GSM socket for a smart home is a device that allows you to remotely control household appliances. This is achieved thanks to the presence of a GSM module with a SIM card that provides control, switching on and off from a mobile phone.
Products are distinguished by ease and simplicity of installation, autonomy of operation, prompt information about the state of the electrical network.
Below we consider what are the features of such devices, what types are there, and how they work. Let’s talk about the rules of application, preparation of a SIM card and market offers. We will pay special attention to the manufacture of GSM sockets with our own hands.
What is a GSM socket
A GSM socket is a device designed to remotely control the equipment inserted into it using a mobile application, using SMS commands or via an Internet service, is one of the types of smart sockets.
Due to this feature, the device is suitable for summer cottages, houses, apartments, offices and other facilities where remote control of electrical appliances is required.
Покупка и установка такого девайса повышает удобство пользования оборудованием, снижает риски пожаров, затоплений и иных негативных последствий.
Scope and main functions
The remote control of the GSM socket allows it to be used in many areas.
Let’s highlight the main areas:
- Heating system in the house, lighting in the country. On some models, temperature sensors are installed that allow you to equip climate control.
- Appliances. The use of a GSM socket allows you to be aware of the status of electrical equipment (on / off). For example, using the device, you can remotely apply voltage to the boiler or restart the router.
- Lighting. A smart device helps in adjusting the operation of lighting lamps. Its capabilities allow you to turn on / off the light by replacing motion sensors.
- Watering. By giving commands to the GSM socket, you can start or stop the irrigation motor.
Above, only a part of the options for using a GSM socket for a smart home is considered. The ways to use it are limited only by the built-in capabilities and the imagination of the buyer.
In addition to remote control, such devices have a number of other functions:
- Sounds when a certain temperature (minimum or maximum parameter) is reached. When an alarm is triggered, you can quickly call “emergency workers” and avoid negative consequences.
- Temperature control in the room. The presence of this function allows you to maintain the microclimate in the room at a comfortable level.
- Climate control. The essence of the option is to automatically adjust the temperature in the room during heating or cooling. In simple words, the temperature parameter is maintained at the same level.
- The ability to set the mode. Thanks to this option, the appliance can be programmed to turn on / off after a specified period of time. For example, you can set the kettle to turn on 10 minutes before coming to the apartment from work.
The presence of such functions expands the capabilities of the outlet and makes it a really useful device.
Also read what are sockets with a timer.
When choosing equipment, it is necessary to take into account its types. Let’s highlight the main options:
- Standard network extension. Differs in the presence of two or more conclusions. To use you need a SIM card with a “plus” balance. After installing the SIM card in the device, check its operation by making a call or sending an SMS. The recommended application temperature is up to minus 20 degrees Celsius.
- Single outlet. Suitable for connecting one electrical appliance.
- Device with one output. It is used to connect gas sensors / door opening, fire safety, etc. Together with the socket, they create a security system against various force majeure situations.
Modern GSM sockets differ in additional options. They may include a shutdown timer, a thermal sensor, SMS recognition from a specific number, etc.
According to the control method, options are possible: using SMS and phone calls, with manual control and an additional control channel via Wi-Fi.
Devices are also divided into independent, slave and master sockets. The latter tend to control other devices (up to 10 pieces).
GSM розетка имеет простое конструктивное исполнение.
It includes:
- Frame. In appearance, it differs little from the standard fork.
- Electronic board with SIM card slot and battery holder.
- GSM-module to control the device via phone.
- Input plug.
- Output (euro-socket).
- Control buttons.
- Status indicators.
Structurally, the SMS socket may change slightly, but the general approach to execution remains unchanged.
How does work
At the first stage, you need to install a SIM card in a special slot and turn on the outlet. Once set up, it can be controlled via SMS, app or web service.
Consider them in more detail:
- When choosing the first option, you need to enter the number of the card used in the smart device in the phone book. For more convenient use, you can make command templates.
- Второй метод управления — через программу на телефоне. При поддержке такой опции на коробке должна быть ссылка или QR-код для скачивания. После загрузки программу необходимо установить и настроить.
- The third way is management via the website. The user registers in a personal account, from which he controls the operation of the equipment connected to the GSM socket. Using the site, you can control the devices from anywhere where there is an Internet connection.
Some models provide a combination of all types of control.
See also:
Terms of use
Для корректного функционирования СМС-розетки необходимо соблюдать несколько условий.
Let’s highlight the main ones:
- Minimum humidity in the room.
