What is a geriatric pregnancy? It comes with some risk

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The term “geriatric pregnancy” appears more and more in the media. First of all, thanks to famous women aged 35+ who announce that they are expecting a child. Meghan Markle is currently in her third pregnancy – Prince Harry’s wife, who will be celebrating her 40th birthday this year. The first resulted in the birth of a healthy son, while the second resulted in a miscarriage. This is one of the risks associated with the so-called geriatric pregnancy.

  1. A geriatric pregnancy is said to be a mother over 35 years of age.
  2. A geriatric pregnancy is associated with a greater risk of an abnormal course
  3. With such a pregnancy, it is necessary to keep the mother in constant contact with the gynecologist and to undergo regular checkups, the doctors explain.
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Geriatric pregnancy – what is it?

We deal with a geriatric pregnancy when a woman expecting a child is at least 35 years old. From a biological point of view, pregnancies in the third decade of the mother’s life, i.e. between 20 and 30 years of age, have the greatest chance of conception and childbirth without complications. With geriatric pregnancy, the risk of complications increases, and conception itself becomes more difficult.

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This does not mean, however, that a woman after 35 years of age should not become pregnant. This is no longer a rare phenomenon at all. Future mothers who have already turned 40 also go to delivery rooms. The development of modern medicine allows for better diagnostics and the use of appropriate therapies so that a geriatric pregnancy ends in the birth of a healthy child.

What are the risks of a geriatric pregnancy?

In the case of geriatric pregnancy, possible complications occur more often. There is an increased risk of gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, premature birth or miscarriage. It is possible for a baby to develop birth or genetic defects, as well as a too low birth weight. In the case of geriatric pregnancy, childbirth is more difficult. With the mother’s age, the chance of conception also decreases, because the woman’s fertility also decreases.

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Geriatric pregnancy is associated with a higher risk of developing ailments typical of this condition. Pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes and fetal genetic defects may also appear in young mothers. A woman’s age is not a contraindication to pregnancy.

Why do women decide to get pregnant late?

Women are increasingly deciding to get pregnant later in life. It is connected with civilization changes, but also with the need to ensure a safe future for the child. Future mothers first finish their education, then start a professional job, improve their material status, and only then try to have a child. As a result, they often have better living conditions, which in turn translates into better medical care during pregnancy.

How to take care of yourself and a child in a geriatric pregnancy?

Geriatric pregnancy, although it is burdened with a higher risk, does not have to be associated with difficulties. Gynecologists have more and more experience in caring for mothers 35+. In the case of geriatric pregnancy, more tests are performed and the health of the mother and the developing baby are monitored. As a result, irregularities are detected faster, and then appropriate treatment methods are implemented.

Women who decide to become pregnant at a later age should pay attention to their diet, ensure the right dose of exercise, take vitamin preparations, and give up stimulants. Regular medical examinations are also crucial.

It is also important to take folic acid – it is available in a hypoallergenic version on Medonet Market at an attractive price.

Also read:

  1. Are you planning a pregnancy? Start with research – take care of your and your baby’s health
  2. Pregnancy – what should you know about it? The most important questions about pregnancy symptoms, calendar and tests
  3. How does female fertility change over the years? Doctor: There is a point where he is clearly falling
  4. When a premature baby is born, that is, the difficult beginnings of motherhood
  5. Lethal defects of the fetus. What does it mean? [WE EXPLAIN]

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