmet treats. It is important to buy good quality products and things. Poverty teaches to take «the cheapest that is and so that the shelf life is longer.»
  • Irrational behavior — to spend all the «extra» money, instead of forming a reserve for an unforeseen event.
  • Giving gifts — if there is not enough money for something worthwhile, they give a souvenir from «all by 5». But when a person with a beggarly mind has money, he spends it very quickly and does not realize that every day a child does not need to buy gifts.
  • Fear and automaticity of counting expenses — implies a constant calculation of the total cost of products in the basket, utility costs and other payments for which there may not be enough money.
  • An irrational refusal to buy essentials. If a poor-minded person gets into a summer sale of good winter jackets, he will not buy himself a great jacket. Because «you still have to live until winter.»

This list can stretch indefinitely, constantly updated with new variations of addictive behavior. All of these manifestations are related to the nervous system, to one degree or another they can release dopamine — a reward chemical for the brain.


The formation of familiar neural pathways in the brain is typical of addictions. Behavior that has become normal allows the brain to «ship» some tasks to the reflex level. Most often, bad behaviors are formed as a result of stressful situations, while good ones are formed as a result of positive reinforcement and persistent efforts.

Thanks for your time and good luck! Don’t forget to tell your friends, family and loved ones about useful things. Perhaps this article will help them understand themselves and improve their standard of living.

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