- The absence of metal objects near the equipment, which is fraught with a deterioration in the quality of signal reception.
- Mandatory grounding in the house with a device power of more than 1,5 kW.
- Prohibition of connection on the street, near the stove / washbasin.
- Accounting for the minimum distance between two smart devices.
- Availability of optimal GSM-operator coverage.
- Fine tuning if an external sensor is used.
Installing a GSM device is not recommended in rooms with medical equipment, where the use of mobile devices is prohibited, and where explosive elements are contained.
For the correct operation of the SMS device, it is necessary to memorize those phone numbers to which the device must respond. This feature avoids false positives.
SIM card preparation
To connect a GSM socket, you must have an existing SIM or buy a new SIM. When choosing the latter option, please note that some operators require SIM activation. To do this, just insert it into your smartphone and dial any phone number.
If you are prompted for a PIN code, disable the option to avoid blocking work in the event of a reboot.
Next, take the following steps:
- Delete all contacts and SMS from the SIM card.
- Check the balance of the card, which should be positive.
- Install the temperature sensor in the special connector (if provided).
- Insert the SIM card into the recess provided for this and press until it clicks.
- Plug your device into a power outlet and memorize your phone. Send an SMS to #00# on the SIM phone installed in the socket.
- Wait for a message about successful binding and equipment readiness for use.
According to the rules, it is forbidden to install / dismantle the SIM on the switched on device. Before performing this work, the device must be disconnected from the network and wait for all diodes to turn off.
What does the market offer?
The leading positions in the GSM sockets market are occupied by the following companies:
- China — SimPal, GSM iTimer, Konlen, Waytronic.
- RF – Telemetrics, Express Power, Sapsan, Alonio.
- Finland – Isocket.
- Ukraine — Elgato, Sokol.
Some SMS sockets are supplied complete with an additional package of services, for example, connection to a Megafon operator or others. It is also worth considering that when manufacturing equipment in the Russian Federation or Ukraine, the main capacities are still located in China.
Simpal focuses on the production of wireless equipment. Country of registration – China. The manufacturer’s product range includes GSM sensors, portable cameras, SMS sockets and other equipment that can be controlled via a mobile application on the phone.
The manufacturer’s products are compact and functional.
One of the most popular devices is SimPal T4. This is a GSM socket with remote control via SMS and a temperature sensor. Using the latter, you can maintain the temperature in the room and control the device by setting threshold values. Maximum power 3,5 kW.
- remote and manual control;
- scheduled work;
- informing about turning off / on the light;
- weak GSM signal alert;
- support for up to four phones;
- interaction with all mobile operators;
- translating to Russian language.
Basic parameters:
- Input / output voltage – 110 – 230 V / 50 Hz.
- Мощность — до 3,5 кВт.
- Protocol / Communication standard – GSM 2G, 850/900/1800/1900/2100 MHz.
- The language of the interface, informing is Russian.
- Приложение — iOS, Андроид.
- Operating temperature – from -10 to +55 degrees Celsius.
- Dimensions – 110x56x33 mm.
- Mass – 85
Отзывы об устройстве в большей части положительные. Покупатели отмечают качество, удобство и большой набор функций. Из недостатков выделяется высокая цена.
Read – what are remote access surveillance cameras, rating of popular models.
Telemetrics is a company known for developing security systems, monitoring and remote control of various equipment. Additionally, the manufacturer produces equipment for security systems, including wireless security sensors, GSM alarms and other devices.
The company’s products allow you to solve the following tasks:
- Ensuring security: monitoring objects around the perimeter, informing the owners of premises and security companies about the penetration of strangers, the appearance of smoke, gas and liquid leaks.
- Saving electricity: remote control of thermal equipment by changing their parameters.
- Telemetry: monitoring of environmental characteristics, such as pressure, humidity, etc.
- Telecontrol: control the position / status of various equipment using a program on a smartphone.
One of the popular models of the manufacturer is the GSM socket Telemetrica T40. Outwardly, it looks like an ordinary adapter with a socket for connecting one device. The package includes the socket itself, a temperature sensor and instructions.
Technical specifications:
- GSM networks – 900/1800 MHz;
- management of sockets in the amount of up to four units;
- smartphone control;
- informing about the appearance / disconnection of 220 V;
- automatic mode of operation taking into account temperature;
- switching on / off according to the schedule / timer;
- rated current up to 16 A;
- informing when the temperature changes above / below the planned parameter;
- temperature measurement range from -10 to +50 degrees Celsius;
- size – 6×12,5×7,5 cm;
- weight – 180 g.
Control is available using the program, so access to the outlet and direct visibility are not required. In addition, there is no need for separate data receivers, because information enters and leaves in text form from a mobile device.
Configuration is performed using the Telemetrics program available on Google Play and the App Store.
If you have a simple smartphone at hand, you can use special codes for setup. After entering the application, you must enter the phones of people who will be able to remote control. The main number belongs to the administrator, while the others belong to ordinary users.
For the device to work, you need to insert a SIM card into a special slot. In the future, the GSM socket can respond to calls or SMS messages. To implement the latter method, you must set the appropriate settings.
Additional options:
- Input power control. Allows you to control the availability of electricity. This is an important point for cooling and heating devices, alarms, fire protection and other systems.
- Changing the timer / schedule operation mode. The option is useful for running regular processes. Examples: turning on the boiler / boiler, starting watering, activating an alarm, etc.
- Temperature work. The sensor in the device monitors this indicator and reacts according to the set settings. Most often, the owner is informed about the deviation from the regime.
In general, the Telemetric T40 socket is distinguished by its multifunctionality, small dimensions, the ability to carry a large load and the convenience of the control program. At the same time, the manufacturer guarantees support and assistance in case of difficulties. The only downside is the high price.
See also:
GSM sockets from other manufacturers
The modern market offers a large selection of GSM sockets, which are often difficult to navigate. Here is a description of devices from different manufacturers that have earned popularity and positive customer reviews.
iTimer (WAYtronic) with temperature sensor
The GSM socket can be used wherever there is a cellular connection and helps to control equipment with a total power of up to 10 A (2,2 kW).
Management is carried out using phone calls or SMS messages with a special code.
The device has a built-in temperature sensor that allows you to maintain the required microclimate in the room.
To start the device, do the following:
- Unpack your device.
- Install a SIM card of any operator. First, disable the PIN code entry when you turn it on and replenish the balance.
- Insert the temperature sensor into the special connector.
- Connect the GSM device to the wall socket.
- Register the numbers in the memory via SMS with the code #00#.
Basic commands:
- #11#1# – SMS permission to change the socket status;
- #11#0# – SMS ban for the above function;
- # 12 # 1 # – permission to inform via SMS about a change in nutrition;
- #12#0# – SMS ban for the above function.
SMS commands include #01# and #02#. In the first case, this is turning off the socket outlet, and in the second, turning it on.
Additional commands:
- #07# – status check;
- #000# – exit control;
- #128# — scheduled output control;
- #159# — check thermostat options;
- #170# – control of information on temperature thresholds.
As for the characteristics, the device works in the GSM network at 900 and 1800 MHz. The number of SIM cards is one. The plug is of the usual type F standard.
When installing the outlet, it is necessary to take into account the operating humidity up to 80% and the operating temperature range from -10 to +50 degrees Celsius. The instruction is issued in Russian, so it is not difficult to deal with it.
SC1-GSM-L with temperature sensor
This model is distinguished by the presence of a temperature sensor and a built-in power supply.
Its features:
- remote sending of commands using phone calls or SMS messages;
- password protection;
- button control;
- the ability to connect EU plugs, which are familiar to Europe and Russia;
- indicators of the state and modes of activity;
- notification of a power outage;
- temperature sensor included;
- maintaining performance after a power outage;
- maximum load – 3 kW.
The SC1-GSM-L model is activated 30 seconds after the SIM is installed. Due to its features, it is possible to use the model in office premises, at home or in the industrial sector.
With its help, it is easy to turn on / off pumps, household / climate appliances, light bulbs and other equipment.
The kit includes the GSM socket itself, a built-in battery and a temperature sensor. Additionally, there is an instruction in Russian.
- voltage from 80 to 240 V;
- output – up to 16 A;
- maximum load – 3 kW;
- dimensions – 6,5×5,7×10 cm;
- weight – 150 g;
- temperature range – from -40 to +110 degrees Celsius.
Analogs – SC1-GSM-16A, SC1-GSMV 16A Konlen with a temperature sensor and SC4-GSM Trio-T.
Express Power
The Express Power GSM socket is a universal device that allows you to control the power of various devices via a radio channel or via SMS.
- control up to 6 wireless sensors;
- work with wireless siren type Prism-S;
- informing about an alarm on a smartphone with the ability to enter up to six numbers;
- operation of a remote control in the form of a panic button;
- availability of a backup power supply;
- European type socket with grounding contact;
- modern look.
- power supply – from 90 to 250 V;
- load – up to 16 A;
- GSM module standards – 850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz;
- informing time – from 20 to 40 s;
- dimensions – 6,7x8x16 cm;
- battery type – Li-Ion CR 2032, 3.0 V;
- the range of the socket with sensors is up to 100 m.
Konlen 16А GSM
The Konlen 16A GSM model is designed to connect four electrical appliances with a total power of up to 16 Amps.
- voltage from 110 to 240 V;
- time control – yes;
- number of connectors – four;
- power – up to 2,2 kW;
- GSM standard — GSM850/900/1800/1900MHZ.
The features include convenient remote control and the ability to work on time, the presence of a temperature sensor, ease of setup and clear instructions in Russian.
Sapsan PRO 10
The Sapsan PRO 10 GSM socket is a device designed to remotely turn on / off equipment using commands by call, SMS or manually.
It provides scheduled operation, temperature control, alarm notification and SMS on power loss. The sensor that comes with the kit is capable of measuring temperature in the range from -10 to +50 degrees Celsius.
- voltage – from 110 to 230 V;
- GSM frequency – 1800 MHz;
- maximum power – 3,5 kW;
- size – 8,4×13,2×7,1 cm;
- weight – 200 g;
- measured temperatures – from -10 to +50 degrees Celsius.
The kit comes with the device itself, instructions and a temperature sensor. The SIM card is inserted from the end when the device is turned off. A power supply is provided inside, which lasts for five minutes after a power failure.
After installing the SIM card, a thermal sensor is inserted, after which you can connect the device to the network. It is important to disable the PIN code request on the SIM in order to ensure correct operation of the device.
To learn the socket, use the phone to send the code #00# to the phone number and wait for a response SMS. After that, set the time if required for timer operation.
In the next step, you can turn on informing when the temperature changes. A call control option is available with the ability to add up to five phones.
Alonio T6
Alonio T6 GSM socket is a simple and convenient device for power management via phone, SMS or application.
- power supply – from 220 to 240 V;
- range – not limited;
- wireless technology – GSM;
- body material – plastic;
- White color;
- equipment – instructions, Alonio T6, temperature sensor;
- simultaneous informing by SMS – up to four uses.
The socket consists of a connector and a housing in which a GSM module is installed. There are also indicators that allow you to control the connection to the network and the mode of operation.
The main functions:
- Informing about the loss of voltage.
- Temperature control.
- Turning on / off electrical devices on command / schedule.
- Childproof for increased device security.
- Possibility of connection to a standard plug socket.
The use of Alonio T6 makes the use of equipment more convenient and allows you to reduce energy consumption, as well as inform you in a timely manner about a power outage.
iSocket GSM 707EU
The iSocket GSM 707EU model is a GSM socket with the ability to remotely control using the GSM network via a phone using SMS commands.
The device has automatic on / off, can work according to a schedule and sends SMS in case of power failure. The sensors are connected via a 3,5mm jack.
The product is capable of sending notifications when there is no power. In addition, the device is capable of performing the functions of a thermostat.
- voltage – from 100 to 240 V;
- controlled temperature from 0 to 40 degrees Celsius;
- wired connection – via 3,5 mm jack;
- maximum current – 16 A;
- input voltage – from 100 to 240 V;
- GSM frequency – 1900 MHz;
- type of connector / plug – CEE 7/4;
- dimensions – 17,5×12,2×7,7 cm;
- weight – 600 g.
The Sokol-GS2 model is a GSM socket with a thermostat that allows you to control various heating devices. The device is highly accurate and allows you to connect up to ten users.
It provides voice notification and SMS informing, individual settings are available for each user separately.
Additional features of Sokol-GS2:
- scheduling;
- saving electricity;
- remote control;
- high/low temperature alert;
- remote control;
- the presence of a voice menu that allows you to manage settings without SMS;
- режим не замерзания, позволяющий сохранить систему обогрева в случае отключения света.
- supply voltage from 110 to 245 V;
- standard GSM — 900 and 1800 MHz;
- temperature error – 0,1 degrees Celsius;
- measurement with a thermometer – from -20 to +75 degrees Celsius;
- plug type – European;
- weight – 350 g;
- maximum current – 20 A;
- number of available connectors – 1;
- thermometer – from -20 to +75 degrees Celsius.
The GSM socket can be used to control the heating system (for example, for a heater), automatic irrigation, ensure the operation of server equipment and solve other problems.
Red and green numbers are allowed. When calling from the first, you can turn off the power, and from the second – turn it on.
What does Aliexpress offer?
AliExpress has a huge selection of GSM sockets at an affordable price. Before buying such equipment, study the functionality and give preference to models with the SMS option and the possibility of application in Russia. A lot of useful information can be found in user reviews.
As an example, you can choose a WayTronic device. The cost of the device at the time of writing is about $ 26.
There are two models to choose from – with an English and Russian version. For residents of Russia, the second option is more preferable.
- support for GSM SIM cards;
- sending an SMS command to control the socket;
- наличие датчика температуры и, как следствие, функции ее измерения;
- sending SMS to receive information about the energy consumed;
- SMS-informing in case of voltage failures and power restoration;
- remote temperature request;
- option to measure the consumed electricity;
- Russian and English;
- the ability to install one main and several additional numbers;
- 5V output interface.
- мощность подключаемого оборудования до 2,2 кВт;
- operating voltage from 110 to 250 V;
- measurement temperature from -10 to +50 degrees Celsius;
- GSM parameters – 900, 1800 MHz;
- operating maximum current – up to 10 A.
Tariffs for GSM sockets
Devices are controlled using a GSM socket by communicating with a SIM card installed inside. That is why for the reliable operation of the equipment it is important to choose the right operator and choose the best tariff.
If the equipment is installed outside the city, you need to pay attention to the signal level.
In the absence of coverage, it is better to give preference to another operator, because you cannot count on stable and reliable operation.
When choosing a tariff, consider the following components:
- Subscription fee. Today, many companies offer special services, including MTS, Megafon, Tele2, Beeline and others. In all cases, there are several tariffs available, the parameters of which change periodically. Before connecting, you must separately clarify this point.
- SMS messages. This is a key parameter, because it is with its help that “communication” with the device takes place. Through messages, you can give a command to turn off the electricity, turn on / off certain sensors, exit the temperature range and solve other problems. The cheaper the SMS, the better, and the more money you can save.
- Inbox. Today, almost all operators offer free calls, except when the SIM is outside the home region. In this case, the tariffs typical for roaming apply.
- Outgoing. When using a GSM socket for heating, the device can call the subscriber’s phone. Such calls are rarely made, so the costs can be ignored.
- Network connection. An Internet connection is not required. Therefore, please note that the operator does not activate any unnecessary package.
Currently, there are several options offered (tariffs are subject to change):
- Megafon offers the “Go to zero” tariff. Calls within the region are not charged. There is no subscription fee. After connecting, all extra service packages must be “untied” for maximum savings. With active SMS sending, you can activate the SMS S option. In this case, you can send up to 100 SMS to phones in your home region.
- Beeline. The best options are Zero Doubts and Signal with a small SMS cost. At the same time, the SMS package is provided free of charge. There is no daily subscription fee.
- MTS. This provider offers Per Second tariff. You can immediately connect a package of SMS messages for 100 pieces.
- Tele 2. Here the tariff is available Profitable set with no monthly fee and favorable conditions for customers.
Can I do it myself
If desired, it is easy to make a GSM socket with your own hands based on Arduino or using a GSM relay. This topic requires separate consideration, but we will consider a brief algorithm of actions.
Take the following steps:
- Prepare the necessary tools. You may need a standard set. It includes screwdrivers, pliers and a current indicator. You also need a GSM relay if the assembly is based on it.
- Insert the SIM card into the switch.
- Route the necessary wires from the device to the electrical receivers. Fix the device in a place convenient for you.
- Wait for the SIG LED on the relay housing to flash. This indicates a successful search for a cellular network.
- Press the SET button until STA flashes, then release it and call the SIM within 30 seconds.
- Выполните необходимые настройки с выбранного номера с помощью СМС-команд.
- Set a master password that is set using an SMS command.
- Connect the phase to COM and the controlled contacts to NO or NC. In this case, please note that in the case of switching on in NC, the device will always be on, and NO will be disabled until a control command is issued.
The main mistakes when assembling with your own hands are connecting a phase to NO or NS, trying to connect zero instead of a phase, and exceeding power. These and other errors can lead to equipment failure.
В завершение подведем итог и рассмотрим плюсы и минусы GSM-розетки в плане их функциональности.
The advantages of such devices include ease and simplicity of installation, no difficulties in setting up, autonomy of operation and control of the electrical network.
It is also possible to remotely control various devices (for example, the device can be used for a heater, boiler, boiler and other equipment).
Disadvantages of the device – binding to voltage and GSM-signal. In the absence of any of the factors, the functionality is significantly reduced.